"If Yan Er blows up Mobei fortifications, there will be no hidden danger. Asha can stay in Yundu Rong Er for a long time if she marries Rong Er. It is rare to have a favorite person. I should be her."

Mu Wan Shang didn’t say that she once suspected that Xuanyuan Wangji Mobei protection plan had been worrying in her heart.
"Emperor Mobei has temporarily lost the ability of World War I. If you join hands with Da Yin or Manghu to stir up the rebellion in Xifan, the best solution is to completely recover the hidden dangers of Mobei soldiers, which will eventually be a disaster."
Ge Shuheng thinks it is not easy to manage Mobei in the wild. "If the Ashina family is eradicated, send someone to Mobei again? Will there be no hidden dangers? "
"Fan Wang Fan Wang Geng has no lack of courage and talent. It is the most reassuring to have Fan Wang take care of Mobei."
"Don’t send eldest brother to Mobei, and stay alone in Yundu, just like banishing eldest brother."
Mu Wanshang knows that Ge Shu Heng pays great attention to feelings, and she thinks so, which is also true. If Fan Wang is still alive for decades, there will be no war in Mobei Cloud. Even if Mobei rebelled one day, it will be Xiaoqi a hundred years later. He is not a child of Ge Shu Heng. She doesn’t know whether she will have children, whether she is in charge of Xifan Jiangshan or not.
Mu Wan Shang did not give up dissuasion. "It is better for the emperor to call the eldest brother to the palace to discuss and see what the eldest brother means."
It was the first time that the two men had a disagreement in the face of Mobei. Ge Shuheng deliberately became a sister and opposed to throwing Fan Wang to the wilderness of Mobei.
Mu Wan Shang thinks that he is conniving at the rape. Since Mobei has intervened, he can’t stay behind and suffer from Fan Wang’s going to Mobei to ensure that he will not threaten the court.
Since Ge Shu Heng doesn’t agree to mu Wan petticoats and doesn’t force him to stay in Beijing after all, the emperor has left Fan Wang to wake up. "The emperor has to look at An Gongzhu recently, and she still doesn’t understand the stakes."
Seeing that Ge Shuheng has no words, she feels that in the face of the court, she seems to be more and more like Xuanyuan Wangji, and those so-called emotional things should be abandoned in front of the overall situation of the court.
After all, Ge Shuheng is the emperor of Xifan. She is in charge of too much, saying that it is to let him choose, but it is always when he makes a decision. It is up to him to make his own decisions.
"The emperor’s male and female servants shouldn’t interfere in politics, and they should quietly be a queen maid-in-waiting and go to the business school to pick up the children." Mu Wanshang turned away from her and felt that both of them should be quiet.
Mu Wan Shang turned to Ge Shu Heng and hugged her directly from behind. "Yan Er, I didn’t mean that. Even if I gave you this mountain, I wouldn’t have a trace of nostalgia. It involves my relatives."
The root of the contradiction is that Ge Shuheng has no courage and determination to eradicate the Ashina family and wants to be content with the status quo.
"The emperor’s luxury Wang Shi ‘an is a talented woman. He wants Li Shi ‘an. She is ignorant of the world and can’t see the sinister psychology of the emperor. To take a step back, it is very clear that if the Ashina family can give up Mobeili and stay in the capital to support their lives, Ah Shi will be good for the princess to keep her position as a husband and wife. No one is willing to give up Li, which is even more difficult than destroying the Ashina family."
"Yan, there is still a way for me to betrothed Shian to Gu Zhuo, who lives in luxury. If he doesn’t come, it will prove that he is disloyal and send someone to kill him."
Mu wan Shang doesn’t agree with his practice, giving the enemy a break, losing his wife and losing his soldiers.
Still respect will not hurt his self-esteem. "This matter still needs to be called to the palace to discuss. As the saying goes, three people are long."
Ge Shuheng called Ge Shufan to the palace to discuss Mobei affairs. Ge Shufan came to Jinhua Temple to meet Mu Wanshang.
"Fan Wang has seen the emperor!"
"Eldest brother, I called my eldest brother to discuss Mobei’s ceremony. Eldest brother has seen that the luxury seems to be directed at Rong Er."
Ge Shufan’s eyes were wide open. "Of course, the emperor can’t betrothed Rong Er to Ashe. Isn’t it a fire pit to get rid of Mobei and marry Rong Er to Ashe?"
"But I can rest assured that talents can deal with local unruly people unless people go to Mobei."
This problem is somewhat baffled, but no one is suitable to go to Mobei. "Does the emperor want to adopt the policy of appeasement and give up the opportunity to recover Mobei’s interests?"
"It is precisely because Mobei has no ability to fight World War I that there is no threat to the court."
Brother Shu-fan hesitated and felt as if something was wrong.
Mu Wan petticoats some can’t listen to it. "But the hidden danger is still in Mobei. In case of joint efforts with other external forces, chaos will still occur. In case someone takes advantage of it, it is necessary to plan ahead."
"Queen!" Geshuheng drink a way
Muwan petticoats didn’t stop. She had to speak out her interests. She knew that Ge Shu Heng resented her.
"Yan Er means to completely recover Mobei Li’s eldest brother and go to Mobei to believe that there is a big brother who is afraid of suffering and resolutely opposes it." The temple suddenly became very quiet
Compared with the court courtiers’ disputes and intrigues, Ge Shufan still yearns for freedom and sexual life away from the court.
It’s that the composition of the desolate people in Mobei is complex, not as simple and challenging as he imagined.
I still have to discuss with Li Jing. After all, she is used to letting her and her children go with her in Yundu Day. I am afraid that she will object to the need to wave some words. The overall situation has not yet been decided. It is best to keep it from her.
"There is some truth in what the Empress Huang said. If this disaster is not removed, it will still be dangerous. Fan Wang will never hesitate to go to Mobei."
In the dead of night, brother Shu Rong bathed and changed clothes and dressed in front of the bronze mirror. All day long, he thought about the handsome man in white who appeared in the ceremony during the day.

Not the kui is a charming dragon emperor Toy Boy’s mind is really not small.

