Master Yan saw that she was in a good mood and walked over.

Opposite Robert also folded his hands.
He has been studying Go with his master recently, and Jiang Jiang knows that he just smiled and said a few words with several people.
Not long after going out, Robert suddenly laughed. "I seem to have forgotten my mobile phone."
Yan butler temporarily loosened his master’s wrist and asked Jiang Jiang to hold his side head and said to him, "Wait a minute. I’ll get the super black technology."
Robert nodded with an easygoing smile.
Seeing him waiting in the same place and looking towards the room, Jiang Jiang smiled and looked at the master judo. "Everyone is waiting. I’ll help you first."
Master patted on the back of her hand and replied with a smile.
Jiang Jiang helped his master to the corner of the stairs and was about to wake him up. Suddenly, an English song with a low melody sounded behind the steps.
It’s Robert’s cell phone bell.
They looked back at Robert’s cell phone and said with a smile, "Hi Susan …"
As soon as his voice fell, Jiang Jiang felt that his wrist was suddenly pulled a little. Almost instantly, the housekeeper looked at her and cried out, "Sir!"
Jiang Jiang metamorphoses, watching the master fall down the stairs.
Her mind was blank, and her eyes were transfixed in pursuit of fear and panic, which instantly swept through the Ministry of mind and scared her to stay at the highest step.
Yan Guanjia ran past her and knelt at the corner to stabilize his master.
Robert also don’t know when to accept the phone and chase.
Two panic shout nature has already shocked all the people in the building. The large living room is almost quiet in an instant, followed by a tumultuous and hurried pace.
"What’s the matter?"
The first to rush over YanPingyang urgent drink asked.
After asking him, he knelt down at the master’s side to check that he was directly opposite the housekeeper’s consciousness and looked up at Jiang Yan.
Jiang Jiang one leng almost method thinking staggered back a small step, one hand tightly holding the railing murmured "I didn’t mean to …"
She just heard the bell, glanced at it and did nothing.
Master suddenly let go of her hand and fell.
Not her!
Yan Pingyang’s subsequent eyes could kill her. Jiang Jiang suddenly became too stiff to move in this eye and shook his head in the direction of everyone’s eyes to explain, "It’s not me, it’s grandpa …"
It’s his own instability.
She didn’t hold it steady either!
If housekeeper Yan had held it, it wouldn’t have happened.
How can she be distracted when grandpa is old and the stairs are like this?
Jiang Jiang hasn’t finished a word yet, but he can’t get up when he falls down. She only has to explain the root method for export.
What should she say?
Grandpa didn’t fall off by himself?
Then she’s around!

One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!

Not far from Huichunfang, the wine shop is drinking wine around the wooden table, but the four people often look back at the closed doors of Chunfang.
"Boss, we really don’t go and see? What if she can’t cope with being bullied? " Full of uneasy sounds, this statement sounded carefully, and the other three people here were all corners of their mouths!
"When did you see the lady had lost? In my opinion, are you out of your mind to be fed good wine and food by your wife these days? !” Sitting opposite him, he gave him a sideways glance and then said, "The latest order of the Lord is to let us monitor the lady’s every move instead of her taking the lead to solve the problem. Do you want to violate the main order?"
"His mother you are calling me a pig? You need someone to feed you! When madam brought us good wine and food, when didn’t you eat it? Now you’re talking about me! " Ling 21 was about to get up when she rolled her sleeves, but she was always silent and stopped by Ling’s sudden appearance. "Sit down!"
"Boss …" Ling Er looked angrily at him and was about to speak when he saw the gate of rejuvenation square across the hall, so he immediately changed his mouth and shouted, "The door is closed!" Smell speech the other three people line of sight also turned to the door of rejuvenation.
Seeing Yan Fang, the county magistrate in Guanzecheng, dragging his wife into the carriage and then turning over, he finally left the south street of the city and gathered in front of the rejuvenation square to watch the crowd gradually disperse with full belly feeling-
Everyone is guessing today, but it has been confirmed that the forces behind Chunfang Owner are really unusual this time. You must never provoke them! Even the county magistrate’s wife didn’t win the favor. Who else dares to be right in Jersey City? !
Ling Er watched the carriage of the county magistrate’s wife leave the back with a frown and said, "If that woman of Yan Fang doesn’t teach a good lesson, it will definitely be bad in the future. It seems that she has to find a time to knock it!"
"Don’t mind your own business!" Ling glanced at him coldly and warned, "The Lord doesn’t want people to know his wife’s true identity yet. If you really stand up for her, Yan Fang’s mind will definitely guess her!"
"What do you mean? Maybe that Yan Fang still doesn’t know the identity of his wife? Then why did he come to apologize to his wife in person? !” Yi eryi asked in surprise.
Ling Yi let go of his glass and explained, "Yan Fang has always been cautious. Even if he doesn’t know his wife’s true identity, he won’t easily offend her. After all, my wife’s rejuvenation workshop is bought by me. Even if she doesn’t have direct contact with the Lord, Yan Fang can’t neglect it!"
"So that’s it. I also told him his wife’s identity!" Ling Er suddenly realized and nodded, "Now that I think about it, if he had known the real identity of his wife early in the morning, he would have woken up his wife long ago, and today would not have happened!"
"Well …" Yi Yi was about to speak, but he got up involuntarily, strode across the threshold and walked straight in the direction of rejuvenation square! Ling’s heart was full of horror, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of the dilemma of being controlled by human figures. Naide gave up her struggle and stepped into the rejuvenation workshop.
While sitting in the wine shop, the other three people are blindsided and can’t understand what it means for him to run across the street without saying a word at this time!
"Boss, what is this?" Yi Er Yi looked at him with a puzzled expression. Yi Ling San Ling Si Tucao said, "Don’t let us take care of this, but he went to his wife without saying a word. What do you mean?" !”
"The boss walked very strangely!" I have always cherished words like Jin Ling San, but I woke up with a frown. Ling Er and Ling Si Yi just got up and walked out, and their limbs were stiff. It is better to say that he walked out by himself than that he was controlled by people.
"Oh, no! Chief, is everything okay? !” Ling Er’s face changed and he strode to the rejuvenation workshop. Before he went in, he heard Ling Yi’s angry rebuke. "What are you doing here? !”
"Worried about you" Ling San, as always, cherishes words like gold.
"Chief, are you all right?" Ling Er Ling Si is different from each other. "Madam, it’s not hard for you, is it?"
Ling Yi stepped out of the rejuvenation workshop with a calm face and said coldly without looking back, "What can I do? Let’s go and don’t stop at the door to affect the business of the lady’s shop!"
"Boss, did your wife just control you?" Back in the wine shop, Ling Si asked eagerly, "How did she control you? Poison or method? When did you get caught? What I didn’t notice at all? !”
"How can the boss answer you when you ask so many questions in one breath, fool!" Ling Er gave him a grumpily white look.
As soon as Ling saw that they had seen that something was wrong with them, she didn’t hide it. Shen replied, "I’m not poisoned or poisoned, but there is a master hiding in the dark around my wife who can manipulate people’s bodies and consciousness at will to do what he wants!"
"What? The world still has this kind of kung fu! ?” Hearing this, the three of them were all shocked.
Yi Yi sighed a sigh and said, "There are people behind us who we haven’t heard of because we are ignorant, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there." He also suspected that he had been manipulated by the method, but this time the other party manipulated his body when he was conscious, and he couldn’t do this!
"It’s no wonder that there are experts around the lady who care for each other, boss. You’re not worried that the lady will be bullied by Yan Fang and his wife …" Ling Er nodded his head if he thinks, and then he got excited. "Such a powerful expert really makes people wonder what he looks like! If you have the opportunity, you must see it! " qR1
Hui Chunfang carried the magic method and eavesdropped on several people’s conversations. Blue Ink couldn’t help sipping his mouth when he heard Ling Er’s remarks. He blinked his eyes and turned to look at Sun Jindao. "Master, they are quite interesting. Do you really want to play with them?"
"No matter how interesting they are, they are also Hector even Chengde. Since they can’t be loyal to me, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible!" Ms. Sun shook her head with a straight face. Through this incident, she understood that she spent several months trying to make them change their minds and take refuge in herself. Nothing has been achieved at all. Their loyalty is still that love rat!
Hector even Chengde let them protect her, so they will protect Hector even Chengde and let them look on coldly. They will look on coldly regardless of her. It is hard to imagine that if one day Hector even Chengde let them kill her, would they show mercy? The answer is definitely impossible! In that case, will she be busy with an almost impossible thing again? !
Blue ink thoughtfully held his little face and looked at her. "But is the master really willing to kill them?"
"Who said I’m going to kill them? !” Sun Jin stared at her childhood and received the education of "killing people and breaking the law". Although she is not a very good person, she is still quite resistant to disregard for human life’s line!
Although she said that she was so calm when threatening others, she was actually scaring people. Otherwise, the person who was sent by GongSunLian to assassinate her would not have been handed over to Ling Yi by Blue Devil. Why not just let Blue Ink kill her? !
"Didn’t the master let Blue Ink’ solve’ them?"
"I’m asking you to find a way to get rid of them so that they can’t keep watching me, not to kill people, silly girl!" Sun Jin hurriedly explained that he broke out in a cold sweat on his back. Sure enough, there is a generation gap between man and demon. If he didn’t explain clearly today, maybe this girl will put her body in front of her to take credit!
"Even so much trouble! If you just kill it, nothing will happen? " Smell speech blue ink face a wrinkly pouting muttered, "how do you humans so like beating around the bush? !”
Sun Jin took a slow sip of tea and replied, "If you feel trouble, I can let you go back to the party immediately."
"Ah ah! No trouble at all! Master, you can rest assured that Blue Ink will definitely solve them! " On hearing this, Blue Ink Horse changed her dog leg smile and quickly shook her head. Although she doesn’t like human beating around the bush, she still likes the food made by human beings! If she goes back to Fangwai, she won’t be able to eat delicious chicken legs and braised pork, which is definitely a torment for her who is used to human food!
Watching the blue ink leave, Sun Jin put his teacup back against the back of the chair and lost in thought. When it was dark, he was dizzy by the blue ink. Fat sister-in-law woke up and turned around and saw Sun Jin’s sculptural appearance. My heart couldn’t help but ask, "Jin Niang, what’s the matter? Where are the magistrate’s adult and the magistrate’s wife? They didn’t give you a hard time, did they? !” Dumped, dumped, and a little dizzy. Fat sister-in-law was puzzled. She wasn’t sleepy at all, but she sat asleep inexplicably and didn’t even know what happened in the store!
"It’s okay, they didn’t bully me." Sun Jin turned around and put away those messy thoughts in his heart and replied softly.

