Essence sighed and didn’t want to complain to others about what it meant to ask, "Aren’t you going?"

"I’m waiting for someone"
Qin Ke shrugged. "Do you think men do this to women when they have no idea at all?"
Essence smiled, "Wait for your boyfriend?"
"Maybe it should be called husband."
This time, Essence was surprised. "You don’t look so big. Are you married?"
"No, but it’s almost there."
Qin ke doesn’t seem to want to say much.
Essence looked at her camera and said, "Let’s go. I know where there are uv mirrors around here. Anyway, you and others can’t come for a while. I’ll accompany you to change the mirrors first."
Qin is ridiculous. I wonder why this person is so serious. Can’t others come when they meet this thing?
But then when the tie happened, she followed Essence.
Essence is really good at this. I picked the most suitable one in the store and cut the price by one third. Qin Ke has always been at home, and she has been impressed by the means of bargaining with essence.
I got acquainted when I went out. "Sister, how much do you think my camera is worth? I won’t lose money if I buy more than 10 thousand, will I?"
"Not bad, not a loss"
Essence laughed. "Your SLR is a special price for this column, but the collection value is particularly high. Because it is limited, some collectors are willing to pay a high price to collect this camera."
"Did you do photography before you knew so much?"
"a little fur"
Essence looked at it. "Just let it be. I have to go to see my daughter. You and others should also work."
"Goodbye then."
Qin Ke gave her a hand and added, "Sister, when you go home, soak your clothes in cold water, and then you can wash them with sulfur soap."
Essence should be a smile.
Qin Ke looked at the essence. The car was about to go back when the phone rang.
"Where is it?"
The man’s voice is particularly low. Qin Ke is conscious of straightening up like a student "outside your company"
"don’t move"
The man simply said four words and then hung up.
Qin Ke held his mobile phone and flattened his mouth.
In a few seconds, a black Jaguar stopped at the window next to her. In the future, a cold and mature male face appeared in front of her. The man glanced at her and said, "Car."
Qin Ke immediately went around to the other door like a good student and got into the car.
The good car door man started the engine. Qin Ke quietly looked at the man with the safety belt and coughed for a while. "Brother Shen, shall we go to see my dad?"
"Eat first"
Shen yannuo drove steadily with the steering wheel.
Qin ke should look down at the mobile phone.
The man looked at her in the mirror and suddenly said, "The day after tomorrow, Yan En will get married and take you to pick a gift."
Qin Ke said, "Do I have to go too?"
"You don’t want to go?"
Shen yannuo asked
Section 51
"… it’s not that I’m just afraid that Sister Yan will know that I’m angry with Feng."
"You what?"
Qin Ke suddenly laughed at himself. "Yes, we actually have nothing."
Shen yannuo didn’t talk for a long time and suddenly said, "God got the marriage certificate."
Qin can be one leng "this ….. too fast"
"Do you regret it?"
"… no"
"Then God, sooner or later."
Qin Ke grabbed his mobile phone finger and consciously pinched the screen for a long time before saying, "Brother Shen, do men of your age like Loli very much?"
Shen Yannuo corners of the mouth smoke a "do you think you are loli?"
Qin ke …
Although she didn’t see Shen yannuo’s expression, she already felt the deep stare of the other party.
What, 23 can’t be Lori?
"But it’s good to play a role-playing once in a while."
Man leisurely spit out such a sentence.
It’s Qin Ke’s turn to twitch at the corner of his mouth. "Brother Shen, you are so avant-garde."
Shen yannuo seems to be smiling. He looks very upright, which makes people look particularly upright. He looks handsome and handsome, but every time I see him, Qin Ke always feels like seeing the teacher.
But it doesn’t deny that this person looks good when he smiles, and it’s not worse than sealing.
The thought of sealing Qin Ke made my heart ache.
Now that you hate horses and are getting married, you are finally free.

"What about you? Do you want others to give everything?"