I really want to see what the Dragon Emperor will do when he sees his Toy Boy asking other men out.
Lin Re-yi’s eyes showed a faint danger and waved his hand. A man in coarse cloth walked to her side and she said something gently. Then the man left directly …
Ah, Nalanqing, you are dead!
Na Lanqing seems to have caught enough fish. She stretched and got up …
"Xiao Qing, look at the strange lanterns there!"
Winning the snowman reached out in a certain direction, where many people surrounded him and saw many lanterns hanging on the water. A man walked on the water but didn’t sink in the water, which surprised the people who landed.
Na Lanqing quickly walked to the river with a bright eye. It turned out that the juggler was walking in the water …
It’s thinner than hair, and silk can bear a thousand pounds. It looks amazing for an adult to walk on the line like a ling stroll.
As the man moved, the lanterns rose and fell, colorful and beautiful.
Na Lanqing, in a rare good mood, laughed in the crowd. At night, when the memorial ceremony is held, the Chani people will be very lively.
Only around can you see young men and women dancing in front of the bonfire, exotic music rising and all kinds of talented people performing these programs
"Xiaoqing, look at this Yandi sugar man!" Winning the snowman seems to have discovered a new continent, pointing to the sugar man immediately attracted hostile eyes of all ethnic groups.
Ugliness is ugliness, but it’s also Yan Di!
"Xiaoqing, come here quickly. This hair band is very beautiful and suitable for you!"
Winning the snowman’s shopping nature is higher than Nalanqing’s. He is holding a long ribbon in his hand and watching some people reach out directly at him. "It must be very suitable for you to send you!"
Na Lanqing saw that it was not a valuable thing. She didn’t refuse "Thank you!"
"I tie you!"
"good!" Na Lanqing nodded to win. The snowman came to her with a ribbon and stretched out his hand to be careful for her …
From a distance, it’s like holding her and her head …
Na Lanqing won the snowman on his forehead with a gentle smile and a shiny fundus. "It’s beautiful!"
The Double Birthday (Dan) event struck and the moonlight sent welfare!
(The activity will be held at the regular readers)
One activity
By 1: 159 pm on January 1st, the top three fans got a gift package from Moonlight.
Activity 2
On Christmas day, two lucky readers will be selected to get a beautiful Christmas present by moonlight.
Activity 3
The first three questions in the Christmas quiz were awarded 663616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively.
Activity 4
On New Year’s Day, two lucky readers can get a fine New Year’s Day gift from moonlight.
Activity 5
At midnight on December 31st, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year.
The activity is held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group.
Group 53371262
Group 53371262
Group 53371262
Chapter 56 Long Ze’s rival in love wins the snowman (3)
Chapter Long Ze’s rival in love wins the snowman () "It’s a bit strange!" Mainland hair bands don’t usually tie their heads, and the hair bands are tied by some Jianghu people. People in court generally don’t dress like this. "It won’t be beautiful ~" The winning snowman looks very gentle when she looks at her face. That kind of strange gentleness makes the winning snowman’s eyes look even more contrary to his red face and says in a low voice, "Xiaoqing is beautiful and I like it very much!" NaLanQing one leng as she didn’t hear anything, she raised a smile "is it? Then I’ll go back and let Long Ze have a look … or the snowman has a vision. Blessed is your stepmother, and her aesthetics are good! " Win the snowman’s eyes with a disappointment and clenched fists. He thought twice and gritted his teeth. "Xiaoqing, I have something to tell you about me …" The blurted words were lightly swallowed back by Nalanqing’s forefinger … Nalanqing’s eyes were very condensed. "Snowman, I love Long Ze very much, and Long Ze promised not to betray each other, including the possibility of betrayal … so he refused to let women approach, although I can’t refuse all men to approach, but I have my bottom line …" "But …" "Some words can’t be said because NaLanQing forefinger points on his lips, while Long Ze walked over and watched NaLanQing win the snowman. The picture shows that she seems to be lying in the arms of winning the snowman and stroking his lips … This feeling … In the distance, Lin Reyi saw Long Ze’s eyes flashing with excitement … Great! Nalanqing won the snowman without knowing that Long Ze had seen the two people get along. She slowly took back her finger and took a step back to show a friendly smile at the winning snowman. "Snowman, you are very gentle and excellent. Listen to me and advise Lin Ruoyi not to be suitable for you … you are suitable for people who really love you!" Winning the snowman’s eyes flashed a bit of injury, and his eyes were suffused with a little pain. "Are you so determined? I didn’t say anything … ""Because once you say it, we may be able to go back to the past! " Na Lanqing’s eyes are a little cold. There is a person in her heart who will not be gentle with others or win the snowman. "You are so cruel that you even have a chance …" "Snowman, stop it!" Na Lanqing reached for a snack and ate it. His eyes were calm and cold. "That’s it. I don’t want to lose another friend!" "Xiaoqing ….." Win the snowman was about to say when Long Ze reached over and put his arm around Nalanqing’s eyes and squinted at the bottom. "Small qing son originally with snow king shopping? It really makes me easy to find! " Long Ze was very possessive and stared at the winning snowman. His eyes were very cold and his body was permeated with a cold and dangerous atmosphere. Na Lanqing was stunned. "Why are you here?" Long Ze bowed his head and smiled gently at her and patted her on the shoulder. "Mrs. Xiaoqinger wants to see you if you have something. Go first and we will wait for you here!" Knowing that this was to support her, Na Lanqing didn’t say much about pulling Long Ze’s sleeve to signal his hand to show mercy. "I’m white!" She took a look at the winning snowman, and the atmosphere became particularly cold after her departure. In the distance, Lin Ruo immediately ran over and stopped in front of the winning snowman and said, "It’s Nalanqing who seduced Wang Ye! Everything is Wang Ye!" Long Ze didn’t even look at Lin Reyi. His ink eyes were faint like ghosts. At this time, his eyes were full of magic gas. The undead roared, "Xiaoqinger is the snow king. Your hand is too long!" Win the snowman in the face of Long Ze is also less gentle. His face is also heavy, and his eyes are shining with unwillingness. "You can give Xiaoqing a name. You have her fair and square. You marry her, and she also has huotang legally … What is this? Secretly? " "Shut up!" Long Zexin was stung by the last few words, and he jumped at the winning snowman with a devastating breath. The winning snowman sipped his lips, and his powerful strength was sharp as a blade. Long Ze was fighting with each other regardless of the surrounding people. People were frightened because of the fact that two people were married in succession … Two people disappeared in front of him and reappeared in one place … Long Ze won the snowman, and two people were full of murder, and it was rare to win the snowman. The cold face was gentle and the light was very serious … I left you to tell her what was in my heart.Long Ze is overbearing, squinting his eyes, and his eyes are cold. "Xiao Qinger is a woman, and no one can be jealous!" "She’s a person, not your subordinate. You’re not qualified …" "Then you’re not qualified to tell others what to do here. Is that what you want to do? You’re really duplicitous with a sad face but doing disgusting things! " Winning the snowman’s face is red, and his eyes are angry with him. "You have gone too far. Why …" "I am her man!" "You …" "Come on, pretend to be a good boy!" Long Ze slapped him to win the snowman. That’s why he doesn’t like winning the snowman. He is coy and pretends to be a koo, but it makes Xiao Qinger feel uneasy about being taken away from him … "Hum!" Winning the snowman was angered by Long Ze. When shuriken was pulled out and pointed at each other, two big men fought directly because of Nalanqing. Long Zeli’s superb means and biting skills won the snowman’s swordsmanship. The figure was extremely fast and it was impossible to prevent it. For a while, they really couldn’t tell the difference between high and low. They were playing hot together, but they didn’t know that they had come back from Nalanqing. She detoured to Mo Xie. I heard that the patriarch of Mo Xie had arrived and brought her a lot of good things. A group of people died behind her. She narrowed her eyes and stroked the weapons that Mo Xie had just sent Then fight hard! "Xie Shi begins!" Xie Shishou has an improved bow. The bow shoots one round small powder after another instead of an arrow. It is not a problem to shoot five at a time because of the extremely high ejection force of the crossbow and the small volume of the small powder … The most important thing is …! Unlike the gun in her hand, the projectile will bang. This crossbow has not been improved. The small fire type of the crossbow is carried out until the gunpowder hits the ground, and one explosion after another will be discovered.-Off-topic———-The double birthday (Dan) activity strikes and the moonlight gives welfare! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) From the first day of the activity to the first day of January, the top three fans will get moonlight. This food will be given away as a gift package. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get moonlight to give away a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the first three will be rewarded with Xiaoxiang coins respectively. On the fourth day of New Year’s Day, two lucky readers will be selected. You can get the moonlight to send a beautiful New Year’s Day gift. One activity, the moonlight at midnight on May gives you a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support over the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group.
Chapter 57 Long Ze rival in love wins the snowman (4)
Chapter 57 Long Ze’s rival in love wins the snowman (4). The explosion range is not large, but the lethality is far more diffuse than the penetration of the bow and arrow. After her improvement, this crossbow is more lethal. Long Ze won the snowman and suddenly seemed to feel the sense of murder … A round thing crossed Long Ze’s side face and he keenly discovered that it immediately fled quickly … Small gunpowder fell to the ground … Bang … An explosion fragment splashed … After one after another, there were a lot of explosions. The explosion range was small, but it was not difficult to blow up a blood hole if it fell on a person … Xiao Qing! Long Ze gritted his teeth. He looked around. There was no breath at all … It didn’t seem to be in general … Bang bang bang … A string of crosstalk drove Long Ze to win the snowman and dared not recklessly retreat, but even the figure couldn’t be found. Long Ze won the snowman’s glances. The two men directly split up and waved at Shu Nalanqing to signal Xie Shi to split up with others … The ringing sound was clear. Chu saw Long Ze win the snowman figure very fast … Na Lanqing sat on a high place quietly looking at and touching Ba … The other party caught the target too fast and … The launch speed was too bad. I believe the effect would be better if there was a bomb speed. She used Long Ze to win the snowman as the experimental material. Long Ze won the snowman speed to the extreme. They quickly locked the attack direction, although they could not feel the breath, but they lost the direction by breaking the argument … They rushed into the Woods and rushed towards a big tree leaf in the middle … No? In front of me is a row of neat crossbows, but there is no one. It’s a trap! Long Ze wins the snowman. A lot of smoke rises when two people quickly retreat one foot in their hearts … Two people stretch out their hands to cover their breathing … Their eyes are burning … What is this? This is tear gas! LanQing far looked at the dust Long Ze win snowman two people stretched out his hand over his eyes, her eyes a bright? Made a gesture to thank the world. Several people appeared in front of Long Ze to win the snowman … Carefully pointed their bows and arrows at the two people and approached them step by step … Then made a gesture at Na Lanqing. She intellectual man fit and flashed directly in front of them. "Have you played enough?" I heard that her voice was so hot that my eyes couldn’t open. The snowman looked up with tears in his eyes and his eyes were red. "Little Qing?" Na Lanqing raised a big laugh and was about to say when the breath behind her was cold and her face froze … When she was about to run, Long Ze put her hand on her shoulder and she turned to a pair of red eyes … Long Ze gritted her teeth and grinned; "Xiao Qing ‘er …" The sound was long and inexplicable with a few minutes of scalp pins and needles. Long Ze was angry, and Nalanqing’s forehead oozed a thin layer of sweat. She ha ha smiled twice and watched Long Ze win the snow man’s clothes. She swallowed saliva. "What a coincidence …" Long Ze’s face was raised with a brilliant smile, and his faint eyes were angry-he smiled. "What are you doing?" Na Lanqing killed her and denied that she was deliberately laughing. "Well … I’m testing my new weapon …" "Then?" Long Ze smiled coldly and looked at Long Ze’s red eyes and tears. She was so numb that Long Ze cried now. Will it be her turn to cry later? A lot of spicy dust was added to the tear gas bomb to win the snowman. Long Ze and her two people cried like rain because of this tear gas bomb. It looks funny when she looks at Long Ze winning the snowman. Her eyes can’t help but laugh … "Poof!" Her face was immediately grabbed by Long Ze and lifted. Long Ze became angry from embarrassment. "Very funny?" "No, it’s not funny … poof!" Na Lanqing, you can’t resist winning the snowman. Forget it. Long Ze, the overbearing egoist, is red-eyed like a little bitch … poop-poop! She couldn’t help laughing. In front of her, Long Ze’s face sank dangerously and stared at the laughter. She suddenly stretched out her hand and carried her on the shoulder and stormed away … Winning the snowman looked at the loss from two people’s eyes … Her red eyes were still burning and painful, and she didn’t know whether it was tear gas or he couldn’t help but be disappointed …………………………………………………………….. "What’s going on?" Na Lanqing’s face was not white, and Long Ze’s eyes flashed with anger. "Sweet shopping was reported to me. Why do you ask me what’s going on?" His tone is very sour. He knows that the trap is intentional, but he still can’t help but get angry, especially when he sees that she is close to the snowman and knows what she means, but he still can’t help but be jealous and want to strangle the man who is close to her. It won’t be Lin Ruoyi? " Na Lanqing tilted his head and thought that his expression was magnanimous. Long Ze’s lips were very careless and his tone was very sour. "Who knows that it is best not to let me find out that it is to win the snowman and send it!" "He wouldn’t do such a thing!" Na Lanqing’s conscious rebuttal was immediately grabbed by Long Ze’s cheek and warned, "You really believe him!" "Because …" "You don’t think all your friends covet you?" Long Ze said sourly that Xiao Qing-er was so attractive that all the men would be fascinated by her. They were all dressed as men. Why are they so attractive? Angry that he pulled Nalanqing’s belt, his eyes were faint as if to prove something … His coat was scattered, and Nalanqing slandered "pervert!" Want to refuse to meet Long Ze body immediately tense up … Ah … It’s a complete defeat to plant! I can’t get angry at all. If Xiao Qing’s sword pierces his heart one day, he probably won’t hate it … Love so much that he loses himself! Long Ze stretched out his hand and held her body and fell on his body. The wound was so painful that she turned pale and slapped his back … "Get up …" Her voice was a little weak and not quite right. Long Ze immediately propped himself up and looked pale to the point where there was no trace of blood in her face. He was surprised-digression——–The double birthday (Dan) activity struck and the moonlight sent welfare! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) The top three fans will get the moonlight as a food gift package from the first day of January to 1159 pm. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get the moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the top three will be rewarded with 6616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively. Two lucky readers can get a beautiful New Year’s Day gift by moonlight. Activity 5: At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support over the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262 group 571262 group 571262.
Chapter 5 Long Ze rival in love wins the snowman (5)
Chapter 5 Long Ze’s rival in love wins the snowman (5) Nalanqing’s shoulders have blood seeping out … I noticed that the silk winding position is a little higher than before. My forefinger provoked the skirt and his pupils shrank. "Nalanqing!" A roar sounded angry sound, which made the servant pass by the door with a limp leg and not kneeling … He looked pale in horror all around … Long Ze was in a rage. He couldn’t believe it. Looking at Na Lanqing’s injured shoulder and hand, he didn’t know where to let him roar. "What’s the matter?" Na Lanqing was really panicked. I knew he would be angry, but I didn’t expect her to be so angry. She was torn by her skirt consciousness and wanted to elaborate, but in a rage, Long Ze grabbed her and forced her to face her anger. Long Ze took a deep breath and tried to calm down the impulse to kill. "Say!" Na Lanqing looked guilty … Long Ze’s anger deepened. The more guilty she was, the more angry he became … Finally, she pursed her lips like throwing caution to the wind and said, "I went to the altar of Emperor Yandi of Chani!" Long Ze’s brain was white, but Cangshan died, and even the heads of all ethnic groups dared not go into the place. Where did she go? "Kill the little bitch in Lepei!" NaLanQing hurriedly fill a card she is not to play but to kill people don’t say it’s okay to say Long Ze whole person is simply finished bombing "you have an important person to venture in person? How many lives do you have, Nalanqing? " Long Ze gritted his teeth. Now he can’t wait to kill this dead woman. "That what … isn’t it difficult to deal with me …" "If it’s difficult to deal with, don’t know to call me? There is a way to kill one. Are you stupid enough to have no brain? " Long Ze yelled at her. This dead woman doesn’t have a long memory at all, and because of urgent matters, she got hurt all over. Is it free to go to the forbidden area of the Cheni nationality? To what extent does she despise her life? She has recovered from this kind of illness, but she doesn’t want to be like this … When she took her life as a gas plan, she didn’t take her life into consideration. When Nalanqing was scolded, she didn’t dare to refute that she could be scolded and talk back, which would make Long Ze more angry. She stretched out her hand and held Long Ze, but she didn’t want Long Ze to shake her hand and get angry. The bed seemed to be extremely angry with her. "Long Ze …" Long Ze slammed the door and stormed off … Nalanqing stood. The horse bed ran after her because of anxiety or for some reason. Her stomach swelled up and helped her to retch at the door … She felt uncomfortable in her stomach, as if she had eaten something bad. Thinking about just eating while shopping with the winning snowman, she couldn’t help frowning. It doesn’t look very clean. She will think about this matter. Na Lanqing quickly left in the direction of Long Ze’s anger … Where did he go? Long Ze disappeared in an instant. NaLanQing searched for a week but didn’t find anyone. She was so angry that she kicked aside the stone and had a very hot temper. Don’t come back if something happens! Long Ze didn’t run away, but he was afraid that he would quarrel endlessly because of this matter. He went to Win Yanche’s place and drank it directly without saying anything with an altar of wine … Win Yanche looked at him silently and couldn’t help asking, "What’s the matter?" "…" Long Ze didn’t talk, and his mood fluctuated greatly. Yan Che reached out and patted him on the back as if he guessed something. "Brother, watch your wife, you can’t hold back … and suffer indignities again?" Long Ze "…" Can make Long Ze so angry? Who else but Na Lanqing? Longze was so angry that the altar in his hand shattered into pieces in his palm. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He picked up another altar and put it on the table and said, "She went to the altar of Emperor Yan!" " Win phlogistic che "…" Leng for a long time and suddenly he gushed out a mouthful of wine … "Huh? Yandi altar? Is this the altar of Emperor Yan here? " Yan Di’s altar is notorious in Cangshan, but everyone from the old man to the three-year-old child knows it. From birth, he was taught that only Yan Di’s altar is sacred, otherwise he will be punished and buried. How many of them went to Yan Di’s altar out of curiosity, and none of them came out alive? "No? She thinks her life is too long? " Winning Yanche was also completely shocked. Long Ze snorted heavily. "She just didn’t put her life in her eyes!" If you can value your life, most people will do something like her. The more I think about it, the more angry I get … "Did you quarrel?" Win inflammation can’t help but ask kindly "do you want to help you make up? My brother … " "Don’t win me a snowman!" Long Ze stared at Yan Che with a low eye for murder. "You’d better watch your brother and dare to approach Xiaoqinger to kill him!" "No … what did my brother do?" Win Yan Che is at a loss, and now he is not white. What’s the matter? It depends. Why is Long Ze angry is not Nalanqing, but his brother? Long Ze looked up and took a sip of wine. His eyes were biting. "My woman!" Win Yan Che "…" His words can be said to have this feeling faintly. I didn’t expect it to be … Win Yan Che sat down and picked up an altar of wine from the table. He took a heavy sip of "My brother’s sexuality … Ah … You are merciful!" Long Ze "…" He sighed that his brother’s personality is too familiar with self-awareness and too serious, so it’s not a bad thing … However, this kind of personality will not be particularly bad if it’s good or bad … If it’s good, it’s self-awareness. If it’s not good, it’s denial! Long Ze win phlogistic here to drink wine for half an hour, his anger calmed down a lot, only to remember that NaLanQing estimated looking for him and couldn’t help but want to go back. Then he jumped out of the window directly … Win phlogistic side sitting there shaking his head … Long Ze because NaLanQing personality changed early in the morning where there is calm? In the face of NaLanQing things, it’s easy to panic. Love is too humble, but he loses his personality. Somehow, he feels that he is not worth holding his head and sipping wine with one hand, and his eyes are half narrowed to win. "Is there any wine here? Give me some! " The winning snowman appeared from the door in a cold light and saw a room full of wine. He walked to the side and picked the altar … What happened to one and two today? People who can’t drink should also drink? "What happened?" Win Yan Che watched the win snowman sit at the table and poured himself a glass of wine. He gulped it till his eyes were red. His eyes were a little more curious ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (The activity will be held at the regular readers) The first three fans will get moonlight at 1159 pm on the first day of January, and the first three fans will get a gift package. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the first three fans will be rewarded with 66616 Xiaoxiang coins. On the fourth day of New Year’s Day, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a gift. A gift on New Year’s Day in the United States. Activity 5. At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262.