Before Hu Jia, Chen Jia took refuge in Ling Tian first.

It’s no good for them to go against the water now.
Besides, the duke has been eyeing up the Chen family. Once the duke is turned over, the first unlucky thing is that they are the Chen family.
Master Chen wouldn’t be so stupid.
That’s the Song family and the Li family left.
The Song family hasn’t chosen a new owner yet.
The obvious fight is more serious
Do they have any energy left to do other things in this situation?
But then again, if you really want to climb the duke and wait for the dust to settle, isn’t it certain to take the main position of the Song family?
Song family suspicion cannot be ruled out.
The Li family has more minds than anyone else and should know the pros and cons.
But who can guarantee that he won’t reach any agreement with the duke?
On the surface, it is on their side, but secretly it helps the duke to seek something?
Suspicion of the Li family cannot be ruled out.
Who could it be?
See Hu not lost in thought. General Gu and Hu Lai didn’t bother him.
They don’t know how to deal with the monster beast, so let him worry.
The room fell into silence, but it became more noisy outside.
"We want to see the Lord and hand him over!"
"It’s been two days. Are you lying to us? You must have imprisoned the Lord! "
"Don’t blame us if you don’t hand over the Lord!"
Hulai can’t sit still, and he will go out with his fist clenched.
"I’ll go out and have a look."
"What can you do when you go out?"
The ancient general stopped him shake head a way
"This is your territory, and those fighters outside are mostly under your jurisdiction."
"You can appease them when you go out at ordinary times."
"But now someone is inciting you to go out and just fall into their trap."
"What will you do if they arrest you and blackmail Hu Jia?"
Hulai pursed her lips and stopped talking.
The ancient general sighed sadly, and things were really bad.
Do it. They’re not afraid.
Although they are at a disadvantage in numbers, they are crushed in strength.
But the consequences are very serious, and it is very likely to cause riots in Muwei.
It will be difficult to end it then.
Even the border town will be affected.
the other side

If you say it’s good, it’s a natural turn. If it’s not good, it’s called "leakage of essence"