Sometimes killing people and sometimes with melancholy, Shen Mengyao first felt how a person could be so complicated for this several times to pull himself back from the line of death.
I don’t want to say anything more about Tang Yi’s burden, but I can’t speak. There are secrets in my heart.
When he accepted that offer, he knew that he would be doomed to be lonely, but what about it? Without mr.zhou, he was already the loneliest person.
Tang Yi’s denial made Shen Mengyao lose the topic again. The contact in these two days really made Shen Mengyao unbearable.
In the flower city, others have racked their brains to say more to her, but he is so good that he won’t even tell himself his name.
Fortunately, after less than three minutes of silence, the car drove into a street. Isn’t it the embassy when Tang Yi stepped on the brakes again?
"Don’t enter this is American territory or we will break into the border and shoot you."
At this time, the door of the embassy was heavily guarded, and the armed SEALs had sealed the door.
The location of each embassy belongs to the territory of the country and enjoys the legal protection of the country. In countries where wars are frequent, they even shake hands and American weapons are blocked there.
"I’m an American. I have a passport. I need asylum."
Finally arrived at the entrance of the embassy. Shen Mengyao had a feeling of going home with her passport. She pushed the door and left the car.
"Please go in."
The poster came over and the Marines confirmed the legality of Shen Mengyao’s identity before releasing it, but it was natural that Tang Yi and his car could not enter.
"then I’ll go home, I’ll fulfill my promise, and I hope you won’t break your promise."
Turning around and being able to come to the embassy from the pirate village is also thanks to Tang Yi’s help. Shen Mengyao has some contradictions and said to Tang Yi.
But I don’t want Tang Yi to just promise that he will step on the gas pedal and sail directly to the distance.
He sent her back because she was Mr.zhou’s sister, and whether she would take the orphans away is another matter.
Watching the cold car leave Shen Mengyao and pouting, such a man is really unpleasant.
Fortunately, Shen Mengyao was so excited that she could finally go home safely when she stepped out of the devil’s war-torn country and walked into the embassy. She vowed that she would never come again.
But I don’t want to wait for her. It’s not a friendly welcome, but a group of guys in rebel uniforms
Chapter 13 Hero reappearance
I’m sorry that your passport is fake, but I don’t accept that you are a citizen of our country.
A cold words let Shen Mengyao suddenly stunned.
"Why am I not a citizen? I have a passport. I have a legitimate election. I need to meet the ambassador."
Shen Mengyao feels that she will burst at the end of the day. Now she is stepping on the border of the embassy, and she is the most trusted safe house.
But I don’t want to live in the United States for so many years. She was rejected by human feelings, and when her passport was torn up, the soldiers around her came over.
Dressed in rebel costumes, they grabbed Shen Mengyao’s arm and gave her no chance to move.
"I’m sorry you’re not a citizen of our country, but if you don’t have any profit requirements, please cooperate with the armed personnel of our country."
The smiling white man pushed his glasses and wore a straight suit. He turned and walked towards the embassy.
"I’m an American citizen. I’m not pretending."
Shen Mengyao was very wronged in her heart, but no matter how she shouted, she remained fine.
Several big-waisted rebels directly stuffed her into a jeep, which started and roared off from the back door of the embassy.
"Let me go. Let me go."
It’s no use kicking and struggling Shen Mengyao, especially the smelly soldier who hit her in the face with a mouth. That’s why she came here for nothing.
She was betrayed, and she was betrayed to the rebels by the personnel of the Chinese embassy.
This man, he has seen it clearly, or he personally received herself when she arrived, and repeatedly woke up that she should pay attention to safety in the local area.
But that guy who said the embassy was her strong backing now betray her to the rebels.
Then it also proves that she was chased by the rebels just after she went out with her mercenaries
Everything is a conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy around himself. Through the embassy information, he knows Shen Mengyao’s identity very well
I also know that if I kidnap her, I can get the most urgently needed medicine. Now I will think back to Tang Yi’s eyes and doubt that she finally came over in vain.
What? He keeps saying that he doesn’t believe those western politicians. What? He keeps trying to smuggle himself back.
But now it’s too late to come here for nothing, and her face is burning and painful, so that she knows that she will be trapped in the magic cave.
Regret that Shen Mengyao was squeezed between two soldiers like a puppet, as if he had lost his soul.
The car was full of sweat and the smell was fading away. She jumped into the trap that had been dug long ago.
Men laughed at her and turned a deaf ear. Now it has become a luxury to ask for death, and tears can’t help falling.
Segmented reading 7
She knew how humiliating it would be to wait for her, but there was nothing she could do.
At the beginning, I wanted to avenge my sister, but now I’m going to be a prisoner with a medical skill. The so-called saving lives turned out to be difficult for me.
"Bang Bang"
Just as Shen Mengyao was trying to think about ending his life and avoiding being wasted, a shot came out.
The bullet went through the windshield accurately, and until then she finally saw a figure on the road running towards the car.
At this time, Tang Yi was like an attacking lion. Two rebels, the cab and the co-pilot, were shot in the head with one gun.
His right foot slammed into the sky and Tang Yi’s left foot stepped on the bumper of the oncoming jeep.
Once again, the whole person jumped high and made a beautiful 360-degree turn in the middle.
"Bang Bang"
Turn over the instantaneous muzzle toward the double-gun projectiles in the hands when jumping over the jeep also directly hit the rebels on the left and right sides of Shen Mengyao.
It’s only a few seconds. Four bullets ended. Four evil lives lost control and the car directly hit the jeep parked in the road by Tang Yi.
The body force fell aside, and the body of a soldier was pressed on Shen Mengyao’s shoulder.
The top of the skull was shot, and the blood flowed directly on her body, which scared Shen Mengyao to push him quickly.
"Well, if you want to sit for a while, I can go."
Just when Shen Mengyao panicked, the door slammed and pulled the body to Tang Yi, who said to Shen Mengyao, who was covered in blood.
The face is still covered with tears, but the appearance of Tang Yi in front of me simply makes Shen Mengyao come back to life.
Jumped directly from the back seat of the jeep. Shen Mengyao directly hugged Tang Yi’s neck and cried loudly. She just let the Buddha walk in front of the ghost door.
This kind of survivor made her so wronged and betrayed, and she was so sad to cry.