Chapter 59 Eunuch taste like? (1)
Chapter 59 Eunuch taste like? (1) The winning snowman didn’t speak and couldn’t drink. Instead, he gulped down his whole face and coughed, and then he didn’t stop drinking. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test Win Yanche couldn’t help but hold his wrist before "Stop drinking!" "Yanche let me drink a little. I feel a little uncomfortable!" Win the snowman’s eyes with a hint of prayer, and his eyes reveal a kind of inexplicable sadness, which makes Win Yanchu let go. He picked up an altar in his hand and put it on the desktop. "How interesting it is for me to drink with you alone!" Winning a snowman has never been so decadent as it is now. While drinking wine, I carefully observed the situation of winning a snowman. I was curious in my eyes. Winning a snowman didn’t drink. This was about the first time that he got well and drank so badly. Soon he got drunk. After he got drunk, he leaned over the table and told his heart affairs department, including that he liked Na Lanqing’s things. He looked at his brother with a cold eye and couldn’t help but let go of the cup. "Na Lanqing’s woman is far stronger than men. You can’t hold her down!" Win Yan Che, as an outsider, can see more clearly than anyone else. "I don’t want to suppress her." I’m drunk and prone on the table to win the snowman. I’m not reconciled to that gentle and beautiful face, and a touch of enchanting and drunkenness emerges. Win Yan Che reached out and touched her forehead and said patiently, "I mean, Na Lanqing’s personality is not stronger than her in the eyes of ordinary men, and she will be formal. Now that you are stronger than Long Ze, she can pretend to be a person in her heart. That person is very lucky!" The winning snowman patted the table like a drunk. "That’s why I’m unwilling. She refused without even saying that I like her." "Don’t want to ruin the present?" Win Yanche simply said that he could do this in vain. "I don’t ask her to respond to me, but I can’t even say anything?" He didn’t win the snowman for nothing. He was a little unwilling to win. He put the wine in front of him. "After drinking, I forgot about it. The best way to keep you from getting worse is to keep it now!" Win the snowman looked up at win phlogistic eyes flashed a fragile stretch hand to pull win phlogistic hand drunk with a smile "phlogistic is there someone you like? I know so much. "Win the snowman when his hand is pulled. When his consciousness is struggling, he will force him to win the snowman. He quickly catches it and looks at his arms to win the snowman." No! " Winning the snowman just lay still and didn’t even have the strength to get up. He muttered, "You’re so arrogant without someone you like!" Win Yan Che ""Can he see this drunk? Reach out and hold the winning snowman to one side of the room, gently put it on the bed, then cover it and watch him quietly. The moonlight casts a shadow over the winning. At that time, I can’t see his face clearly. I feel that I can’t reach out and win the snowman’s skirt. He said faintly, "I will take off my clothes and sleep!" "hmm"Winning a snowman is confused. She took in a lost memory. Some people around her know her. She also believes that she has left her identity and got along safely for three days. Although she is still a little shy, she doesn’t know that it is much better than a self-proclaimed handmaiden. But she is afraid that Long Ze will be frightened when she sees Long Ze. This makes Na Lanqing very surprised. She thinks that it was because of Long Ze that she broke up with herself and didn’t expect to lose her memory that she was afraid of Long Ze. Nalanqing followed Nalanqing step by step to do some maid work as if afraid of being sold again. Nalanqing refused to go to the back and she went with her. "Brother?" Na Lanshallow gently called a front closed her eyes, and Na Lanqing glanced back at her. "What’s up?" I want to go out for a walk and do some shopping’ Nalan’s shallow expression is hesitant and uneasy, as if afraid of being rejected.’ I’ll let a person accompany you” No, I’m going to buy some needle and thread, but no one will accompany me” Nalan’s shallow expression of refusal looks very uneasy and narrowed his eyes. Nalan nodded; "By the way, help me buy some roast chicken and come back to the village!" "so white!" Nalan’s shallow face showed a faint smile and bent down to nod before he was ready to leave. After Nalan’s shallow departure, Nalanqing waved before Qu Xinger and said faintly, "Follow her!" "It’s white!"Qu Xinger’s face shows a bit of condensation. This command means that Na Lanqing didn’t believe that she would appear in Cangshan in front of her eyes, whether it was true amnesia or false amnesia, whether it was true death or suspended animation. It would be incredible if she said that there was no problem and killed her. Qu Xinger went out in the dark and followed her out. She secretly followed Na Lanshallow and left Na Lanshallow without knowing that someone was following her on the roadside to buy it. After sewing, she went to Nalanqing’s roast chicken shop, but instead of going in, she walked in the other direction secretly. Qu Xinger looked at her eyes, and as expected, Nalanshallow came to a place where she didn’t go to the small trees from the forest, nor did she enter the mountains behind, but came to a small forest in someone’s yard. Qu Xinger looked at it and took out the medicine to cover her breath from her arms. The lady said that there were too many abilities in the Cheni family now. In case her breath is covered up after taking this medicine, a lot of sadness follows Nalan shallow, followed Nalan Qing around left and right, and finally Nalan Qing stopped, and at the same time a figure came out from behind the rockery. It was Chi Fanghua! Chi Fanghua came to her and looked angry. However, when she came to Nalan Shallow, she suddenly bent down to please her little smile. "Sister Saint, did you get what I wanted?" Qu Xing’s pupil shrinks in the dark. Saint? This Nalan shallow? Na Lan’s shallow face showed a touch of ice. It was cold and cool to put two hairs in his hand in Chi Fanghua’s hand. When Chi Fanghua saw it, his eyes lit up and he showed an excited expression. "Thank you, Sister, I finally got it."————————–Double Birthday (Dan) activities hit the moonlight to send benefits! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) The first three fans will get moonlight, a food gift package, and two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift on Christmas Day. The first three fans will be rewarded with 663,616 RMB respectively on Christmas Day. Draw two lucky readers to get a beautiful New Year’s Day gift by moonlight. Activity 5: At midnight on December 31st, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 53371262, 53371262.
Chapter 6 What does eunuch taste like? (2)
Chapter 6 What does eunuch taste like? (2) Two hairs with different colors can tell who they belong to at a glance. Watermark advertisement test Watermark advertisement test Nalanqing Long Ze! Na Lan’s shallow face smiled coldly and bitterly. "Na Lanqing’s Long Ze birthday words were written on this paper …" Chi Fanghua smiled even more when he saw it. He smiled at Na Lan and narrowed his eyes. "Great! I can kill them even if I don’t have blood in my heart!" NaLan shallow faint sneer at the fundus cold light bursts stretched out his hand and touched Chi Fanghua head "Long Ze is the emperor of China, he can’t die, besides, you can play whatever you want!" "good!" Chi Fanghua smiled sweetly at the sight of Na Lanshallow, especially believing that Na Lanshallow took out a method in his hand, which was somewhat similar to that of Na Lanqing. She took a silver needle and needled it at random with a faint smile … In the distance … Qu Xinger’s clenched fist eyes were cold and cold. It seems that the lady was right. This Na Lanshallow really has a problem! Qu Xinger’s pupils suddenly closed, and she seemed to feel the danger behind her. Suddenly, her eyes froze, and a magnified face appeared in front of her eyes. She was amazed … "You …" There was a huge bang when Qu Xinger was in a coma, and her heart was frightened … There was a traitor! In the distance, Nalan looked back at Qu Xing-er, who had fallen from the tree, and was unconscious. She was stupefied, and then she pondered her lips. "It seems that my sister didn’t believe me from the beginning!" The QuXingEr man said nothing, his eyes were cold and his eyes were cold."The main order is not to let you kill people, and don’t be stupid and be followed!" Na Lan looked at Qu Xing ‘er in a coma. Her eyes were cold. She pulled out a dagger from her arms and was about to stab Qu Xing. When the man reached out and took the dagger from her hand with a flick, "What do you mean?" Nalan was angry. The man put Qu Xinger on his shoulder and hooked his lips coldly. "Are you going to expose your identity by killing her?" "If you don’t kill her, you will be exposed!" Nalan’s lips were shallow and his eyes were full of murder. "Just find a reason to make her disappear. If she didn’t find her body, Nalanqing would recognize that she had an accident!" After the man took a look at Qu Xinger, his eyes were a little heavy and complicated. He put his hand on his shoulder and quietly looked at Nalan’s twisted face and said, "Hello!" He clasped his hands and watched the man take Qu Xinger away. She stared at him with her lips clenched and her teeth clenched … While Chi Fanghua looked at him with a shallow expression, she couldn’t help but be afraid to retreat and found a reason. She reached out from behind him with one hand and pinched her directly. "My good sister, don’t show this kind of eyes. It is absolutely impossible to win Na Lanqing with her eyes alone!" With a hint of playfulness, Nalan sneered and hooked his lips. "I will definitely win Nalanqing and let my father know who the best daughter is!" "Ha ha ha ha ….." The man behind him is Mrs. Nalan Luoyuan Jade, and his brother Nalan Luoyuan’s eyes showed a very pleasant smile. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Nalan’s shallow neck and said faintly"I’ll take care of this female secret guard for you. If you go back to China with Na Lanqing, will you be as white as … you?" He gave a shudder. She was saved after falling on the snowy mountain. Only when she was saved by this man did she know that he was her real brother and mother. But … waiting for her was not brotherly love … but love training again and again … Teach her witchcraft, light achievement and how to kill people! Three years ago, she grew up step by step in front of this devil-like brother and learned that she shouldn’t know the truth. The most beloved father had Nalanqing alone at the beginning. She took her newborn brother away and threw it away … Let Nalanqing replace her brother’s identity … In order to make Nalanqing have a good family, her father Long Ze had already made a deal to tie Nalanqing and Long Ze together … My father wouldn’t care about other children’s lives … "I see!" Her voice is low, clever and docile. "It’s good for a good sister to be white. Neither my father nor I need a blood relative … This is your only chance to prove yourself …" "Be an amnesiac and go back to China and let my father see for himself how good you are …" Nalan held his fists lightly. "I’m white!" She will surely prove that Nalanluoyuan’s back eyes showed a ponder smile. After the figure disappeared, he appeared in a certain direction and stared at Nalanqing’s direction … Yu Pei, who was playing with his palm, smiled bitterly. "Nalanqing, Nalanqing’s father really dotes on you … do you know?" The low bass was a little jealous, but more cold. He withdrew his sight faintly and said, "Somebody!" A dark guard appeared on his knees beside Nalan Luoyuan. "Our adult Le Man is under siege at present, so it’s time to give timely help!" The low-pitched voice has a faint tinge, and the handsome face of Nalanluoyuan has a strange luster. He holds the bar with one hand. "It’s too quiet to tell Le Man that Lepei was killed by Nalanqing recently …" "Yes, I’ll do it!" The dark guard, intellectual man fit, flashed and disappeared directly into the air. NaLanQing didn’t know that Cangshan’s forces were complicated and complicated. She guessed all but NaLanLuoYuan was also among Cangshan’s forces …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Long Ze sat at the head and looked at her kneeling on the carpet. She wanted to laugh inexplicably. Is this a humble apology? Kneeling on the ground obediently bowed his head, NaLanQing without a trace of complaining about doing something wrong will kneel to rub the washboard … Although there is no such thing! "Wrong?" "hmm!" Na Lanqing immediately nodded. "What’s wrong?" Long Ze’s facial expression twitched at the corner of her mouth and smiled. She looked at her knees and sat down. She inexplicably wanted to laugh as if she had done something wrong and the man himself had become a spoiled wife … Na Lanqing bowed his head and replied, "You shouldn’t be worried about taking risks!" Long Ze nodded slightly with satisfaction and took a sip of his teacup. "What else?" -Off-topic-Double Birthday (Dan) activities hit the moonlight to send benefits! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) The top three fans will get the moonlight as a food gift package from the first day of January to 1159 pm. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get the moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the top three will be rewarded with 6616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively. Two lucky readers can get a beautiful New Year’s Day gift by moonlight. Activity 5: At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support over the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262 group 571262 group 571262.
Chapter 61 Eunuch taste like? (3)
Chapter 61 Eunuch taste like? () "If you are injured, you shouldn’t hide it from you!" Na Lanqing, she is still a good girl, and she has no temper at all. There is no way. Who makes this man too uber and makes her willing to give up? "Another time?" Na Lanqing shook his head into a rattle. "No!" Long Ze didn’t believe her, so it wasn’t once or twice to teach her a lesson. After a few days, she healed her scar and forgot the pain. I really don’t know how to treat her like this … "Forget it. Are you hungry?" "Well, hungry!" Na Lanqing nodded and jumped up. It seems that the storm has passed. Na Lanqing’s face has not been taught. It seems that Long Ze should not let her go so easily when she has a headache and regrets. Where does this look like a lesson? Na Lanqing went downstairs smiling and was in a good mood. She came to an elegant place and sat down. After ordering food, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "Long Ze, have you heard from Xing Er?" Qu Xinger was sent by her to follow Nalan shallow Nalan shallow people came back, but Qu Xinger never came back. Is something wrong? Long Ze eyes flashing "has sent someone to check just got the news as if she disappeared by …" By disappearing? So something’s wrong? Who did it? Nalan shallow? "Lord!" The dark guard chimed up and knelt in the corner of the person. "Something happened to the master!" Long Ze NaLanQing eyes a cold "say!" "It’s just found out that she has been caught and got away. No …" "When did you find out?" "The message trace was caught three days ago … about the moment she executed the restaurant …" Na Lanqing’s face became serious. If so, then the other party’s ability is so high? The restaurant is crowded with people, so you can take Qu Xinger away at that moment? Qu Xing’s martial arts are not weak, otherwise, the leader of Jackie Chan’s guard wouldn’t be kidnapped so easily? "You go to deal with this matter, find out that she has fallen, and send another person to stare at Na Lanshan!" I don’t know what she thinks this matter can’t be separated from Nalan’s shallowness, but she doesn’t … Although she can vaguely feel Nalan’s shallow sense of disobedience, maybe she is martial arts but not high enough to kidnap Qu Xinger’s helper? Or enemy forces? Na Lanqing couldn’t guess who Qu Xinger was for a while. Suddenly, the ear moved and the figure disappeared quickly … A figure was directly in front of her Long Ze, and Chi Fanghua’s eyes were proud. "Miss Na Lanqing has something for you!" "no!" Na Lanqing didn’t lift his eyelids for a moment. Will you let people be quiet for a while? Disturbing! Chi Fanghua’s eyes swept Long Ze and then bent down to show a head in the sleeve. The witch’s facial features are like Long Ze … Na Lanqing’s cup in his hand slammed into the desktop. Chi Fanghua’s eyes were cold, but he retreated proudly. "Don’t regret it if you don’t come!" Na Lanqing suddenly got up. She took a quick look at Long Ze and followed Chi Fanghua directly without saying anything … Before Na Lanqing left Long Ze, Long Feng came up with a sullen face and sat directly in Na Lanqing’s seat and sneered at Na Lanqing. Chi Fanghua came to the front of the restaurant, where a large number of pedestrians bowed their heads one after another. Pay attention to two people not far from the door … "Say!" Chi Fanghua’s eyes gloated deeper and deeper. She sneered again and again. "Miss, no matter whether you are the prime minister of China or who robbed Feng Brother’s dragon chair, you dare to swagger in front of us. How dare you!" ChiFangHua little face emerge with an angry look at NaLanQing that sarcastic expression, she is even more angry stamp a little girl’s temper "what are you laughing at? Do you know what this is? This is a young lady doing a witch puppet! " From the sleeve, she took out a doll similar to Long Ze. She proudly waved her head and said with excitement, "He robbed Miss Maple of the throne and cursed him. Although he can’t be a witch doll, the curse can still be …" Na Lanqing’s eyes flashed cold light. "Who told you that we robbed the Dragon Maple throne?" "Don’t quibble. Feng told me everything about his accession ceremony. You took his throne and forced him to leave China and flee to Cangshan …" "It’s really stupid to believe you!" Na Lanqing sneered and even looked at Long Laifeng, which made the little woman dizzy. "You don’t want to lie to me!" ChiFangHua hold hands tightly wu method she a face of angry LanQing eyebrow "by what do you want to do?"Chi Fanghua clasped her lips tightly and her face was fierce." If you take this medicine, you will solve this witch puppet! " There is a medicine in the palm of your hand that looks unfriendly … inexplicably feeling the danger. He smiled coldly and looked at her with contempt. "Why should I listen to you?" "You will listen! Otherwise, Miss Hui will let him die! " Chi Fanghua suddenly pulled out a piece of paper from her arms and threw it in front of Na Lanqing. "My family can control a puppet even without heart blood. Is this his birthday?" Na Lanqing consciousness stretched out his hand and took one look at his eyes. Condensation is Long Ze’s birthday word! What? Long Ze’s birthday word has always been a fake. His real birth word doesn’t even know himself … or did he learn his real birth time from the late emperor Long Haotian … exactly the same as this face? ChiFangHua looked at LanQing that face a sudden change immediately satisfiedly smiled "scared? Miss tells you to take this medicine immediately or miss will activate this witch doll. Then you can solve the problem. Don’t blame miss for not waking you up! " Chi Fanghua immediately became arrogant and looked very happy, as if she would win. She looked at her with a smug smile and asked politely, "Miss Chi Da, Long Feng is your man?" "Do you have a problem with Miss Feng being a man?"Chi Fanghua paused, then nodded heavily and directly admitted that Feng was her man, but it wasn’t her husband. Miss Wu, a big girl, had one or two dresses, which was very common. Cangshan was no better than the mainland women in the outside world. Na Lanqing touched Ba-like and asked, "How does a eunuch Long Feng satisfy you?" -Off-topic-Double Birthday (Dan) activities hit the moonlight to send benefits! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) The top three fans will get the moonlight as a food gift package from the first day of January to 1159 pm. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get the moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the top three will be rewarded with 6616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively. Two lucky readers can get a beautiful New Year’s Day gift by moonlight. Activity 5: At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support over the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262 group 571262 group 571262.