It’s almost impossible for Su Jing to repair the essence and leak it, which shows the influence of the foreign spirit on him.
In my heart, Su Jing temporarily stopped the former governor of Lingzhou from sitting in the fire and quietly realized that he was getting angry … After sitting for three days, Su Jing reopened his eyes, Xiaoguang turned around and flew to the oblique side!
For seventy-three days, the light at the end of the line of sight showed a brilliant sun hanging in the distance
Just looking at the hot sun ahead carefully, suddenly a little flower cat jumped out of nowhere and grabbed it. When the fluffy ball ran past the small ceiling, it temporarily spit the ball to the ground. The cat shouted "Hello Su Jing, the sun makes me feel uncomfortable. Don’t get too close. Goodbye Su Jing" and then picked up the ball and continued to run before the trip.
Extremely wonderful, dignified and holy.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ten Scarlet heaven and earth
Su Jing was startled by her, and before she could answer anything, the cat had already run away.
Is it passing by?
I haven’t seen it come back for a long time
It’s passing by
Su Jing withdrew his mind and sent him far away to explore the distant sun.
Seventy-three days in a hurry, the sadness and depression became more and more clear, and now I finally got to the place, which is to vent my anger in the hot sun ahead.
During the trip, Su Jing asked seventeen villains, Yan Zi and Lie Xiao Er, and they didn’t notice anything, but Su Jing, the small god of the Sun, felt the same and was often infected by that inexplicable meaning, and his eyes unconsciously showed sadness.
Although it is not completely guaranteed, Su Jing can probably understand that the spirit can be received by the Sun and the Yanghuo people.
The scale of the scorching sun ahead is far from Su Jing’s hundred-mile golden wheel, even hundreds of thousands of miles more than Fiona Fang’s, which is enough to nourish several real suns in the world!
Su Jing is a temple of "walking" and going straight into the depths of the sun.
The temple is magnificent, but it is also the golden sun.
Su Jing has been wandering around for six times, and has seen some suns several times, but the real sun has never been seen. After all, the universe is vast, and the number of sacred objects in the sun is not too much. You can meet many fairy swords if you want to touch them, and you can’t see a feather in the sun for ten thousand years.
The golden wheel ahead is the same as Su Jing’s. The crow casting the sun god has long since left the main sun, but what about Jin Wudi’s feeling of sadness?
When Yang Huo Fa Yuan’s life was really repaired, that sad spirit really made Su Jing feel sad, and he didn’t hesitate too much to turn his mind and put the small light into his sleeve and then spread his wings to fly to the hot sun.
Two hundred and fifty years ago, when I first met another stack, Su Jing was able to turn the small light into a ball of light. Now, after four armor sacrifices, I have put the small light in my sleeve and put it in my arms with Su Jing’s heart. Su Jing estimated that if I had another armor sacrifice, I would be able to swallow the small light directly into my stomach.
There seems to be no difference between hiding sleeves and swallowing belly. In fact, there is a difference between the two. The former, a large piece of Lingzhou has become a small group, and the shape has changed. The scale is small and it is convenient to carry, but the quality remains the same and the weight remains unchanged. When you can swallow it, it will be a qualitative change. You can change the small light ceiling at will, and you can also shuttle back and forth. This qualitative change is also called virtual change.
After refining this "virtual change", the pursuit of refining means that the "meaning" has changed. Is the real sun a fire and the world a fire? Is the virtual world a real fire world and should it be as real as the universe? You have to hide the truth in this fire, and you have to get the spiritual deficiency in this world. When the two things are combined, the refining day is completed.
The so-called hidden truth falls into Su Jing’s state of mind is "the unity of heaven and man"; Spiritual deficiency is the only one in his mind. It is not difficult to understand whether man is the world or the world is a man. There is a real world hidden among people, and there is also a person in the world who talks about who is hiding and who is hiding.
When I am alone, my mind turns away from heaven and earth, heaven and earth, and everyone can go to heaven and earth. Where did people go? What is the world for people? All, also not spirit deficiency.
In the fusion of "hiding the truth" and "spiritual deficiency", I am determined to hold on to the realm and ruin the bag for a hundred years.
In fact, Su Jing’s state of mind is all ready as far as refining day is concerned, and it’s too late. In those days, every breakthrough in Su Jing’s practice will attract Yang Saburo’s admiration, not Yang Saburo’s deliberate curry favor …
The golden wheel is full of flames, and it is blown to pieces, and it is hot and dry, and the gangfeng sweeps thousands of miles with great force. But neither the flame nor the gangfeng will hurt the real Yang Huodi, who was burned by this fire and was warmed by this wind.
When the fire flashed, the little Sun Yuan God jumped out and jumped Su Jing’s shoulders, enjoying the warmth and comfort together, and then moving forward into the depths of the sun, the spirit fire seemed to be able to tell that the arrival was the same clan, the same clan, the same road, the huge flames, the left and right sides, and the rushing sea. Su Jing gave way to the initiative.
Su Jing went straight to the Sun Temple in the center of the scorching sun without stopping, but when he was halfway, his expression became weird, and he really knew what he saw in front of the scenery, right?
Don’t say that immortals, even practitioners, have spiritual knowledge, and their true knowledge is shallow. In other words, they are the integration of qi and heart with body feeling-exploring all around at any time, reaching mountains, lakes, heaven and earth as small as a grass and trees are all mapped to knowing the sea, which is not clearer than looking directly at it, but the coverage is much wider.
Besides, in the process of casting the sun in the sun, a temple of sun fire will be built. The temple of sun fire will be built magnificently, regardless of whether the sun is cast like sun fire. The scale can be considered as a small door. When Xiao Sujing is not in the hot sun, he really explores this temple. It is as tall and magnificent as he has ever seen before. Wan Li is vast
True knowledge is reflected and transformed into a big palace that knows the sea rolling in flames; True knowledge should have guided Su Jing into the main hall gate by now … But in the eyes, there is no temple, and there is no golden gate with fire, which is enchanting and swaying wildly.
It’s a pity that Yozaburo can’t be disturbed now, otherwise Su Jingzhen would like to ask her what the situation is.
What the true knowledge explores is a heavy "illusion". It is quite strange that Su Jing can’t help but slow down his steps. Ninety-nine Geng Jin Jian feathers were scattered by him and quietly merged into the fire around him.
Walk, walk, walk Su Jing through the tall towers, spacious squares, and layers of halls in the real knowledge, which is actually through the poor flames … So he walked seven thousand miles until he came to the main hall of the Sun Fire Palace in the real knowledge, and finally the eyes showed a house that was not a flame.
Adobe walls and tiled roofs seem to collapse at any moment. A small room is only available in the poorest and most barren villages in middle earth.
Su Jing can’t help but be indecisive. I have always been able to distinguish the true knowledge around me. It’s still a magnificent hall here. I simply said, "I will learn from Su Jing, a younger generation, after the fire is repaired, and I will come by nearby to find out the pulse. I hope I can help you. Please tell the younger generation not to dare."
Su Jing, who was so sad before, thought that if the sun needed help here, he would not refuse.
Such as a dilapidated hut people should Su Jing repeat singing Mennuo again, and still people will ignore Su Jing’s confession and carefully push the door before taking a step.
Getting up and practicing, Su Jing’s alert situation is too wrong. He dare not have the slightest carelessness, but no matter how careful he is, there is nothing wrong with his door suddenly exploding in front of his eyes, causing a sensation in his ears, and blowing a vast wind around him!
In an instant, Su Jinggen’s method was so strong that he resisted the dizzy feeling, and the five senses were blinded and confused. The body is even more uncontrolled and falls heavily!
Falling, but by no means falling to the cliff, feels more like a dream. Everything is limited to expansion, enlargement, towering, but oneself are shrinking and sinking. Fear suddenly cuts out your heart and mind, and it seems that there is no longer only fear, fear and fear.
Fortunately, this terrible feeling lasted for a moment, and after three to five breaths, Su Jing suddenly felt that the body was stabilized by strong light, and the strange wind with loud noise dispersed … The body was still full of vitality, and the five senses were clear. The little Sun Yuan God also had his shoulders in front of him … What place is it!
Scarlet red scorched earth scarlet boundless sky This red is not as shocking as blood, nor as vigorous as the glow of the sun, or it hangs over the world. There is sun in the glow of the sun, and some blood remains. The color is sharp and ferocious, but it is more dead than I have ever seen, and I can’t make an accurate shape with words, but it makes my heart stop trembling and my body cold and lifeless.
Dead red world destroyed the day before yesterday, the last touch of Xiaguang red blood was about to solidify and turn black, and finally insisted on dying red before purple.
There is more than one sun in the sky. Looking round after round, Su Jing is a fairy fighting with two nests of ants. He can see at a glance that the number will not be more than one, and now he can’t count how many suns are hung in this sky!
Are those still the sun? The moon is cloudy and sunny, and the sun is missing. The sun will always be round and bright unless the dog eats the sun. In this day, the sun is all incomplete, cracked and ferocious, and it is striking. Climbing all over the sky, the sun is more like hooking and breaking the sun.
What’s more, it’s "residual". Those suns are not thriving, blazing and bright, and they have no vitality at all. It’s as if they have put out the remaining warm coals and ashes, and they are dead … and the sun is dead.
Yang is dead, and there is only the last remnant of the Red House. The sky here is also a remnant of the Red House.
Suddenly, half a lamp of the setting sun couldn’t hold on any longer. After shaking for a few days, it fell from the sky and fell in the distance. Su Jing first felt a slight earthquake on the ground and saw the dust rushing up at the place where the setting sun fell …
For those who practice Yang fire and are determined to practice Japanese, the scene of dying in the sky is not too shocking. Su Jing is absent-minded. It takes a moment before he finds himself in a scarlet, warm mud and soft mud that has unconsciously passed his knees.
Behind the fire, Su Jing flew up, pulled himself out of the scarlet swamp and followed his mind to fly straight to the sky, so that he could have a bird’s eye view of songkhla …
Chapter one thousand one hundred and eleven Will stall fetal Yang
Behind the fire, Su Jing flew up, pulled himself out of the scarlet swamp and followed his mind to fly straight to the sky, so that he could have a bird’s eye view of songkhla …
Whenever there is a lake in the southwest of Dahongzhi, it is famous. That lake is called "Shenyu Lake"
Shenyu Lake Fiona Fang occupies three "rare" miles. First, the lake is dependent on mountains and mountains, and the lake inclines to the top of the mountain, so you can have a bird’s eye view of the great lake. Needless to say, the scenery is magnificent.
The second "rare" is that the lake is clear and the abnormal water quality is far clearer than other rivers, lakes and rivers, and the lake light is bright in the clarity;
The third "rare" is really "rare". The bottom of the lake is uneven and scattered, and there are hundreds of deep pits, large and small. The bottom of the lake is dozens of Fiona Fang, and the size of the lake is tens of miles. The lake is clear and abnormal. From the top of the mountain, the lake is flat, and the color at the bottom of the lake is deep and blue. It seems that large and small jasper sinks into a lake at the bottom of the lake with several spots and several heavy colors.