Chapter 27 Face jealous woman (2)

Chapter 27
Su Wan actually went to see Sang Feifei when she was idle chatting.
Now that I know that Sang Feifei is having a hard time, Su Wan also feels relieved.
In the other two, a white ripple and a screenwriter Su Wan will certainly not let them go so easily.
Some people never give up until they reach the Yellow River.
If they are blindly followed, then they will intensify.
Su Wan went straight to sy Company when she got out of rehab.
Gu Shu got several martial arts dramas over there, all of which are very good types. I want Su Wan to have a look. Su Wan is interested in martial arts, so I went there directly.
Su Wan didn’t know until Gu Shu’s office that the previous film "Fun Chains" was awarded the best actress, the best screenwriter and the best soundtrack. Although it is a small award, it is also a kind of affirmation for Su Wan.
However, this is not a particularly well-known award, and the average artist will not be directly present to let the agent lead many.
Gu Shu also heard that this matter would be played to Su Wan and said, "You won’t attend that occasion."
Su Wan shrugged. "This is the first time I have won this award."
"It’s not very important," Gu Shu said. "Wait until you get an international prize."
Su Wan nodded. "All right, then."
To tell the truth, Su Wan felt a little sorry when she heard this sentence.

During this period, they have made a lot of progress in fighting for everyone, especially since he has broken the limit twice.

But even he dare not be too far away from young people.
Which means this one-horned white horse …
Better than someone in the place!
"What does she want?"
"Ida, don’t go there!"
There was a sudden whisper in the crowd, with tension in it.
Two people turn head to see a blonde foreign women has walked out of the jungle and is carefully walking towards the one-horned white horse.
"She’s crazy!"
The young man was about to frown when he was stopped by Han Fat.
"Take a look first"
Everyone watched the blonde slowly come to the one-horned white horse, and nothing unusual happened on the way, and the white horse did not show malice.
There was a silence in the field, and everyone held their breath as if waiting for something
Blonde eyes show infatuation, reaching out to touch the white horse on tiptoe, like excitement, like fear stuttering.
"Is this true … true?"
The white horse winked and his eyes seemed puzzled and then grinned.
right after
A scene of terror appeared in front of everyone.
The white horse full of sacred breath slowly opened its mouth, but it was full of jagged teeth, and there was a black smoke full of horror rolling around its throat.
Four hoofs lightly tread black gas, which is born from the hoof and entangles the sole of the foot.
Before the white horse’s big mouth, he opened his mouth and bit the blonde’s head in full view and swallowed it.
Good eyes can see the whole process of the head bulging and falling through the neck.
"Poof yi yi …"
Without his head, the body was rickety and blood was gushing from his neck.
"Ah …"
This terrible scene made the crowd steep and restless.
Rao is Han Pang and others who have been through many battles during this period and can’t help but turn pale.
"Law …"