Chapter 62 Eunuch taste like? (4)
Chapter 62 Eunuch taste like? (4) Chi Fanghua’s brain turned white for a long time … "What does the eunuch taste like? Miss Chi, can you talk to me? " Na Lanqing’s face raised a bad smile. She paused and looked pale. Chi Fanghua asked, "Is a eunuch satisfied with you?" Chi Fanghua’s brain is white. She thinks in a root way and answers in a way. There is always a picture of her getting along with Long Feng in her mind … Is Feng a eunuch? How could Feng be … When I was in my mind, I saw a picture of her getting along with Long Feng. Every time I made out, he said that he really possessed her before he got married because he was too cherished. Every time he kissed her … and occasionally angered him … She never thought that Feng was a eunuch? "I heard that you have been with Longfeng for half a year? How did he satisfy you in the past six months? Can make you so unswerving … "Na Lanqing’s harsh words hit Chi Fanghua’s heart. She became angry and angry." Shut up! " "Don’t you say that about maple!" Chi Fanghua’s angry face aroused the attention of people passing by at the place, and people threw some strange eyes at her … At the same time, Long Ze Longfeng came out. Chi Fanghua saw Long Feng for a moment, and she panicked without considering so many people present. She jumped directly. "Feng … you are quick to tell him that you are not a eunuch, but that he is talking nonsense!" Long Feng’s face turned pale, but Chi Fanghua didn’t see it at present, but sank in her mood. She Feng is not a eunuch. She must be talking nonsense at present! Yes, that’s nonsense. "Feng, he simply went too far, took your things and slandered you. You are quick to refute him. You are not a eunuch. You are an intact and normal man, right?" Longfeng’s face is getting whiter and whiter, slowly turning red and swelling red … and finally turning black … People around immediately stopped and looked at Longfeng with strange eyes … What? This handsome man is a eunuch? One by one, I talked directly in front of Long Feng, even if it was small and small, I could hear it clearly. The naked eyes that were stripped made Long Feng’s face irritable and painful, even if it was nothing, not to mention that he was really abolished as a eunuch. Before Na Lanqing’s eyes took a hint of revenge, Long Feng wanted to rape himself. Listen to Long Ze has abolished him, and then he escaped … Someone went to the Long Ze site and robbed people. I don’t want to guess that it was a bite! He couldn’t leave after he robbed Long Feng … I didn’t expect him to appear in Cangshan, and I didn’t expect him to become a ChiFangHua man … I didn’t expect him to be a eunuch, but I didn’t even find him dead set. "maple?" Chi Fanghua found that Long Feng’s face was not quite right, and her heart was suddenly startled. She quickly pressed her heart to panic. She looked angry and glared at Na Lanqing. "Don’t talk nonsense about Feng. It’s not what you said … How dare you insult Miss Feng to fight with you!" Na Lanqing’s eyes have been faint, staring at a face of murder, Long Feng. Her smile becomes bigger, and slowly she looks at Long Feng bluntly, and her eyes are cold."It’s really good for you to escape from Long Ze!" "It’s a pity … you shouldn’t appear in front of me again. We haven’t settled the account yet!" The first time she met someone who dared to rape her and almost succeeded, it was really good. Long Feng’s eyes were full of murder. Nalanqing’s grievances were deep. He was in love with Nalanqing, so now he can kill Nalanqing Long Ze and benefit others. He won’t be soft. If Chi Fanghua doesn’t kill him, he sends out a battle post. Chi Fanghua points to Nalanqing and shouts, "Coward, will you pick it up or not?" Miss wants to duel with you! " Na Lanqing sneers and fights with her? OK! "Bet?" Na Lanqing’s eyes have been staring at Long Feng. It’s very dangerous for her to laugh. Long Feng, Long Feng, have you helped a little girl to come forward and come to this point? It’s chilling to fall at all costs. Long Feng meets Nalanqing’s eyes. There is hatred in his eyes. There is nothing more hateful than abolishing him. Facing Nalanqing’s eyes, his eyes are cold and revenge. He can benefit everything, including feelings! From the bottom of Longfeng’s eyes, I saw the cold feeling, and Na Lanqing suddenly said, "If you want me to accept a duel, you can … the bet is him!" ChiFangHua one leng Longfeng heart rises bad feeling … Pointing to Longfeng NaLanQing a face of chill "I won your man give me disposal is life or death is a man or a slave in my mood!" Long Feng’s face froze. When he was conscious of speaking, ChiFangHua pointed at Long Ze with a fierce face."If miss wins, miss will tear you up on the spot, Toy Boy!" Immediately around to look at the eyes … Toy Boy? Two men? Long Ze casually raised his eyes to meet the crowd and looked at them. Instead of humiliation, he naturally raised his eyebrows. "Then add another note! In order to prevent me, he rebelled against the weakness in advance … "Long Feng’s heart is uneasy and he wants to make this woman give NaLanQing some trouble. Maybe she can get hurt or … Kill her! But he didn’t intend to count himself in … ChiFangHua this stupid woman! Throw a warning look at her, but Chi Fanghua couldn’t understand that Long Feng was angry and comforted him. "Don’t worry, Miss Feng will win and dare to discredit you. You can’t forgive!" After that, she sneered at Long Ze Nalanqing. "Good lady promised to save you from going back on your word then!" "Dueling is a sacred loss. If we go back on our word, we brothers who are referees will not stand by, right?" As soon as Nalan’s clear voice rose, it immediately attracted the attention of the tea-watching Ni people around him. The proprietress came out from nowhere and held her chest in her hands. "Then when we come to a duel, we have to swear to Yan Di and dare to go back on our word. It depends on me. We are different from each other in this blasphemy!" "If you dare to go back on your word, don’t say that you will never enter him!" "Dare to swear in the name but don’t obey me, Cheni people are not such treacherous villains!" “……” The Chani people around were angered by Nalanqing’s words. They were bellicose but also the most obedient winners. Nalanqing just benefited from this. Public opinion is not afraid that they will repent and die long ago … They don’t need to live to this day! -Off-topic-Double Birthday (Dan) activities hit the moonlight to send benefits! (The venue of the activity is for regular readers.) The top three fans will get the moonlight as a food gift package from the first day of January to 1159 pm. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get the moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the top three will be rewarded with 6616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively. Two lucky readers can get a beautiful New Year’s Day gift by moonlight. Activity 5: At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support over the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262 group 571262 group 571262.
Chapter 63 Eunuch taste like? (5)
Chapter 6 What does eunuch taste like? (5) The Chani people around were provoked by Nalanqing’s words. They were belligerent but also the most obedient winners and losers. Nalanqing just benefited from this point. Public opinion threatened them not to regret the people who should have died long ago … and they don’t need to live until now! Na Lanqing is also full of murder to Long Feng, but it’s hard to escape but to appear in front of her. Is this suicidal? Long Feng wanted to refuse, but Chi Fanghua agreed without waiting for him to refuse, and immediately agreed to say "I swear in the name of Chi Fanghua Yan Di!" Let Long Feng want to stop and can’t come. Seeing Na Lanqing’s mouth raise high and laugh, his heart thumped. She definitely deliberately angered this stupid woman, but she wanted to deal with herself? In Long Feng’s wide eyes, Nalan put his hand on his chest. "I swear to accept this duel in the name of Nalan Qingyan Emperor!" In the face of Long Feng’s consternation, Long Ze also hooked his lips. His eyes looked in the direction of the proprietress. "Is your wife weak?" "Of course! ~ "The wife of shop-owner waved him back to the restaurant and immediately took some soft tendons and handed them over. Long Ze naturally took out an eating medicine bottle and threw it in front of Longfeng to catch it … Na Lanqing smiled at the wife of shop-owner vaguely." The wife of shop-owner turned out to be a joint? Even this thing? " The proprietress giggled and felt particularly happy, reaching out and pinching her face."Before the old lady, I sold human flesh bags, and the small public skin was smooth and tender. The bags must be particularly fragrant?" "…" Na Lanqing step back and stretch out his hand over his face can you give her a little face? "You should not go back on our word not to eat? If you are not present, there are people who are willing to help you eat, and the means are not guaranteed to be gentle! " Na Lanqing squinted and buried his face in his eyes, and pushed Long Feng to a dilemma step by step. Chi Fanghua would point out that Long Feng was indispensable among them, and the most important thing was … He wanted Li Long Feng to lead to bite! Long Feng was embarrassed by the faint eyes around him. On the one hand, Chi Fanghua looked arrogant. "Feng believes that my lady will win!" You’ll win, stupid woman! It was a terrible murder. Long Feng couldn’t wait to curse the difficulty of riding a tiger. He had to eat soft muscles in his hand and finally sat down in the chair pool and took Fang Hua out of his hand. She solemnly said, "Miss Wu is a witch family. Wu is a part of Miss’s fighting power!" Chi Fanghua laughed dangerously after his voice fell. "Come out!" One order and five figures suddenly appeared in front of Chi Fanghua. Their faces were covered with a piece of black cloth, and the black totem appeared in horror. There, they couldn’t feel the breath as if they were dead … "This is the strongest five witches of Miss. Don’t blame Miss for cheating me. That’s the ability of witches!"Chi Fanghua’s eyes are full of pride, but she took out a card proudly. Her father, Chi Jiu, the head of the Wu clan, gave her five Wu puppets. They have a high fighting capacity in the clan. They don’t have their own consciousness to obey orders, and they don’t even have the ability to think … They have to rely on orders for food, clothing, faithfulness and behavior, or even the most basic students can’t do it. This is the Wu doll Su Mianyue, which is completely different. Take a step back in Nalanqing and look at Chi Fanghua in front of them. Is that simply harmful? Complaining backhand holding the dagger in her hand, she wants to try how strong the witch is in front of her eyes … The idea in her heart has just arisen. Long Feng is sitting together in the distance. Long Ze’s sharp eyes are projected and her lips are moved. Do you dare to try? Dare to try to kill you! Long Ze fundus is emerging this kind of information let NaLanQing head shrink just want to test the other idea abruptly pressed well, she is quite afraid of Long Ze angry want to coax back it’s very difficult! 1 It’s a mistake and a penalty for kneeling, who call somebody else a uber beauty lost her mind? Have strong capital! Darling dispelled the bottom of my heart, and she sighed lightly … "!"At present, ChiFangHua waved five people around him, four men and one woman, four of whom attacked NaLanQing. A masked woman was protected in front of her, playing more and playing less, which was despicable, but it was also what the people said … NaLanQing quickly flashed and disappeared directly … There was no prescribed venue. She didn’t mind pulling duel field a little bigger. ChiFangHua looked at NaLanQing and flashed a vicious finger at the women around her. Long Ze directly rushed over … The sword in his hand stabbed straight towards Long Ze’s heart … While Long Feng looked at it with satisfaction, the stupid woman occasionally saw that the sword was about to pierce Long Ze’s heart. Long Ze casually lifted her eyes and the silver light flashed in front of him, but he did not move … The two wolves roared, one black and one white, and the shadow of the wolf was across the front of Long Ze. The ink flame was the strongest, and she bit the woman’s wrist directly. She tore a bone wound in the woman’s body and stepped back a few steps. She didn’t even see the pain again and picked up the sword. It really is a doll! On the one hand, Longfeng coldly hooked his lips. "It’s reduced to the need for wild animals to protect Long Ze. This wild animal is really suitable for you!" Long Ze’s eyes are full of charm and contempt. "Even wild animals don’t want to protect you. I don’t know if you can live?" "What do you mean?" It’s not a good idea for Long Fengxin to rise. When he looked at Long Ze with his head tilted, a sharp arrow broke and went straight into his wrist … "Ah!"He is a pain hum unguarded by being pierced with such an arrow, even though he can’t help but feel unbearable pain. ChiFangHua said and strode over "Maple, what happened to you? You cheat! " Chi Fanghua talked about Long Ze sitting there quietly. Even if he lost his strength, he sat as steady as Mount Tai … No, he is the King’s Landing! Long Ze glanced at Chi Fanghua contemptuously and pursed her lips. "Is this a duel between you and her? Is she cheating?" Of course, Na Lanqing didn’t cheat. Now she is being chased by four men, who hit her like flying a kite, and then ran away and hit her again … One to four is stupid, and she will attack "…" Chi Fanghua can say that this is her Na Lanqing duel place, but her hand to Long Ze is illegal. On the contrary, Na Lanqing didn’t do anything illegal ……………………………………………………… (The activity will be held at the regular readers) The first three fans will get moonlight at 1159 pm on the first day of January, and the first three fans will get a gift package. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the first three fans will be rewarded with 66616 Xiaoxiang coins. On the fourth day of New Year’s Day, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a gift. A gift on New Year’s Day in the United States. Activity 5. At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262.
Chapter 64 From Linglan’s Last Words (1)
Chapter 64 Last words from Ling Lan (1) That arrow was chosen in Long Ze and ordered Long Feng to escape from his hand once, so you don’t have to be soft to kill it this time! Swish a distance and there is an arrow shot towards Longfeng. When Chi Fanghua saw it, he immediately stopped the woman in front of him … The woman’s body stopped the arrow …-The woman was shot with countless arrows in her body, but she was still straight. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test seemed to feel pain. Her eyes went to Chi Fanghua and suddenly she plopped down … and stopped moving Wu Ou. It’s also a human being. Although there is no one, it won’t hurt, cry or laugh … But human beings will bleed and be extremely fragile … The heart will be punctured, the head will be dead, the eyes will be destroyed and the eyes will be blind … This woman has several arrows that hit her vital organs. It doesn’t mean that the enemy’s heart will stop beating, and she will die. Chi Fanghua looks at this woman coldly and there is not much emotion. A sharp arrow is shot at her in the distance. She wants to think about it. I don’t want to fly and jump at myself, and an arrow flies … The arrow pierces her arm, and she grits her teeth with cold pain. "Don’t hurt my man!" In the distance, another sharp arrow came out and shot at the dragon head. Chi Fanghua tried to save her, but her eyes were frightened. "No!" The arrow should have shot into the dragon’s head, but he tilted his head and his body was extremely fast. It didn’t look like a soft tendon at all. The speed of dispersing people was too strange. Long Feng grasped his hand. The arrow in his hand was full of murder and stared at Long Ze coldly. "You have no medicine!" Long Ze must have said that Long Feng had a mocking look on his face with a hint of smug murder. He hooked his lips. "The palace is not stupid. How can it really be eaten?" Looking at Long Ze sitting in a chair and not moving, I’m sure Long Ze has taken medicine, but it’s a good thing he left a hand. Otherwise, how can he prevail? Long Ze, Long Ze, you never thought it would be a good thing to believe in Nalanqing, but this is also your fatal weakness. Holding an arrow in your hand, Long Feng glanced at it in the distance and was entangled in it. He approached Nalanqing. He smiled with a handsome and pale face, and his eyes stared at Long Ze’s bust. A biting flash flashed through Long Ze and he was going to abolish Long Ze’s playing with the arrow in his hand. Long Feng laughed happily. "If Hua Guoji is a eunuch, I don’t know if it will be a big mess?" "Even if you mess with China, it won’t be your thing!"Long Ze’s face is not afraid to look relaxed, as if everything is well-conceived, and her eyes are twisted with pain. Her eyes are full of diabolical luster. She sets out to stab the arrow in her hand straight toward Long Ze’s bust … The zither is a crisp weapon, and the sound is handed over. In front of her, the wolf and snow fingers are straight, holding the arrow in her hand and catching it with the other hand … The sharp nails are glowing with poisonous light, and her eyes are retreating … She sat on the ground and looked at Long Fanghua injured. Feng Gen was so relieved that she didn’t take medicine … A dagger came across her neck and ear. Na Lanqing’s desperate voice "Miss Chida, you lost!" ChiFangHua neck with a dagger in the distance four bodies fell to the ground … One by one 7 bleeding is obviously poisoned and died. "Your doll fighting skill is very high, but you haven’t taught them how to guard against the dark recruit dolls, which are always worse than the real people …" ChiFangHua turned back to NaLanQing’s pleasant eyes, and she suddenly waved a handful of poisonous powder and threw it at her … NaLanQing kicked and flew back quickly … Sun Fanghua had fallen down with a heavy fall. "Nothing!" She breathed a sigh of relief. The dead woman did a great job. After four dolls led her, she really underestimated Long Ze’s hand. Na Lanqing looked back coldly. "Chi Fanghua, you lost!" Chi Fanghua was lying on the ground with an unwilling face. Chi Fanghua looked at NaLanQing with her back to her. She pulled out a dagger from her arms and stabbed NaLanQing in the back. She was about to turn back and fight back. When Long Ze grabbed her long legs and kicked Long Ze again, it was no joke that Chi Fanghua could kick off a few ribs. She stared at Long Ze. "You …" Long Ze’s face was full of contempt. Who would play games with the enemy so honestly? I said it was stupid to take the medicine Nalanqing. wait for a while looked at Long Ze, and she slapped him on the chest inexplicably. "Grandpa, you really ate it!" Long Ze cling to twist eyebrow low denounced "you and I are you? It’s foolish to risk your own safety! " She is so stupid! Who will be good at killing people? Na Lanqing "…" She is still too shallow to talk about it. She came out of Long Ze’s arms. She shrugged and looked at Chi Fanghua in the distance and said, "If you lose, he belongs to me according to the duel!" "impossible!" Chi Fanghua squatted on the ground and tried to move. Shaqima sat on her waist and made her struggle to stare big eyes … gritted her teeth and wanted to tear the person in front of her … but she couldn’t move. "You can’t move the maple!" Chi Fanghua tore her face and growled. NaLanQing reached out and pulled out her ear. She said faintly, "Are you going back on your word?" "Miss is go back on our word, what can you do?Feng, when you leave, I’ll be interesting to see who dares to touch you with the help of my witch family! Chi Fanghua can’t move now, but his arrogance is very high. Long Feng said that he really wants to go. He won’t wait for being disposed of. When Long Feng is leaving, the proprietress waved and saw the people of the Cheni ethnic group making a crackling sound. It sounds particularly infiltrating. The proprietress twisted her waist and came to Nalanqing very gently. "The duel in front of Yan Di can go back on our word. Although you are betting, it is challenging!" Pointing to the proprietress of Long Ze, she said, "If you win and bet on it, you can break the contract according to your own wishes!" It’s dark! Who will win against Long Ze? Bet 1000% that Long Ze wins! The proprietress definitely did it on purpose—————–The double birthday (Dan) event struck and the welfare was given by moonlight! (The activity will be held at the regular readers) The first three fans will get moonlight at 1159 pm on the first day of January, and the first three fans will get a gift package. On the second day of Christmas, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a beautiful Christmas gift. On the third day of Christmas, the first three fans will be rewarded with 66616 Xiaoxiang coins. On the fourth day of New Year’s Day, two lucky readers will get moonlight to send a gift. A gift on New Year’s Day in the United States. Activity 5. At midnight on December 1, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year. The activity was held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group 571262.