Jun Yujue suddenly turned around and glanced at him with cold eyes and then left from a quiet path.

The glass palace was quiet. Jun Yujue quietly embedded in the room. There was a person lying quietly on the bed. The moonlight shone on that person, making the whole city look even paler and haggard.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 4 Your heart is unpredictable ()
The glass palace was quiet. Jun Yujue quietly embedded in the room. There was a person lying quietly on the bed. The moonlight shone on that person, making the whole city look even paler and haggard.
Jun Yujue looked at the whole city’s emaciated cheeks and felt a dull tingling in his heart. He strode with difficulty, and his thin lips gently called out, "The whole city …"
In a coma, the whole city seems to really hear the sound of Jun Yu Jue’s eyelashes trembling slightly for a few times, and slowly opened his eyes and saw a figure shaking in front of him. "Who? Who’s there? " Her voice is a little hoarse, and her tone is strong and weak when she speaks.
Jun Yujue held her hand before she left. "The whole city is me."
When Jun Yujue approached her, the whole city slowly raised its hand to touch Jun Yujue’s cheek and then hugged Jun Yujue with a cry and smile.
"It’s really you. It’s really you and me. You don’t want me …"
Jun Yujue hugged the whole city tightly. "How can a good girl not want you? Don’t cry?" His voice was as gentle as ever, which made the whole city unable to help but sink deeply into his voice.
"Why haven’t you come to see me for so long?" The whole city asked Jun Yujue with tears. Tears rolled down her face and dripped on Jun Yujue’s clothes. The temperature of tears seemed to burn his skin, which made him feel the tears of the whole city and he couldn’t help trembling at that moment.
"I can’t tell you that you promised to take good care of yourself, okay?"
"Don’t, I don’t" The whole city hugged Jun Yujue tightly. "I don’t care what others say. I want you, I want you to stay with me."
Jun Yujue heard the words of the whole city and was Zheng. It turned out that she knew everything.
Raise my hand and gently touch the back of Qingcheng. "Qingcheng obeys me, and when I solve this matter, I will stay with you and never leave you again, okay?"
"No, I don’t want it." The whole city plays with a childish temper, but Jun Yujue is not angry at all.
"How about sneaking to see you every night after that?"
The whole city looked at Jun Yujue. "Really?"
"I lied to you when I was real."
The whole city is wrinkly to knit the brows "but how can you be so busy?"
Jun Yujue hooked his lips and smiled. "Why do I smell sour?"
The whole city turned over their "that’s better than you have a new love and forget your old love, heart breaker." Say that finish, you are lying back in bed.
Jun Yujue climbed into bed with a smile. Who wants the whole city to actually put his foot in Jun Yujue’s chest? Jun Yujue looked down at the foot of the whole city. "Why are you trying to seduce me before you are well?" Said to hold the whole ankle fingers make his arch.
The whole city felt a tingle and quickly retracted its feet. Naijun Yujue was too strong. The whole city couldn’t smoke it. It was hard to change it. I looked at Jun Yujue and rubbed it on his chest. "I am so delicate. Are you willing to bully me?"
"I can’t bear to part with it," said Jun Yujue in a serious way. "So I have to save it for you to come to bed when you are ready."
The whole dark scold a table face!
Suddenly I feel desperate. There is no love in this world.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 49 Your heart is unpredictable (9)
Jun Yujue hugged the whole city and lay in bed. "Sleep well and don’t forget to promise me to take good care of yourself when I’m not around."
"Then will you come back to see me later?"
The whole city turned into a nest in Jun Yujue’s arms and stroked Jun Yujue’s eyebrows. "So … will you touch other women?"
Jun Yujue looked at the whole city. His eyes were as deep as a piece of Wang Yang sea for a long time, and a smile appeared in his eyes. "No!" His tone is gentle but with a promise.
"I seem to be getting more and more stingy." The whole city leaned its head against Jun Yujue’s chest.
"I don’t like stingy women very much, but I’ll just accept it for you."
Jun Yujue picked up a whole arm with many scars and a place wrapped in gauze. He didn’t want to know that it was a new wound.
His fingertips gently stroked the whole arm, and the roads were like centipedes’ horrible scars, and his thin lips slowly kissed, and finally he leaned over and kissed the whole lip and said "I’m sorry" lightly.
The whole city was really tired and extremely weak. At that time, it didn’t support itself and fell into a deep sleep. When I was in a daze, I vaguely heard that Jun Yujue was sorry. She wanted to say something, but after all, she didn’t resist the drowsiness and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning, the whole city opened its eyes, and where was Jun Yujue’s figure? He stretched out his hand and touched the surface, and the temperature was cool. Obviously, he walked for a long time.
The clear eyes of the whole city were suddenly filled with lost autumn frost. From the outside, I came in and looked at the whole city sitting in a daze. "Empress, why don’t you sleep for a while?"

Where is rhinoceros state? It was a dangerous time to bury many witch monks, and every one of them really went to rhinoceros state. When was it not carefully prepared to lead a powerful war group?