Chapter two hundred and seventy-one At stake

A Update the latest chapter of Poison Princess as soon as possible!
"Is there any other exit for the little thing?" Ye Qianlong knew that if he didn’t leave Xanthium as soon as possible, he would find her soon.
The tree thought for a moment and said, "Xanthium sibiricum will definitely send someone to help us, so we will follow that person."
Ye Qianlong smell speech can’t help but say this, of course she knows, but who knows if Xanthium sibiricum will let people follow? If it is attacked by her from the dark, it will be difficult.
"I have an idea." Ye Qianlong suddenly smiled at the rose and said, "Take me to the exit."
Rose can’t help but froze. Dad is now asleep after drinking the potion. Mother, it is almost impossible if she wants to go out alone without revealing her identity. "Mother, you can’t take risks. How can I tell Dad if something happens to you?"
"Stupid rose left wounds they attack the enchantment outside. I want to help them break this enchantment. Does Xanthium still care about me? Will he run or not? "Ye Qianlong has already understood that she will run when the water rushes in and chaos occurs.
"Good Mother" Rose finally felt relieved when she heard Ye Qianlong say this. By the time they got to the door, the enchantment was crumbling.
Before Ye Qianlong’s hand, Ling has flown out to the enchantment, which is a palm. The already crumbling enchantment has been hit hard and shattered.
The dragon is fighting with the left wound. It never occurred to me that the enchantment suddenly broke behind him.
In a second, the Ministry of Water flooded in, and at this time, Xanthium sibiricum had reached the door. He saw a figure rushing out quickly and still couldn’t see it clearly, but the man had disappeared.
He thought of all kinds of uneasiness that happened today, and his heart was filled with feelings that he could not let Ang leave.
Xanthium sibiricum hand moved the small white dragonfly out and then Xanthium sibiricum chased it.
After Ye Qianlong came out, he took out a bottle of medicine and drenched himself. The fragrance quickly spread, and the rose and the fox were suddenly choked and coughed violently. The rose was dizzy and said, "Mother, what are you doing?"
"Rose, do you remember the little white dragon in Xanthium sibiricum?" Ye Qianlong sink a way
"Remember, we were discovered by Xanthium sibiricum several times that it was that guy." Rose was really choked and got into the rose ring.
"That guy can’t build high, but his sense of smell is very sensitive, so it’s easy to find us." Ye Qianlong ran with a strong wind, and the fragrance was instantly blown away.
The little white dragon was chasing Ye Qianlong, but after chasing him, he asked for a pungent smell, and then he couldn’t smell it. His sense of smell failed!
It panicked and searched in the same place, and soon Xanthium was chasing after it. Xanthium was not stupid, but he remained rational despite his anger, and the smell in the air was poisonous.
"So you can dump me? Dream "Xanthium words say that finish before the little white dragon suddenly turned into a big dragon towards the dense forest is fire.
The wind roared with the fire, and Ye Qianlong was trapped in the Woods by the fire before she ran out, which made her feel broken and could not fight again.
Gan Kun’s fan fell from the middle, but fortunately, the rose didn’t enter. She quickly stretched out several vines and dropped Ye Qianlong in the middle and then slowly put it away.
"What’s the magic of mother Xanthium? What’s the action of Gankun fan?" Rose and Ye Qianlong are hiding in a huge stone face. Ye Qianlong hears the water vaguely. She quickly leans over there and passes through a bush. A big river appears in her sight. This river is very fast and the fire is getting bigger and bigger. If we don’t leave, it will soon be burned.
Ye Qianlong shook his head once, but she didn’t understand why.
Looking at the raging river in front of her, a long whip was thrown, and then a thick trunk landed on the river. She flew along the raging river and quickly disappeared into the sea of fire.
Ye Qianlong rushed out of the disaster and was on the verge of landing, but she saw a familiar figure not far away. She plunged into the river with a jerk, and Xanthium was sure that she would come out from here, but he forgot that he could think of Ye Qianlong and he could think of it.
Seeing the trees floating not far away, he flew to the trunk, but found that there was no one except some dead branches
"Come!" Xanthium sibiricum shouted for a while, and then several men in black flew around. "Searching along the river can’t let her land."
"Yes," the man in black flew away, and his face was livid. He just deliberately waited here for someone to come out. He didn’t believe me and just took off.
At this time, Ye Qianlong was almost unable to hold back, but she found that there was a lot of water. Fortunately, Ye Qianlong took out a black robe and put it on himself.
When she passed a man in black, she obviously felt the inferno from that man in black, and when she looked back at the man in black, the man in black also found that he was wrong.
Ye Qianlong tried his best to pick up the dagger in his hand and stabbed it in the chest of the black dress person. The man had no breath before he reacted.
The smell of blood quickly spread to Ye Qianlong and swam quickly into the depths.
Looking at Ye Qianlong’s rose is very painful, but now that the magic statue has appeared, say that the magic statue has come. Once it is sold, the magic statue will certainly feel that her spiritual power fluctuates, and everything she did before Ye Qianlong will be completely understood.
Ye Qianlong, a person from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, knows that she is legally retired today.
But no matter what, she has to send Junyan out, otherwise she will be trapped in the park and never get out again.
"Rose, you take your dad with you." Ye Qianlong’s words were just spoken when he was caught by something. Rose was surprised and flew out, but she saw a pair of familiar eyes "Yiyi" in an instant.
"Don’t be afraid I’m coming." Night Lan Yi grabbed Ye Qianlong’s body, and then they were invisible and they were about to leave the crowd. But at this moment, a figure fell from the sky, and night Lan Yi looked up and saw a familiar face, and then her breath was disordered.