"Send you back!" Wei Yunqi saw that she was in a bad state.

Xu Jinyan shook his head. "I’ll be fine after taking the medicine. I know this game is not over yet. I won’t be a deserter if I want to be one."
Wei Yunqi today is one of them.
Xu Jinyan and Fu Jingxiao are not as simple as they seem on the surface. Old classmates or friends just pretended that Fu Jingxiao’s nervousness was not pretending.
But Xu Jin inkstone obviously doesn’t want to continue that, otherwise he wouldn’t be allowed to be a shield.
Come tonight, she said they had something to do.
But in the evening, Xu Jinyan went to his room to find her. Although she was still in a professional suit, she still wore makeup, which was somewhat different in peacetime.
"I have a little personal work today. Please ask Lord Wei to do me a favor. Does Lord Wei have it?" Xu jinyan inquired.
Wei Yunqi looked unbelievable. "Let me guess. It shouldn’t be a good thing, right?"
"It’s really not a good thing, and I think it’s quite difficult. It’s not who asked the hospital to ask you to come with me, and you’re still a man, which saves me from renting one outside." Xu Jinyan added, "I’ll pack coffee for a month."
"The miser plucks his hair, so it’s estimated that he can really help me." Wei Yunqi knows that Xu Jinyan is really a stingy person in his life.
"Go and tell you" Xu Jin inkstone directly took people away.
I didn’t know she was coming to play her boyfriend until the reunion.
Fortunately, they are also familiar with people on weekdays, and they played very well. I didn’t know that a piece of celery caused so many problems.
Usually they are busy with work, where can they think of this?
Celery is crude fiber for doctors, which can help digestion and is a good vegetable.
Wei Yunqi accompanied Xu Jin to tidy up his emotions. He entered the box. He was not a fledgling child. Everyone was still drinking wine and pretended that nothing had happened.
This meal is finished like this. Next door, you can sing and play games. Generally, after-dinner entertainment is fun where there is light.
One holding a bottle and blowing it, and then one after another singing the famous songs of the year.
"Why don’t you play a game if you are so happy tonight?" Cat in high spirits and discussion way
Xia Lu heckled, "Come on, tell me what game is not fun and we won’t buy it?"
"The little girls in our courtyard said that I would play a song on the light for a while, and then find someone to hold it together after the song stopped. Both men and women will hold it for a minute. Of course, we also have singles here. I can’t control what you want, can I?" Cat said the rules of the game.
They all drank wine and laughed.
Although there are married people, there are indeed several singles. It is not impossible to achieve this by relying on games.
Cat pointed to the summer deer "summer beauty I am single"
"Who wants to hug you when you go away?" Xia Lu pushed others. "I want to pick a handsome guy like Cai Qi anyway. Why didn’t I find it when I was studying?"
Xia Lu glanced at the tall boy in the crowd.
Cat shook his head. "What a person! Shuai Shuai is a superficial woman."
Xu Jinyan stretched out his hand and caressed his arm, which was different from that just at the dinner table. Fu Jingxiao was far away from her, and what just happened in the health there seemed to be separated in each other’s hearts.
She was afraid to see him.
He dare not.
She turned and approached Wei Yunqi. "Don’t play if you don’t want to."
"It’s not bad to play this game if I have nothing to do with you."
"Old Wei, I’m afraid they will lead you astray." Xu Jinyan couldn’t help laughing.
Wei Yunqi picked his eyebrows. "If you are so afraid, look at me when you play games later. I don’t want to take a real one when I go back."
"That’s good. I made a beautiful marriage. You see, except Chen Duo and Lin Zhao, all of them are single and take them home casually." Xu Jinyan’s eyes swept over.
Wei Yunqi nodded. "Uh-huh really wants to get rid of me."
"Okay, okay, don’t say it all. If it’s all agreed, I’ll break it up on the spot." Cat quipped and sang first.
A song "Like You" surrounded the box.
It seems to fit perfectly.
Everyone was walking around a circle with Chen Liang lighting everything, and then he went to the circle to push people around in confusion and shouted, "Anyway, I am single and split up a couple."
"Mr. Chen wishes you a hug to Fu Jingxiao."
"Don’t expose my career. This is my little secret." Cat hissed and burst into laughter.
People in the circle are pushed around by cat. It is no longer the mode before the lights are turned on. No one will remember who agreed with whom.
After all, the circles are dizzy.
A song has been said to be long or short for several times.
Excited as cat and summer deer are screaming from time to time.
Xu Jin inkstone used to walk with Wei Yunqi, but now it’s dark. She doesn’t know if the person walking behind her is Wei Yunqi.
Respect this game and no one will whisper to each other.
"I like to follow you like this, wherever you take me, your face is slowly close to the sky and slowly clear …" The song lingers in my ear.
It’s the last melody after a few noisy days.
Everyone is slowing down.
Then the song came to an abrupt end
A crowd turned around and hugged people around them.
It was like holding your breath for a minute, and no one dared to speak.
Xu Jinyan was hugged in her arms, and the other arm was very generous. She wrapped her slim body with a slight coolness, and her jawbone pressed against her shoulder like all her strength flocked to her.
Such an aggressive hug made him realize that it was not Wei Yunqi.