Although the war wizard is already the second ancestor, he didn’t do anything except get a dog festival order, and his strength around him was pitiful and he ran to rhinoceros state unprepared. Isn’t that asking for it?
The second ancestor did have 1000 witches, but the 1000 witches’ practice is really mixed. The highest one is not distracted, and the lowest one is not a godsworn.
The number is only 1000, and it is not enough to take the monks around them to the full. Isn’t this strength to send food to rhinoceros state?
After the great wizards collegiate, they gently warned Sun Hao not to be impulsive. After a period of stability, they trained a strong team before thinking about going out.
A great wizard has come up with a better plan, and there are wild animals in Changzhou in the east, which are wild animals in the mainland mixed with witches. It is relatively safe. If the second ancestor needs it, he can go and build a base area.
At this time, the ancestral wizard has sunk into practice. Sun Hao told these great wizards that he didn’t want to talk to them more, so he could go out. Once Sun Hao fled into the void, who could catch up with these great wizards?
Consumedly, she agreed to go to Changzhou in the east, Sun Hao took out the immortal silver ship, and said to her concubines, "I will lead you to harvest wild animal resources and practice Yin and Yang Dafa at the same time. From today on, you will truly become a princess sequence …"
One thousand Wufei was brought into Sumeru Tower by Sun Hao, and she saw her position in the tower for the first time.
The ranking of the status of 1000 witches is relatively unique. They directly rank the queen of witchcraft, and there is a line connecting them from behind the queen of witchcraft, but the height of the list, that is, the position, is not high.
At present, Sun Haoling list has become a huge list, mainly including princess list and war list.
There are a lot of monks on the battle list. If you look carefully, it has been divided into many departments, such as Jinliu Department, which refers to Jinliuwei around Sun Hao. For example, the Qinglong Department is a huge subordinate of Qinglong Wang Yuan around Sun Hao; For example, the easy fire department, which is the easy road light dog corps …
The number of princess lists here is relatively small, and the sorting is also quite interesting, which is divided into two categories: positive list and side list
After the top three, after the top three, the height is equal and tied, but XuanYuanHong ranked first, and Xia Qingyu ranked second, Gelun Lan finally.
After three, there was a big imperial concubine and a small fire, and suddenly the first imperial concubine, Linger, Mino Hayou and other sisters were all listed as imperial concubines.
The queen of the imperial concubine is a hundred concubines.
At present, Sun Hao’s 100 concubines have not been filled, and according to Sun Hao’s understanding, some of the top 100 concubines are likely to crowd out the bottom ones at any time.
In addition to the official list of grandsons and concubines, there are two major side lists. One side list directly appears with Sun Hao. Bai Jie and the double-faced witch are highly similar to the imperial concubine, and a long list of names is arranged on the side. That’s East Kunlun doomed love, too.
However, Sun Hao found that the name of this side list has changed a lot, which means that many concubines may have been exhausted in Shou Yuan and replaced by others.
There is also a side list, that is, it is now generated that the position of the witch queen is slightly lower than that of the hundred concubines and slightly higher than that of those Sun Haoren in East Kunlun who don’t recognize the concubines.
Sun Hao, who saw the spirit list, was also quite emotional. Did you have so many concubines before you knew it? Along the way, Sun Hao has tried his best to avoid getting emotional casually, but he can’t help himself. Too many long experiences in Shou Yuan have gradually accumulated, and the scale is not small.
There is also a kind of great monk who is too forgetful to be alone at the apex, but it seems that Sun Hao’s life will lose its meaning after he is cultivated into that kind of desire for Excellence, which is not desirable.
Be kind to people around you and climb the peak bravely. That’s the true nature of a monk.
Thousands of witch princesses naturalized in Sumitomo Tower also produced a relatively unexpected effect when they saw the spiritual list. Naturally, they sincerely United with the empress Wu and became a new force around Sun Hao.
After the original three years, when Zhonggeer Yunlan came in, it was short and light, and there was no plan to fight for position with others. Now, when thousands of witches came, the situation suddenly changed slightly.
Forming of Sumitomo Condensing Tower with Tripartite Potential in Three Kingdoms
Sun Hao was noncommittal about this, and then turned into Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, which saw the direction of rhinoceros state and broke away.
Those wizards who watched Sun Hao felt that the flowers at the moment were once again calm and the second ancestor had disappeared.
Chapter DiErQiYi Witch blood god bats
After waiting for a long time, we didn’t see the shadow of the second ancestor in Changzhou in the east, so everyone was a little white. The second ancestor probably still went to the rhinoceros state.
What should we do? The great wizards don’t know what to say. The second ancestor was young, so he stabbed to the rhinoceros state. What if something happened?
However, in this situation, it is impossible for everyone to find the guy of the second ancestor who crossed the virtual world carelessly, as if he had no sense of danger. Will he directly hit the virtual beast and become a beast?
After a while of panic, the wizards in the witch temple couldn’t find a feasible way to deal with it, and the matter would be over. It’s none of everyone’s business if Rain Niang wants to marry.
If you go with him, maybe the war between the two ancestors and the witch will become a short-lived comet in the witch family. Unfortunately, you can’t leave the blood of the witch.
The ancestral witch has closed down, which was made by the ancestral witch. Now everyone can’t find the second ancestor, so that’s it.
The witch temple returned to normal, and no more attention was paid to the two ancestors fighting witches.
Sun Hao has appeared with thousands of witches. The rhinoceros state is not close to the rhinoceros state, and pieces of mainland are overwhelming. The fierce breath not only makes Sun Hao suddenly move in his heart.
The wild breath of rhinoceros state is several times stronger than that of ordinary witch domain. What’s more important is that Sun Hao can feel the monstrous blood breath in the virtual world here. The whole rhinoceros state is like a huge wild beast eyeing up and lying in vain.
Sun Hao came from the witch domain and approached the rhinoceros.
According to Ode to Wu, this part belongs to the periphery of Rhinoceros State, which is an outpost where monks in the witchcraft often cut into Rhinoceros State.
Fly away and break the virtual Sun Hao and fly to a huge continent.
In the sky, Sun Hao’s incarnation, Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, quickly shrunk its wings and turned into a human form when it fell to the ground. When Sun Hao reappeared with a slight flash, he had unconsciously infiltrated a huge fortress.
This is a huge fortress lying like a beast. This mainland fortress is also an important logistics supply base for monks in rhinoceros state. There are monks of different races living in the fortress of Alex, but more are witches.
In the witch domain, except for the witch temple and four or five continents around the witch temple, there are many ethnic groups living in some continents.
The body is still huge, giants, ogres, one-eyed Sol, etc. There are many distributions, and these ethnic groups are still very strong and attached to the witchcraft, forming an important part of the witchcraft.
Terran monks are also very adaptable, and there is a strange thing about Terran monks, that is, they multiply rapidly and the virtual world is widely distributed, so there are still Terran monks in all witch areas.
However, the status is relatively low, usually a subordinate position, compared with the exclusive treatment of all ethnic groups in the terran domain
It’s not surprising that Sun Hao appeared in Alex fortress and walked in a huge city. In fact, there are Terran monks in many places in the fortress. Sun Haoxiu doesn’t make people feel anything, and no one knows his traces.
Go straight to a tall building in Alex fortress, and Sun Hao directly drilled into it. This is a very important building in the witch fortress. The witch hall is tall and rugged, and the most important thing in it is to exchange information and release the witch.
After going in, I casually found a window and handed over the nameplate representing my witch identity. Sun Haolang said, "Adjust the latest map of rhinoceros state and the main information in the last three years."
It’s a bit strange for the witch to see Sun Hao’s nameplate inside. It’s actually the white jade color witch hall on duty for so long. It’s the first time to see this kind of nameplate. I don’t know if it’s sent by the witch family or what level it can be.
Ding a Sun Hao nameplate, then inserting a witch operation interface brush, revealed a lot of information that made her stunned.
Isn’t it? This small nameplate actually has the information and materials to adjust the highest level and maximum limit of Alexandria fortress?
I couldn’t help but stay for a while. The witch opened her eyes wide and looked at the tiny one hanging outside the window. A Terran monk needs to hang up to check the information normally, but has such a high limit. Is there anything wrong?
Rubbing his eyes, Sun Hao smiled indifferently at her and said, "I want the latest map of rhinoceros state and the information in the last three years."
A sense of trust and a sense of having to obey, the witch Ma said, "Good adult, I’ll do it for you."
A moment later, Sun Hao flew out of the witch’s hall with two jade slips in his hand and a smile on his face. What did a witch feel like she had just done? It seems that I have experienced a very important thing, but it seems that I can’t remember it when I think about it seriously.
Swing your head and say, what’s wrong with me? Outside, another witch monk shouted, "Pay …"
Sun Hao got the map of New Rhino State, and the whole map was marked with several different colors.
It stands for different meanings. Fort Alex is a green light point representing peace and harmony. It is similar to Fort Alex. There are a dozen different continents in the whole rhinoceros state, and there is a second one with the same security point.
There are several other fortresses in Alexandria, and the blue color of the mainland represents relative security.
Near the mainland where the fortress was built, the standard in most parts of the mainland is orange, which means it is dangerous.
However, there are occasionally a few red dots in these orange areas, which means it is quite dangerous.
Outside the orange range, there is a large red area, which means that it is a dangerous area without hair.
In addition to the red area, there are three areas in the whole map: the rhinoceros horn position, the rhinoceros heart position and the rhinoceros * * position. The dark gold color of these three areas indicates that the monks are absolutely grounded and dead.
After perceiving a map and analyzing some information, Sun Hao flew up and headed for the most dangerous area in Alexandria, the only red dot in Alexandria.
Even if he has become a Mahayana monk, Sun Hao is still careful and dare not be careless. It is better to try how dangerous the red dot represents before deciding his own way of action.
Moreover, this kind of wild beast, Alexandra, is likely to be of great help to Sun Hao’s practice of wild Xingtian strength
A huge wild animal that can fly, the witch in the alexandrian group has become the largest wild animal community in a continuous majestic mountain range, which makes the weaker monks afraid to approach.
However, the reason why Alex really listed Qunfu Mountain as a red area is not a witch, but a huge blood-sucking bat, the witch-blood god bat
There are many caves in the mountains, and many mountain parts are there.
It was just discovered and when the mountains were deserted, the monks played well with the wizards, and many wizards cherished their cultivation resources.
But when everyone organized a huge team and wanted to completely desert the mountain, they combed it thoroughly and turned it into a relatively safe area for monks. Blood-sucking bats the size of calves flew out of the cave of the mountain.
This witch blood god bat has caused a lot of casualties to monks since it came out.
The attack mode of the witch blood god bat is quite strange. A kind of corrugated shape can break the law and break the defense. Many monks are destroyed by flying ash in this corrugated shape.
After reaching a certain number, the wave attack of the witch blood god bat was quite terrible. At that time, the encirclement and suppression group Alex fortress in Mount Fu organized a million elite monks’ army
I didn’t expect the group to be destroyed when it was caught off guard.
But this is just a bigger disaster waiting for the monks.
Chapter DiErQiErYi Group of Mount Fu
When the monks reacted and stood up to resist, they found a very terrible thing again. Those witch blood bats could actually suck blood. In the battle, a monk who was injured in the body would find his blood failing uncontrollably.