For years, the three races, namely, Yinhe Muya, Daxi, and Eldar, have been fighting for hegemony, and all the dog brains have to be played out.

Very cruel
Therefore, it is very cautious to take this Muya solar expeditionary force to Shui Yuan Palace, Ceres.
Before, during and after the battle sequence, each of the three battle teams has a top strong man sitting at the same time keeping a reasonable distance.
At the same time, it has its own star-rated strong people to explore the traces of the passage of the universe.
I don’t know how many times the experience and duration of the Muyan people’s access to the universe is that of Bluestar humans.
When we reached the cosmic passage node of Ceres, Dilin, the commander-in-chief of the front team of the Maya, first sent three stars across the cosmic passage node to explore the way.
Although Dalac has stayed in Shui Yuan, the Miyagi people have made contact, except that an unknown mysterious little universe gate Ceres has emerged, it is all right.
There is no change in the strength of Bluestar. They have been monitoring the channel and there is no problem.
There is nothing unusual about the spirit of the three stars passing through Ceres’ cosmic channel.
A star of the horse will once again cross the Ceres space passage to inform Dilling and others that everything is all right, and then it can be penetrated on a large scale.
At the same moment, the secret waiting for the exit of Muhara Palace was early, and Cai Shaochu and others also observed this scene.
Cai Shaochu is making the final strategic arrangement.
"Miss Erila, your scarlet ray is very suitable for this channel. You can sweep it for a while."
"Don’t worry!"
"You enemy many after their big forces came in each two three-phase thermal explosive bomb throwing detonated!
It’s a simple strategy, but we must strike at the same time and make sure to detonate the three-phase thermal explosion bomb.
Here, all the scientific and technological functions of the three-phase thermal explosion bomb are invalid.
Evie, Lao Ruan, you two are responsible for detonating, and you must be in case of failure! "
"No problem!"
"Don’t worry!"
Evie and Ruan Tianzuo should respond at the same time
Behind Cai Shaochu, the mythological master of Harun Raymont, Ulla Augustoan, Levich Huang Gu Yi Wei Ruan Tianzuo Erela Bulie.
Blue star is the most forced star department here.
This is naturally more than an hour ago when Cai Shaochu received urgent information from An Xiaoxue.
The original can’t be so fast to blue star seven area an organization expert knot.
But the magic is that Harlan confirmed the information of Xu tui from the side.
Their Canais asteroid has indeed fallen and lost contact.
After the accident, they sent staff for the second time, but they lost contact soon.
Canais asteroid guards didn’t even come out with warnings.
It says that the enemy is very strong!
And the Canais asteroid has been stared at by the enemy
In the end, Milian District decided to temporarily give up the Canais asteroid.
The reason is also very simple. There is not much power to defend this Canais asteroid that is stared at by the enemy.
According to the current information, three or five stars were not enough in the past.
It may take seven stars, and it may take a strong five-star guard to defend it in person.
Milian district has such power.
However, it is impossible for Milian District to trap such an earth force in Canais asteroid.
Giving up is the best choice.
This kind of confirmation shows that Cai Shaochu and Harun led the organization of Blue Star Zone 7 to reach a unified action rarely!
Of course, because they are very clear about the significance of the arrival of the Mayan solar expeditionary force.
How can I put it? The Blue Star Terran hates the Maya ten times more than the Eldar!
Elves are enemies, but they can still communicate!
But the Mayans can eat!
So this knot is also very fast.
Cai Shaochu arranged a branch of the fast-paced cosmic passage and various kinds of things. It concealed that the blue star Terran master of Tuhara Palace had quietly settled in Muhara Palace.
Cai Shaochu ordered all the top masters of Bluestar to ambush the entrance of Muyuan Palace.
Ten seconds later, the front of the Mayan solar expeditionary force quickly passed the Ceres space passage.
Through the moments of Dilling’s powerful breath, it was distributed. First, it swept the other three branch channels and confirmed that there was no breath before it moved slowly.
"Ann let the squadron in!"
Later, Dilin slowly moved forward with the front, and Bishop Xiliude at the entrance of the cosmic passage quickly entered with a large group of people, and then notified Naif to lead the rear to enter.
Naif also led the rear into the moments of the original palace channel direction suddenly appeared more than a dozen people.
The first person with a strong breath rushed over with a bunch of people like a golden ball of light, wearing a heavy king kong suit.
"It’s the Muyars who blew me up!"
While rushing to Li Qingping, he took people to throw at least three-phase thermal explosion bombs.
Dilling, Dalac, Bishop Xiliude and others changed their faces. Dalac had already introduced them to the three-phase thermal explosion power in detail.