Master Yan saw that she was in a good mood and walked over.

Opposite Robert also folded his hands.
He has been studying Go with his master recently, and Jiang Jiang knows that he just smiled and said a few words with several people.
Not long after going out, Robert suddenly laughed. "I seem to have forgotten my mobile phone."
Yan butler temporarily loosened his master’s wrist and asked Jiang Jiang to hold his side head and said to him, "Wait a minute. I’ll get the super black technology."
Robert nodded with an easygoing smile.
Seeing him waiting in the same place and looking towards the room, Jiang Jiang smiled and looked at the master judo. "Everyone is waiting. I’ll help you first."
Master patted on the back of her hand and replied with a smile.
Jiang Jiang helped his master to the corner of the stairs and was about to wake him up. Suddenly, an English song with a low melody sounded behind the steps.
It’s Robert’s cell phone bell.
They looked back at Robert’s cell phone and said with a smile, "Hi Susan …"
As soon as his voice fell, Jiang Jiang felt that his wrist was suddenly pulled a little. Almost instantly, the housekeeper looked at her and cried out, "Sir!"
Jiang Jiang metamorphoses, watching the master fall down the stairs.
Her mind was blank, and her eyes were transfixed in pursuit of fear and panic, which instantly swept through the Ministry of mind and scared her to stay at the highest step.
Yan Guanjia ran past her and knelt at the corner to stabilize his master.
Robert also don’t know when to accept the phone and chase.
Two panic shout nature has already shocked all the people in the building. The large living room is almost quiet in an instant, followed by a tumultuous and hurried pace.
"What’s the matter?"
The first to rush over YanPingyang urgent drink asked.
After asking him, he knelt down at the master’s side to check that he was directly opposite the housekeeper’s consciousness and looked up at Jiang Yan.
Jiang Jiang one leng almost method thinking staggered back a small step, one hand tightly holding the railing murmured "I didn’t mean to …"
She just heard the bell, glanced at it and did nothing.
Master suddenly let go of her hand and fell.
Not her!
Yan Pingyang’s subsequent eyes could kill her. Jiang Jiang suddenly became too stiff to move in this eye and shook his head in the direction of everyone’s eyes to explain, "It’s not me, it’s grandpa …"
It’s his own instability.
She didn’t hold it steady either!
If housekeeper Yan had held it, it wouldn’t have happened.
How can she be distracted when grandpa is old and the stairs are like this?
Jiang Jiang hasn’t finished a word yet, but he can’t get up when he falls down. She only has to explain the root method for export.
What should she say?
Grandpa didn’t fall off by himself?
Then she’s around!

The baron knew that he was doomed today, but he hoped that Martha could be healthy and alive.