It’s natural for Baishi to come back and see someone who happens to be Miyano Mei.

Miyano beauty didn’t find anything unusual. She answered the door and looked up at Baishi’s room and immediately smiled. "Why are you here? We were betting on how late you will be today."
Chapter 25 How can a midsummer night be haunted?
This law Jijun seems to be not disciplined. Baishi feels that his image has been killed … Well, it’s not killed. Judging from the number of cases in this world, he will inevitably be late and absent from school.
Miyano beauty went to his desk and picked up a pile of information and turned to greet Baishi.
"Together in the past? I’m ten minutes late. If we leave now, I’ll win. "
"Good" Baishi thought it was no wonder that Miyano Mei immediately thought that he wanted to skip class when he said that he had a cold. It turned out that "she" had a lot of late criminal records.
Baishi didn’t know what materials to bring to class. Fortunately, there was a ready-made example in front of him. He also followed suit, picked up his desk materials and went to the classroom with Miyano Mei.
That’s easy. No, he looked for them one by one
Professor Hirota came in on the bell. It’s better to be punctual than to be late.
The old scholar with white hair and beard really forgot the truancy of Baishi as Miyano said.
The course of the class was lackluster. Baishi pretended to attend the class while observing his classmates.
There are a total of seven people in the classroom. Besides Miyano, Baishi has some impressions of a senior named Suzuki Aya.
Mainly because I remember her last name.
-Although there are many people named Suzuki in the island country, it is a world of detectives after all. When you come to "Suzuki", it is very embarrassing to think of Suzuki Consortium and Suzuki Garden.
Being impressed means that the person has either been exposed to murder or will be exposed to murder in the future.
White stone in this laboratory seems to have seen the number rolling in.
There are two classes in this afternoon. Just after Professor Hirota went out to Miyano, she took out the lunch box from her small bag and chewed the cut fruit.
Halfway through the meal, she looked at the sunset outside the window and sighed, "It’s getting dark earlier and earlier."
"Yes, after all, summer is over," but I’m not worried that the horse may get darker and later. Baishi casually asked, "Are you afraid of the dark?"
"You seem to have the essence of a teacher with a deep memory." Miyano Mina gave him a look. "I’m not afraid of the dark. I told you, but I have to go through that … that something on my way home."
"That’s it!" Miyano Mae looked out of the window and said, "That four-eyed ancient villa!" "
Baishi looked at her shocked.
Not by her tone.
But miyano beauty voice down her head suddenly a deja vu exclamation point.
….. incredibly triggered at this time.
See white stone reaction miyano beauty satisfaction back a little recalled.
"It seems like four or five years ago. One evening when I came home, I found a cordon around the old house. Later, I heard from my neighbors that the owner of the house had been hacked to death."
"After the death of the male owner, his widow and children moved out of the house in a hurry, and the tragedy has never been broken. Lonely homeowners often scream in the middle of the night. Many people have heard of it."
"Someone called the police, but after the police went to explore, they said that there was no one in the house …"
Baishi supported his head in one hand. "It’s all false voices. It’s through flow who caused you to stop thinking."
"It’s not a sound!" Miyano said mysteriously, "I’m also a witness to the supernatural phenomenon. When I came home the other day, I saw a ghost fire floating in the window of that ancient villa!"
Chapter 26 Don’t look up by ladder
"What floated past?"
There was a vicissitudes of life at the door. Two people whispering to each other moved together and turned their heads to see Professor Guangtian smiling into the classroom with a thermos cup.
Miyano beauty a few quick bifurcation topic.
After class again, Baishi made a light screen.
The scene at the beginning of the interface has really turned into a classroom, representing the white stone. Next to stick figure, there is a stick figure with a few strands of long hair and a bubble exclamation point sitting on his leg.
There are still many people around who are not taking the opportunity to hide, but Baishi hasn’t figured out the mechanism yet, and he doesn’t know if it will refresh if he doesn’t take it now.
And from this experience, even if he enters the virtual world, it seems to others that he is "sleeping"
Besides, there is a precedent-Suzuki Aya was born with a pair of squints. Shiraishi hasn’t seen her open her eyes yet, and Professor Hirota never asked her if she was sleeping or attending class. I don’t care about this question …
The thought of this white stone secretly poked the screen.
Bubbles slowly enlarge into a frame.
Face is not liberating wandering souls, but
[Exploring the truth of haunted house]
[Time limit 55:59:59]
[Location: Shanjiang House [Navigation], Sidingmu 6 Fandi, Mihua Town]
More than two days, the accident is very relaxed.
Baishi relaxed and leaned back in his chair, planning to go to the library first.
Since this incident has caused a small-scale public opinion, it should leave a trace in the newspaper. After all, it is a suspected haunted place. Please grasp as many clues as possible before exploring your heart.
After class, Baishi threw the information into the research room and went straight to the town library.
Halfway through, the bus passed a police car, and Baishi looked back at it. The police car took another look at it and didn’t see anything new, so he didn’t mind his own business.
The library is a little far from the city. When Baishi arrived, it was already dark and it was about to close.
He walked quickly into the door and was frowned by the strong air conditioning.
When building, Baishi couldn’t help taking a sip of hot air into his hand. The curator is too generous. Does the town have any support plans for the library?
Let’s finish the investigation early and leave early …
Baishi came to the release newspaper area. Five years ago, the newspaper turned over for a while and successfully found several copies with the report of Sugiyama House.
He got a close-up photo of the villa, a photo of the man’s body covered with blood, and a newspaper recording his life-this seems to be a famous artist.
After copying the required information, Baishi went into the ladder and added him. At this time, there were four people in the ladder
When the door was about to close, a strong pupil swooped to the entrance of the ladder and blocked it. Then he shouted back, "Come on, we’ll catch up!" "
Baishi looked down and saw four children, three of whom he had never seen.
But Jiang, the last one who wears glasses … The pupil named Chuan impressed him more than ever.