For a moment, he pulled his head with a blood bandage and smoothed his forehead hair and laughed. "To tell the truth, Yuan Qing was very angry about this today. I am very angry. I am a servant of etiquette. These young people are all saints’ brothers. How can they make such reckless, insulting saints’ teachings and simply widespread indignation and discontent? I can’t imagine the consequences if this matter comes to my ears. "

"plop plop"
Tian Hongyu here the words sound just fell and Fan Ergong and Maharaja have knelt down and kowtowed desperately.
"Ye Guo is a big fellow who knows nothing about Mount Tai. It’s really a sin to say this plainly to hurt Ye Guo."
"The grandfathers are really wrong. Please don’t forget the villains and give them a chance."
"Ye …"
By this time, Tian Hongyou had already anticipated everything and couldn’t help but look at Li Yuanqing here with a smile.
Li Yuanqing smiled and sniffed the delicate fragrance in the depths of Bai Ernian’s hair. "If God knows … Alas, this temper almost beat me the day before yesterday, but all the people in Ye Fan Xian’s nephew and Wang Xian’s nephew are also the pillars of my elite future country. If this matter is stabbed in the ears of the day, it will make the day angry. On the one hand, if it is naive, it will be my big loss."
Fan Ergong, Maharaja and others have just been scared to pee by Tian Hong’s words. At this time, they suddenly heard Li Yuanqing’s words, which are just like sounds of nature.
One by one quickly watched Li Yuanqing and looked at Tian Hong.
Tian Hong can hardly say how to enjoy this feeling at this time.
Not only young talents such as Fan Ergong and Maharaja are kneeling at his feet begging for his mercy like dogs, but also beautiful girls such as Yan Xi accompany them.
Even if he can’t do something for Yan Xi girl at this time, but ~ it’s looking at Yan Xi girl with some frightened eyes and a slightly attractive mouth. Tian Hongyou’s heart is sweeter than eating honey.
Isn’t this the true power of Xungui?
At the fingertips of ten thousand people, everything is under control!
For a moment, Tian Hong couldn’t help but smile lightly. "Yuan Qing’s words are good. I Tian Mou is actually not stubborn and rigid, and I am willing to give these young players a chance, but this tone in my heart is really hard to swallow at the moment."
Chapter 119 A moonlit night on the riverside!
As the old saying goes,’ money is a man’s bravery, and the vertex of a man’s face is the fastest to update’
Although Tian Hong had the status of Lord of the Nation before he met, he suffered from the fact that his practice could not be wasted, and his added advantage could not be integrated into the mainstream.
But at this time ~ with Li Yuanqing’s strong support, Tian Hongyu is like a tiger, like a duck to water, like a’ virgin’. Even if his performance is still a little immature, he has already gone on track
For a moment, Li Yuanqing laughed. "Tian Ye is actually human nature, but this thing …"
Said Li Yuanqing saw Fang Fan two male and maharaja one eye frowned slightly lost in thought.
Fan Ergong and Maharaja have been keeping a firm eye on everyone in Li Yuanqing. At this point, how can they not understand Li Yuanqing’s words?
For a moment, Fan Ergong was busy saying, "I’m willing to ask you to give me another chance to punish you."