"Money, hahahaha, can you save her life with real money? Don’t worry, I’m afraid she won’t die so easily, but I can guarantee that she will feel worse alive than dead."
Kenji Kameda looked at the humble Baron kneeling there with a face of laughter. He was so happy.
He slowly released Martha and looked at the tearful face sticking out his tongue. He was ashamed to lick Martha.
Such humiliation made the baron get up in anger.
But just as he was about to rush for it, the cold light flashed.
Several strange arcs suddenly shot up from the corner.
At the same time, a person rushed to the crowd after the movie.
Cold light flashed, followed by a scream, Kamita Kenji’s right arm ached, and Martha suddenly fell.
But at this moment, the figure has come to him.
Hands to catch Martha at the same time, a lift will directly kick Kameda Kenji out.
With the rebound strength, the figure quickly stepped back and came directly to the baron.
"Shame bandit, how dare you touch her with your dirty hands?"
The newcomer is none other than Tang Yi.
He swore to mind his own business, but he didn’t trust Martha in the end.
So I hurried here, only to find that something had happened.
Fortunately, Martha was saved when he came.
"Who are you?"
Tang Yi knows spiders, but spiders don’t know Tang Yi.
Knowing that he had a friction with Kameda Kenji, I didn’t expect to appear at this time.
"You have no right to know, because the dead don’t need to know secrets."
Pass the arms of Martha to the baron and gently wipe the tears on Martha’s face. Tang Yi slowly turned around.
A chill emanated from him, making Rachel take a step back.
This is a murderous look. An angry king broke out with a strong murderous look.
It is obvious that Tang Yi is really angry, and his anger will make a river of blood here.
"The arrogant generation killed him and didn’t hurt the child."
Spider squinted to ensure that he bought Kameda Kenji to catch Martha.
I didn’t expect people to be so powerful, and now Martha has been arrested again.
In that case, there is also a hard grab.
A crowd of horses beside the spider clenched their swords in succession.
It’s a pity that they are living targets in front of Tang Yi, the king of soldiers.
"Don’t let Martha see the blood."
Hands to find out the double thorn clenched in his hand. Tang Yi didn’t look back and said coldly to the baron.
The baron quickly held Martha in his arms, and her body blocked her sight, and then it was the killing moment of the dragon head.
Chapter 527 New strength
The killing took place when Tang Yi pulled out the double thorn.
In the face of thirty or forty murderers, his face is indifferent.
Fighting is too familiar to him.
In front of these third-rate killers, fighting is even more difficult for him.
The real anger is that I am not in a rage, and I am not flustered.
There is indifference and affection.
Even if a sword runs through each other’s throats, blood will gush in Tang Yi’s face.
Moving like a ghost, he shuttled freely through the crowd.
Knife light flashes, and someone falls every time you turn around.
Have a trick
Without any waves or hesitation.
The baron behind him clung to Martha with a pair of eyes, but he also got away from Tang Yi.
Including Rachel, he has seen many good players in Hell Boxing Hall over the years.
But for the first time, he saw that someone could kill someone so cleanly.
Even though the baron grew up studying fighting interests.
A pair of eyes have seen all kinds of fighting methods in the world.
But killing in front of him is definitely the first time he has seen it.

Essence sighed and didn’t want to complain to others about what it meant to ask, "Aren’t you going?"

"I’m waiting for someone"
Qin Ke shrugged. "Do you think men do this to women when they have no idea at all?"
Essence smiled, "Wait for your boyfriend?"
"Maybe it should be called husband."
This time, Essence was surprised. "You don’t look so big. Are you married?"
"No, but it’s almost there."
Qin ke doesn’t seem to want to say much.
Essence looked at her camera and said, "Let’s go. I know where there are uv mirrors around here. Anyway, you and others can’t come for a while. I’ll accompany you to change the mirrors first."
Qin is ridiculous. I wonder why this person is so serious. Can’t others come when they meet this thing?
But then when the tie happened, she followed Essence.
Essence is really good at this. I picked the most suitable one in the store and cut the price by one third. Qin Ke has always been at home, and she has been impressed by the means of bargaining with essence.
I got acquainted when I went out. "Sister, how much do you think my camera is worth? I won’t lose money if I buy more than 10 thousand, will I?"
"Not bad, not a loss"
Essence laughed. "Your SLR is a special price for this column, but the collection value is particularly high. Because it is limited, some collectors are willing to pay a high price to collect this camera."
"Did you do photography before you knew so much?"
"a little fur"
Essence looked at it. "Just let it be. I have to go to see my daughter. You and others should also work."
"Goodbye then."
Qin Ke gave her a hand and added, "Sister, when you go home, soak your clothes in cold water, and then you can wash them with sulfur soap."
Essence should be a smile.
Qin Ke looked at the essence. The car was about to go back when the phone rang.
"Where is it?"
The man’s voice is particularly low. Qin Ke is conscious of straightening up like a student "outside your company"
"don’t move"
The man simply said four words and then hung up.
Qin Ke held his mobile phone and flattened his mouth.
In a few seconds, a black Jaguar stopped at the window next to her. In the future, a cold and mature male face appeared in front of her. The man glanced at her and said, "Car."
Qin Ke immediately went around to the other door like a good student and got into the car.
The good car door man started the engine. Qin Ke quietly looked at the man with the safety belt and coughed for a while. "Brother Shen, shall we go to see my dad?"
"Eat first"
Shen yannuo drove steadily with the steering wheel.
Qin ke should look down at the mobile phone.
The man looked at her in the mirror and suddenly said, "The day after tomorrow, Yan En will get married and take you to pick a gift."
Qin Ke said, "Do I have to go too?"
"You don’t want to go?"
Shen yannuo asked
Section 51
"… it’s not that I’m just afraid that Sister Yan will know that I’m angry with Feng."
"You what?"
Qin Ke suddenly laughed at himself. "Yes, we actually have nothing."
Shen yannuo didn’t talk for a long time and suddenly said, "God got the marriage certificate."
Qin can be one leng "this ….. too fast"
"Do you regret it?"
"… no"
"Then God, sooner or later."
Qin Ke grabbed his mobile phone finger and consciously pinched the screen for a long time before saying, "Brother Shen, do men of your age like Loli very much?"
Shen Yannuo corners of the mouth smoke a "do you think you are loli?"
Qin ke …
Although she didn’t see Shen yannuo’s expression, she already felt the deep stare of the other party.
What, 23 can’t be Lori?
"But it’s good to play a role-playing once in a while."
Man leisurely spit out such a sentence.
It’s Qin Ke’s turn to twitch at the corner of his mouth. "Brother Shen, you are so avant-garde."
Shen yannuo seems to be smiling. He looks very upright, which makes people look particularly upright. He looks handsome and handsome, but every time I see him, Qin Ke always feels like seeing the teacher.
But it doesn’t deny that this person looks good when he smiles, and it’s not worse than sealing.
The thought of sealing Qin Ke made my heart ache.
Now that you hate horses and are getting married, you are finally free.

Jiang Bairen soon discovered such a strange situation.

something wrong/ smell a rat
Xiongcheng is different from other auxiliary cities.
Put it in other auxiliary cities. If something happens to the Lord’s mansion, everyone will go home and pretend nothing happened.
They will never get involved unless the Lord speaks.
But Xiongcheng fighters had better fight, and naturally they would prefer to watch the scene of bustle.
It’s strange that no one has come to check the situation after playing for so long, even if it’s in the Lord’s mansion.
Worse, they arranged this duke to come in.
Naturally, it is clear how light this duke is for Xiongcheng fighters.
Just when he wanted to shout Jiang Youxian back, Kong You sensed his abnormality and shouted first.
"I’ll fight with you!"
Hole sorrow, not afraid of death.
A posture of mutually assured destruction with Jiang Bairen.
Success scared Jiang Bairen and forced him back to his mouth.
This battle lasted for half an hour.
The first to end the fighting is naturally Qi San, who has become a bloody person all over except his face and wounds everywhere.
You can hardly see a good piece of meat.
Jiang you is even worse
The whole person was beaten by Qi San.
Staring at the sky with open eyes seems to ask him why he will die.
As Jiang Bairen was smashed by Qi San, his spine fell to the ground and died.
This battle came to an end completely.
And qi San was in a coma at the same time when the battle was over.
Hole sorrow tired didn’t have the strength to lie on the ground motionless.
His face was as white as a layer of powder.
If it weren’t for the ups and downs in the chest, it would be different from the dead.
I’ve been on tenterhooks for a long time and finally got a sigh of relief. I rushed over and dragged them into the room one by one.
Then ling day didn’t help two people deal with the injury but came to another room.
Fang Jiangming is holding a mobile phone with trepidation.
The opposite end of the mobile phone lens is connected to a suitcase-sized device surface.
Ling Tian came in for the first time with a black face and cut off the video by avoiding the mobile phone.
Jiang Ming swallowed carefully and asked
"I … I recorded it in real time and sent it to the Chiang family …"
"You said that I have done it, can you let me go?"
Ling day glanced at him light way
"I’ll let you go sooner or later, but not now."
Except for Jiang Ming, all other Chiang family members have been solved.
Jiang Ming is left because this guy is timid and hasn’t come yet to make widespread indignation and discontent.
Jiang Chang almost destroyed the whole Hong family, and Master Hong was nowhere to be found.
Ling Tian naturally won’t leave him.
The same is true for others to help others.
Jiang Ming suo suo neck didn’t dare to ask.
He’s worried that if he accidentally says something wrong, he’ll have to explain it here
Take away the communication equipment and go back to Qi Sanhe’s room with Kong You.
At the moment he answered the door, they both sat up at the same time.
Chapter 12 Demon oath
"I can be wronged to death!"
"That old thing is really insidious. It has all sorts of things."
"If I hadn’t been forced to shoot, I would have slapped him to death."
Kong You can’t help but spit when you open your eyes.
He said so many words in one breath, which shows that he is really wronged.
Ling day saw two people fighting from beginning to end, naturally knowing how difficult it is for Jiang Bairen to deal with.
Even in the middle of the general shake heaven realm, he will suffer if he is not careful.
The hole sorrow is actually not injured by looking at the mess.
It can be seen that he is not generally shocked by the middle of heaven.
"If so?"
Qi three look at ling day asked
Ling day replied
"The whole process has been recorded and sent to the Chiang family."