"Oh, well, I’ll tell her thank you, grandma."

The forest thought that she must have been a ghost and got up early in the morning. She had been thinking about this question for a night.
The trees hurried back, and the old lady was quite strange and thought she was strange.
In the afternoon, when the trees have nothing to do, they will pick up the gentry.
She also chatted with Shen Manli for a while, and it was almost time for everyone to leave, and no gentry came out. Only then did she feel strange and went into the campus to find gentry.
The nurse said that a handsome boy coaxed him to play. He was here just now.
Just being here doesn’t mean being here now.
"How can you just let people take the children away?" The trees immediately became hairy. This is because these famous brothers came to the aristocratic school to learn security measures. How could such a thing happen?
"I don’t think the man like an outsider? He said he was a child’s relative. I think they really look alike … "
"You see? You can’t be sure of anything by reading it? " The trees are dying, and it is the first time for her to yell at people. She has lived in this class for a long time now, and she has long known that there are too many people eyeing the grandsons. They kidnap children by desperate tactics of outlaws and get high ransom.
Her gentry won’t be treated like this so soon, will they?
"Get the video and notify the security guard". The nurse seems to have been scared silly. Fortunately, she can still keep calm now.
Trees hurriedly take out a cellular phone to make a phone call.
"Mommy" Woods turned around when they heard this familiar sound. Two figures, one big and one small, came this way. What did she know? The nurse said that two people were relatives at first sight.
I don’t know why I feel familiar with Wei Ran.
That’s because they really look alike together, but they don’t look alike in facial expressions, but their verve is very similar.
"Mommy, I’m sorry to have worried you." The gentry and gentry cleverly ran to hug her waist.
Wei Ran came over. "I’m so sorry. I took him there to play. I just want to come back. It’s too late to wash my hands again."
The forest was really anxious to rest assured. It turned out to be a false alarm.
"Why are you here?"
"Of course I should have come. I came to see this little guy." He still didn’t say anything about him, but he knew what the trees meant
"Mommy, let’s go and have dinner with my uncle. My uncle said to invite us to dinner." The trees took a look at Wei Ran after listening to the gentry’s name.
The gentry and gentry fell to the trees’ ears and said mysteriously, "My uncle said he would be a gentry and uncle. The gentry and gentry thought he was very handsome, and my classmates envied me, so I agreed."
Do you want to do the role of uncle as soon as the corners of the mouth of the trees are smoked? I don’t know how the two men talked about the gentry asking Wei Ran to go to their hotel for dinner, and they talked and booked a place, one big and one small, holding hands and walking inside.
The gentry was very excited to ask him a lot of questions, and they talked very much as if she were redundant.
"Shall we take a group photo?"
"Yes, yes, Mommy will take a picture for us."
"Good" Woods took his mobile phone finger and gave it a lecture. This screensaver is his mother, right? It’s very gentle to laugh with him. That face is very young and looks really like her.
Did Wei Ran let her see it on purpose?
She went on taking pictures as if nothing had happened.
"Sit on my shoulder and take some pictures."
Wei Ran holds him like this for a while and torments him like that for a while. Not only is he not bored, but he also feels very fresh and giggling.
From the lens, it’s really my uncle, isn’t it? They really look like relatives together.
When the food came, Wei Ran took good care of him and gave him a good meal. It’s almost time for the gentry to go to the hand washer to take him there.
Lin Mu said, "I asked my grandmother about that. She said that she has research and experience in asthma and can only be treated after seeing the actual situation of the patient."
Wei Ran looked at him dribbling "thank you"
In fact, she is also very concerned about Mommy, otherwise she will help him ask so soon.
"You’re welcome. Am I a doctor? Treating every patient is the same. "The tree can’t bear his eyes. She doesn’t know how to respond and can avoid it first.
Section 394
Wei Ran knew that she was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and she didn’t reveal her way, "Thank you anyway."
They were eating quietly, and "bang" a door was suddenly pushed by a cold and overbearing force, and she crashed into a strong arms.
But this chest is a little hard, and her head hurts.
"Why are you here? Isn’t it a day to come back? "
He put his arm around her eyes and oppressed her. "I’m here to give you a surprise. Are you scaring me?"? Take my son to dinner with other men. "

It is extremely difficult for Zhou Yi to host such a large array, and it is very difficult to lay the foundation for the long-term leader of the heart, and it is not really laid.