The maharaja is also busy kowtowing desperately. "Lord Guo has long heard that your generosity and kindness are my great examples and begged Lord Guo to give the younger generation another chance."
Qu Yuanji several people are also busy kowtowing, such as Dao garlic, repeatedly asking for help.
Although the overall situation is under control, at this time, Tian Hong was hesitant and busy and looked at Li Yuanqing’s side.
Li Yuanqing, of course, Bai Tianhong met with profound meaning
Although the profit is high, it is a pity that there is no complete concept of Tian Hongyu’s "degree"
For a moment, Li Yuanqing slowly ordered a cigar and said, "Fan Xian’ s nephew Wang Xian’ s nephew Tian Ye’ s medicine here. Well, why don’ t you get together and make it a whole thing?"
How can Fan Ergong and Maharaja not understand Li Yuanqing’s profound meaning?
At that time, I was busy and kowtowed desperately. "Uncle Xie’s adult carries uncle Xie’s adult."
Watching them kowtow like garlic, Li Yuanqing couldn’t help but think of the classic middle school scene of later generations, Uncle Shan and Fan Wei, "Do you think he still thanks?"
Tian Hongyue also understood Li Yuanqing’s meaning at this time, but he was more and more impressed by Li Yuanqing.
For example, Fan Ergong and Wang Gong seem glamorous on the surface, but in fact they don’t have much initiative in the family.
In other words, they don’t have too much silver in their hands
But if you want 12 thousand, it’s obvious that it’s too worthless for him to meet his uncle Tian Hong in this country
However, it would not be too beautiful for Tian Hong to meet here if it were to be 3.5 million and 2,000 yuan, which is beyond the tolerance of these male buddies.
And one hundred and twenty-six people are just right.
It can not only make Fan Ergong and Wang Gong feel the pain in the flesh, but also show and match his status as a field Lord to some extent.
The most important thing is that both sides can accept this result.
And this 100 thousand taels of silver secretly flowed into his and Li Yuanqing’s pockets in the dark.
The whole situation has finished and entered the channel. Li Yuanqing laughed. "Now that things are over, my dear, let’s not be stiff. Let’s all get up. It’s already late today. Let’s get together and have a good drink. At this time, let’s listen to the Yan Xi girl’s fiddle first."
"Uncle Xie’s adult"
"Thank uncle’s adult …"
Fan Ergong and Maharaja cried and fell to their knees.
Yan Xi girl then secretly took a white look at Li Yuanqing.
That means I didn’t remember her until now.
Li Yuanqing smile is force sniffed the bosom Bai Ernian hair deep.
Miss Yan Xi’s pretty face is not slightly red, and she hangs her head respectfully and laughs. "Two ye Yan Xi are going to fiddle. It’s Yan Xi who is feeling a little sick today, and it’s a little late. If you are out of tune, please don’t take it personally."
Tian Hong laughed when he was busy. "It’s very kind of Yan Xi girl. It’s an honor for Tian to smell Yan Xi girl’s fiddle tonight."
At this moment, Fan Ergong was busy handing respectfully, saying, "Two uncles, adults and little nephews suddenly remembered that there are still some trivial things in the little nephew’s home that need to be dealt with … little nephew excused himself first."
Maharaja cried also to react busy and respectful way "two uncles adult little nephew here also have some things …"
Qu Yuanji, several people also reacted and were busy looking for reasons to leave.
Tian Hongyue’s heart is not more comfortable.