Aside cold monk machine cried the strange language laughed "love Barry adult you this trip to the barracks to the results are so sad. How can you promise Li Yuanqing this request? This is not a fall of our blue flag and the reputation of the Lord! "

Tunbulu’s heart is also very carefree.’ How about the dog chop suey calling you a monk? Now you get what you deserve, don’t you?’
Love Barry face cried a piece of metal gray.
These sons of bitches can fucking watch a movie, but they are softer than women if they are to be pushed to the top.
However, Aibali can’t consider these things at this time. He must first put this matter in the past and be busy and respectful to Mangurtai. "By the way, there is also a request for the master dog. Li Yuanqing hopes to meet you personally in a neutral place."
"hmm? Interview? "
The original grumpy mangokurtai suddenly seemed to be poured a pot of cold water on his head. When he calmed down, he cried, "What on earth did Li Yuanqing say? Don’t miss a word. Tell me every word! "
Mang Gurtai is stupid, but he is by no means stupid.
Although Li yuanqing’s first two requirements are simply acceptable to other methods, the third one reveals something that can be understood, but can’t be said to be profound.
Mungurtai quickly made a decision and accepted Li Yuanqing’s meeting request.
Two days later, on the east bank of Shaohe River, there was a vast field of vision, a small slope and a large tent.
Hundreds of relatives of both sides are on standby two miles away.
Accompanied by three fierce flares, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Yang Miaocai took ten pro-guards, including Niu Gensheng and Yang Lei, to ride to Zhongying camp from south to north.
At the same time, Mang Gurtai also rushed to the tent from north to south with ten pro-health slaves, including Aibali, Tunbulu and Leng Monk Machine.
With Huang taiji meeting, Li Yuanqing is already very familiar with this meeting process.
Yang Miaocai in Chen Zhonghe is very happy here, and they also want to see what the four famous Baylers in the old slave’s office are like.
Yu’ an is not worried at all.
The two sides choose a neutral location and are surrounded by the most elite and intimate relatives.
Not to mention in this season, whoever wants to do it will be the best choice for the whole world.
Soon the two sides have met outside the tent.
Mang Gurtai took the lead in turning over and greeted Li Yuanqing in a red cloak with a smile. "Li Yuanqing has heard a lot about you."
Li Yuanqing also rolled over and laughed and threw a fist at Mang Gurtai. "Wuye Yuanqing is also famous for you!"
The two met and laughed at the same time.
For a moment, Chen Zhong, Yang Miaocai, Tunbulu, Leng Monk Machine, Aibali and others all saw the ceremony and went into the tent in turn.
At this time, it has entered the middle of October, and the weather has been a little cold and windy, and the big tent is ringing.
The big tent lit three warm braziers in several corners, and a simple small table was filled with wine and water.
Niu Gensheng, Yang Lei, Tunbulu and Leng Sengji went to the brazier to boil water and warm wine.
Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Yang Miaocai, Mang Gurtai and Ai Bali sat on a thick wool carpet at a small table.
Just now, Ma Shi Mang Gurtai gave Li Yuanqing enough statecraft. At this time, Li Yuanqing reciprocated with a smile. "I’m flattered that Wuye can come here to celebrate Yuan."
Mungurtai laughed. "Li Shuai has been joking for so many years. We have been playing for so many years. It is really time to sit down and have a good talk."
Li Yuanqing smiled, "Wuye’s mind is admirable."
Mang Gurtai laughed. "So is Li Shuai’s mind."
Two people are laughing at one another.
Aside Yang Miaocai secretly looked at Mangurtai.
He imagined that Manggurtai was very powerful and magnificent. Relatively speaking, Aibali sitting next to him was a little smaller than Manggurtai.
In particular, Mang Gurtai’s body momentum is unusually strong and vigorous.
Yang Miaocai is very talented. This is because he has been in place all the year round, ordered the line to be banned, and looked at Gan Kun. Only in this way can he accumulate power.
However, it is unnatural for Mang Gurtai and Li Yuanqing to sit together, so they fall on the ride …
Or Li Yuanqing is a higher level than Mangurtai.

"What about you? Do you want others to give everything?"

Sometimes killing people and sometimes with melancholy, Shen Mengyao first felt how a person could be so complicated for this several times to pull himself back from the line of death.
I don’t want to say anything more about Tang Yi’s burden, but I can’t speak. There are secrets in my heart.
When he accepted that offer, he knew that he would be doomed to be lonely, but what about it? Without mr.zhou, he was already the loneliest person.
Tang Yi’s denial made Shen Mengyao lose the topic again. The contact in these two days really made Shen Mengyao unbearable.
In the flower city, others have racked their brains to say more to her, but he is so good that he won’t even tell himself his name.
Fortunately, after less than three minutes of silence, the car drove into a street. Isn’t it the embassy when Tang Yi stepped on the brakes again?
"Don’t enter this is American territory or we will break into the border and shoot you."
At this time, the door of the embassy was heavily guarded, and the armed SEALs had sealed the door.
The location of each embassy belongs to the territory of the country and enjoys the legal protection of the country. In countries where wars are frequent, they even shake hands and American weapons are blocked there.
"I’m an American. I have a passport. I need asylum."
Finally arrived at the entrance of the embassy. Shen Mengyao had a feeling of going home with her passport. She pushed the door and left the car.
"Please go in."
The poster came over and the Marines confirmed the legality of Shen Mengyao’s identity before releasing it, but it was natural that Tang Yi and his car could not enter.
"then I’ll go home, I’ll fulfill my promise, and I hope you won’t break your promise."
Turning around and being able to come to the embassy from the pirate village is also thanks to Tang Yi’s help. Shen Mengyao has some contradictions and said to Tang Yi.
But I don’t want Tang Yi to just promise that he will step on the gas pedal and sail directly to the distance.
He sent her back because she was Mr.zhou’s sister, and whether she would take the orphans away is another matter.
Watching the cold car leave Shen Mengyao and pouting, such a man is really unpleasant.
Fortunately, Shen Mengyao was so excited that she could finally go home safely when she stepped out of the devil’s war-torn country and walked into the embassy. She vowed that she would never come again.
But I don’t want to wait for her. It’s not a friendly welcome, but a group of guys in rebel uniforms
Chapter 13 Hero reappearance
I’m sorry that your passport is fake, but I don’t accept that you are a citizen of our country.
A cold words let Shen Mengyao suddenly stunned.
"Why am I not a citizen? I have a passport. I have a legitimate election. I need to meet the ambassador."
Shen Mengyao feels that she will burst at the end of the day. Now she is stepping on the border of the embassy, and she is the most trusted safe house.
But I don’t want to live in the United States for so many years. She was rejected by human feelings, and when her passport was torn up, the soldiers around her came over.
Dressed in rebel costumes, they grabbed Shen Mengyao’s arm and gave her no chance to move.
"I’m sorry you’re not a citizen of our country, but if you don’t have any profit requirements, please cooperate with the armed personnel of our country."
The smiling white man pushed his glasses and wore a straight suit. He turned and walked towards the embassy.
"I’m an American citizen. I’m not pretending."
Shen Mengyao was very wronged in her heart, but no matter how she shouted, she remained fine.
Several big-waisted rebels directly stuffed her into a jeep, which started and roared off from the back door of the embassy.
"Let me go. Let me go."
It’s no use kicking and struggling Shen Mengyao, especially the smelly soldier who hit her in the face with a mouth. That’s why she came here for nothing.
She was betrayed, and she was betrayed to the rebels by the personnel of the Chinese embassy.
This man, he has seen it clearly, or he personally received herself when she arrived, and repeatedly woke up that she should pay attention to safety in the local area.
But that guy who said the embassy was her strong backing now betray her to the rebels.
Then it also proves that she was chased by the rebels just after she went out with her mercenaries
Everything is a conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy around himself. Through the embassy information, he knows Shen Mengyao’s identity very well
I also know that if I kidnap her, I can get the most urgently needed medicine. Now I will think back to Tang Yi’s eyes and doubt that she finally came over in vain.
What? He keeps saying that he doesn’t believe those western politicians. What? He keeps trying to smuggle himself back.
But now it’s too late to come here for nothing, and her face is burning and painful, so that she knows that she will be trapped in the magic cave.
Regret that Shen Mengyao was squeezed between two soldiers like a puppet, as if he had lost his soul.
The car was full of sweat and the smell was fading away. She jumped into the trap that had been dug long ago.
Men laughed at her and turned a deaf ear. Now it has become a luxury to ask for death, and tears can’t help falling.
Segmented reading 7
She knew how humiliating it would be to wait for her, but there was nothing she could do.
At the beginning, I wanted to avenge my sister, but now I’m going to be a prisoner with a medical skill. The so-called saving lives turned out to be difficult for me.
"Bang Bang"
Just as Shen Mengyao was trying to think about ending his life and avoiding being wasted, a shot came out.
The bullet went through the windshield accurately, and until then she finally saw a figure on the road running towards the car.
At this time, Tang Yi was like an attacking lion. Two rebels, the cab and the co-pilot, were shot in the head with one gun.
His right foot slammed into the sky and Tang Yi’s left foot stepped on the bumper of the oncoming jeep.
Once again, the whole person jumped high and made a beautiful 360-degree turn in the middle.
"Bang Bang"
Turn over the instantaneous muzzle toward the double-gun projectiles in the hands when jumping over the jeep also directly hit the rebels on the left and right sides of Shen Mengyao.
It’s only a few seconds. Four bullets ended. Four evil lives lost control and the car directly hit the jeep parked in the road by Tang Yi.
The body force fell aside, and the body of a soldier was pressed on Shen Mengyao’s shoulder.
The top of the skull was shot, and the blood flowed directly on her body, which scared Shen Mengyao to push him quickly.
"Well, if you want to sit for a while, I can go."
Just when Shen Mengyao panicked, the door slammed and pulled the body to Tang Yi, who said to Shen Mengyao, who was covered in blood.
The face is still covered with tears, but the appearance of Tang Yi in front of me simply makes Shen Mengyao come back to life.
Jumped directly from the back seat of the jeep. Shen Mengyao directly hugged Tang Yi’s neck and cried loudly. She just let the Buddha walk in front of the ghost door.
This kind of survivor made her so wronged and betrayed, and she was so sad to cry.

Hu Jingyan leng one.

He can solve the problem with one punch. Chen is rich and waiting to search for Xuantiangong. I didn’t expect people to run away.
To react, he immediately chased it.
Chen is rich and afraid to run into the crowd, but it is convenient for Hu Jingyan.
He is much better than Chen Fuyu, and even if he is seriously injured, he is powerless to catch up.
"Old shameless you have the guts to deal with ling."
"I know that bullying the younger generation is shy for you!"
Chen ran with money and scolded Hu Jingyan for turning red and crying with anger.
"I killed you!"
"Kill your uncle! Kill you and chase me!"
Gradually, Chen has money to find that he can’t run just by running, but Hu Jingyan can’t beat him head-on
But if the other party wants to treat his hand, it will inevitably affect the speed.
Although hiding in a mess for a while, Hu Jingyan really can’t stand him
Hu Jingyan was worried.
the other side
After a bloody battle, how many people have left?
Ling Tian drew a note that Chen had money over there.
In order to avoid the attack, Chen Youfu rolled all over from time to time, covered with rotten leaves and mud.
Looks like a mess
"He almost reached my limit."
Chen’s money is already slowing down, and Ling Tian decides to do it quickly.
Hold on to the Yuan Shi Qi Hai and run wildly.
Exhaustion of true qi
The sword became more violent.
In just a few minutes, the battlefield suddenly became quiet.
Seeing that Chen is rich and physically exhausted, Hu Jingyan is getting more and more energetic.
Then suddenly felt a chill.
At the same time, a gentle sound sounded in the ear.
"Chen Gong wants to help?"
Chapter 63 Ling Tian has secrets
Lingtian! Why is he here?
Don’t …
Hu Jingyan looked back and felt scalp pins and needles.
How long has it been since this cruel butcher killed so many people!
What strength does he have?
Even Hu Jingyan himself has to work hard to kill all these people.
Unlike Hu Jingyan, Chen is rich and ecstatic.
"Help me kill him if you need it!"
"But you have to pay more."
"Gaga Gaga, you can have as much as you want!"
Chen has money and nods wildly.
He finally realized that money is nothing compared with life.
"Ling Tian, let’s make a deal."
Hu Jingyan suddenly stopped to look at Ling Tian.
He knows that Ling Tian has no chance at all, so he might as well give it a try.
Lingtian transient became amiable.
"Well, I like personal transactions best."
"How much spar are you going to pay to buy your own life?"
Smell speech Chen rich in the mind a flurried way
"I said you can’t go back on your word by increasing the money!"
"Shut up"
Ling day coldly swept his one eye.
"Don’t interrupt if you don’t want to die."
"… I I don’t talk"
Chen has money and immediately shrinks into quail.
Ling day this just satisfied nod Hu Jingyan continued
Hu Jingyan deep breath slowly mouth
"I don’t have much spar … but I can tell you a secret. There is a secret of the Lord’s mansion."
"The duke … crazy"
There is no response when this is a ling day. Chen Youfu can’t help laughing.
"The duke is crazy? I think you are crazy! "
"The border town can stand today, but it’s all because of the duke. If the duke was crazy, the border town would have been in chaos!"
Hu Jing reason also ignore is looking at ling day.
Lingtian is thoughtful.
The first time I saw that crazy old man was in the Tibetan Pavilion.
If the residence of the Duke’s family is the most closely guarded place in the whole Duke’s mansion, the Tibetan Pavilion is the second.