Is to make the law open.
It’s not impossible to give up some array changes, but it will be rejected. When the large array is formed, it depends on everyone’s position.
A few months later
Stuart’s family came with two Godsworn Doggie and more than a hundred accompanying staff.
Dying heart source Taoist priest was also pushed out.
"Shout …"
Zhou Yi’s law reproduced the process in the middle of his mind and then waved his hand.
"Get up!"
"Hum …"
A flash of light rushed straight into the sky from the peak of the sun, and the core of the moon island surged in all directions.
Thousands of miles of water seem to be stagnant for a moment.
Complex changes have occurred quietly.
The third-order strange gate array is officially opened!
Watching platform
Heart source long quivering propping up the body, two younger generations to help overlook a moment of tears eyes unspeakable.
Chapter 11 again
The funeral of Taoist Xinyuan was very grand. Not only did the people from Yuedao attend, but even an elder from Stuart’s family came all the way.
The tomb stands halfway up the mountain in Rifeng, where the strange gate array can be seen.
The Taoist lay surnamed Wang, and the two young players around him were called Wang Gu and Wang Tian, both of whom were monks in the later stage of refining gas.
Perhaps they are worried about indulging in array law and delaying their practice. They have not inherited array law.
In order to thank the director of Xinyuan, the elder of Stuart’s family has specially prepared a Zhuji Dan for them over the years.
Their age and talent have a great chance to prove Daoji.
Zhou Daoyou
After the funeral, Situxuan came with a man.
"This is a family. Although Situnan has been a child, be adept at Law can’t compare with Xinyuan Taoist and Zhou Xiong, but it’s not bad."
"After that, she will replace the Taoist priest to help lay out the array."
Zhou Yi looks at people all the time.
Compared with the gorgeous eyes, Situ Xuan and Situ Nan are relatively plain in appearance, and there is still a turbidity in their eyes.
"Zhou Daoyou" SiTuNan hand stuffy way
"I hope you will give me more advice later."
"Dare not" Zhou Yi hurriedly waved his hand.
"To tell you the truth, Zhou has some understanding of the principle of array method, but he is not a strong point. He has been troubled by the progress."
"I’m relieved that Miss Nan can come."
Situnan raises eyebrows
She doesn’t like Zhou Yi very much, not only because she is eccentric, but also because experts explain that Zhou Yi is a frame.
Qimen array can be in the hands of the family!
The reason why Taoist Xinyuan can get a letter from home is that the Wangs have long been attached to Stuart’s family after getting along with each other for nearly two hundred years.
Can’t leave
How long did it take for Zhou Yi to join? Naturally, it is impossible to get the letter.
For their’ opponents’ SiTuNan also wary.
But I didn’t expect the other party to take the initiative to show weakness, which made her feel relieved.
I also have a slight affection for Zhou Yi.
See two people have a tacit understanding with each other SiTuXuan can’t help patting his hands face lit up at the same time mouth way
"Nanmei, don’t underestimate Zhou Xiong. Zhou Xiong’s understanding of law is extremely good. Even the Taoist priests of Lianxinyuan are ashamed."
Situnan eyebrows complexion also with a positive.
Although the Taoist priest Xinyuan died, he already had the name of the third-order array mage before his death, which can make him admire people.
When I seriously looked at Monday again,

"bang! !”

"bang! ! !”
Three punches in a row are as fast as one punch, and one punch is stronger than the other. The left cheek of Jin Chong is completely trapped, and his teeth are completely vomited.
After three punches, Jin Chong was already half dead, and Xiao Wen casually threw it out like garbage.
Everyone except the old man looked silly. In their eyes, the strength, strength, gold and heavy predecessors turned out to be beaten by Wang Quan!
Partial at this time, Xiao asked again to the roaring out of the golden heavy way "I say for the last time that I need you to hurry up with everything except shorts and socks!" Always robbing you is changing! "
When it comes to the end, Xiao Wen also raised the bottle of medicine in Yang’s hand.
The old man had long wanted to save Jin Chong, but when he wanted to move, Jin Chong had already fallen into Xiao Wen’s hands, and then he was afraid that Xiao Wen’s killer would simply not move.
At this time, the old man who saw Jin Chong had escaped from danger finally breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and chuckled, then laughed more and more.
"Ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha …"
"What are you laughing at, old man?" Xiao asked you’re welcome to smile and asked.
"unbridled! How dare you talk to Mr. Niu like that! Hum, you this guy is very close to death, the cow elder root is not … "Someone has replaced the old man to scold.
Xiao asked immediately face dew "panic se" show is panic nu way "I didn’t expect you to hide so deep are you a fairy? !”
"How can I bring you back if I don’t hide it?" The old man proudly listened to his tone, which was just the same as hiding the realm by bringing Xiao Wen back.
"predecessors! The younger generation is ignorant of Mount Tai, and I hope the older generation will forgive me! "
"pardon? Ha ha … "
"Cow elder don’t let him go …" Gold heavy barely stopped in the distance, spraying blood foam and pointing to Xiao asked.
The old man surnamed Niu shook his head and looked at Xiao Wen. He asked with regret that he hated iron and did not produce samples. "You probably never thought of going to eversleeping here …"
"The predecessors forgive me!" Xiao asked urgent way
"Ha ha ha ha ….."
Laughing and laughing, the old man surnamed Niu suddenly stopped to live fiercely, and people have disappeared from the original place!
Appear again has reached the front of shaw asked single palm toward xiao asked to a face of folded se "show has a dead hand!
Then Xiao Wen disappeared …
Xiao Wen’s place is ten feet above his head. The old man can’t see it naturally, but others can see it clearly!
That wine bottle gourd will also teleport!
Before this was over, Xiao Wendan’s red light in Tanaka suddenly rushed out of the seemingly energy but angular, and no one could see what it was for a while.
When the old man surnamed Niu wanted to run, the angular red light covered him and suddenly became solid!
Seven treasures dazzle the fire tower!
The fire suddenly started!
Then, through the crystal wall of Qibao Xuanhuo Tower, everyone saw that the cow elder was turned to ashes in an instant!
"Hurry up! I have a tuba kung fu. How many times do you want me to say it? "
Chapter three hundred Tawei
The wet and soft beach sent itself to try to drive away the black ants with feet and torches. Welcome to reading. It is still fierce and not afraid of death. It rushed to the surface from different directions and was covered by dense similar bodies. Huge words-"Xiang Yu died quickly"!
Surprised soldiers finally saw that still sitting on horseback, sir, suddenly and violently with a splash of blood like a fountain in the neck. This blood rainbow is like a fire setting sun. This blood rainbow constantly shows the soldiers around. Just now, it was despised by the heroes from the front. Xiang Yu is so horrible!
"shoot!" The sword, which weighs dozens of pounds, trembled with anger along Xiang Yu’s hand and sank into the handle in the wet and soft sand! "What? ! What’s this? !” Xiang Yu clenched his fists in grief and indignation, and his murderous red eyes stared at the sky.
There are over 100 provocative troops in this team, and no one can stop the outmanned overlord Xiang Yu! A flicker of prancing Xiang Yu as easily as into the environment around the crowd rushed towards the flag officer in the team.
With the forced eviction of the dreamland that made him feel uneasy again and again, Xiang Yu’s original strong willpower gradually faded, bowed his head and rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and the irresistible weakness from the depths of his heart came again.
One will be successful and ten thousand bones will dry up! Didn’t you see what God did to yourself? Don’t say it’s a dead blow, but I didn’t even let overlord Xiang Yu see it! "Thief overlord xiang yu never unwilling! Never be reconciled! "
"overlord! Absolutely not! " Before Xiang Yu horizontal sword commit suicide with him for many years, many guards all fell on their knees. At that time, Xiang Yu, a strong man, finally fell into two heroic tears.