You little bodhisattva blinked and sighed. Think about Buddhism. There are only a few people who really have a special position. It is not easy to switch to his legacy. The little nun’s eyes quickly dimmed … but suddenly her eyes lit up again. "Ah? This, so big is … peach pit? "

Su Jing tore up the millstone peach for a while and finished eating it. The millstone peach pit was not conspicuous in the corner of the room, but the little Bodhisattva Youxiao didn’t pay attention.
Show leisurely little bodhisattva nasty "such a big peach stone that how much peach … the devil sent it to you? If you didn’t send me a clay bodhisattva, you’re also a bit hot. The red horse monkey bullied me too much! "
Say jump chair Deng Deng Deng Deng ran out to find the demon officer to discuss.
In an instant, the little bodhisattva ran back. "Uncle Su, please send me the peach pit."
The little bodhisattva’s mind is watertight, holding a peach pit to discuss that there is evidence on the one hand; In case the monsters are stingy and don’t admit it, it’s okay. She will plant her own peach tree with this peach pit!
"Godsworn" is ambitious.
Su Jing and Qiu Pingan looked at each other. Although there is a Buddhist magic body, Su Jing is an orthodoxy after all. After chatting with Youxiao Bodhisattva for a long time, I really didn’t see that she was a wise root, but it was certain that she could eat and love …
The last three days passed quietly, and there was no need for important people to visit again. The Three-headed Red Sage didn’t come to look for trouble again. Finally, he waited until the ceremony of canonization of Qianshan Mountain was on the right day. Su Jing frowned when he came from meditation.
Qiu Pingan has been following Su Jing for a long time. When he saw his expression, he knew something was wrong. "What’s the matter?"
It’s not absolutely not that something will happen, but it will probably happen.
Just Su Jing got a taste of this induction. There is no specific news that murderous look is boiling in his heart.
"It seems like a fight." Su Jing stretched himself.
Qiu Pingan is twenty times more energetic. "Who? Red monkey cub? I went to point soldiers … "
"I don’t know who to hit after a break. We’ll see."
At this time, a bell floated melodiously outside the fairy post, and the demon official sang the promise outside.
Chapter one thousand three hundred Five drums crow seven stars swallow the moon
Today is the holy day of the three-headed red coffin.
When the auspicious time comes, the demon officials will be invited out to have a look. The ceremonial messengers of all parties are dressed up and the demon officials are all wearing ceremonial robes. The colorful gold and silver are beautiful, and there is such a memory of Su Jing. It is vaguely the feeling that Nanhuang participated in the peeling country and drowned in the spring festival.
Su Jing’s identity as an emissary of the divine king is hidden. He usually wears a sword robe and calls out A Gu Wang robe, a black robe and a red python. It looks very good, but when he doesn’t urge the power to turn, the king robe is a solemn garment, which may not be very eye-catching.
Is his side qiu ping an … Su Jing smiled at his dress "steal the thunder? I haven’t seen this armor. It’s very good. "
It’s not really rare for the four elephants to gather in one body, that is, the four elephants’ armor has been refined for a long time.
The layers of armor are engraved with ghosts and seals, and the four images are linked together, and the brilliance of the gods is brilliant, and the lines of armor are flowing, and the four images are determined to be dry. Kun, an orange armor, is self-styled and natural, and truly respects treasures!
Qiu Pingan explained with a smile, "Didn’t you notice that you and phase liu Jr. came to Tortoise State a while ago and were in high spirits? Didn’t you also hear the news to congratulate him? He gave this armor to phase liu Jr. on behalf of another stack."
Another stack was built by the great demon Luo and later given to Xikeng Yin;
Phase liu Jr. is a big demon Luo’s younger brother Xikeng’s hidden younger brother. Seriously speaking, half of the other stack is phase liu Jr. Of course, Hydra won’t rob his brother’s property, but it won’t be a little snub to another stack of his happy events.
At that time, the big hag in the west pit was hidden in Xuan Bing, and Luo Xu, the great demon in Gankun, took time off to go to Tortoise State, but his words came to a time when the other disciples met and missed their teachers. Therefore, they even forgot this armor, which was to make up for the meeting ceremony. The younger brother and the little corpse were arranged by another stack, so the young couple didn’t have to worry about it. When they were happy, they would be brothers with other intentions.
This armor SHEN WOO is extraordinary. Although phase liu Jr. believes in "eating meat in his mouth", he has given birth to a chivalrous heart. He has been walking the "cloth road" for many years. He doesn’t like the armor. He doesn’t like the viceroy’s love. He begged phase liu Jr. to come over and call it "borrow" …
Before the demon ceremony officer smiled and led the way, the demon soldiers lined up to guard the side of Su Jingxian’s post, and several fairy families flew to the sacred mountain together. On the way, Su Jing bloomed and found no trace of the enemy, and the sense of God never appeared again.
It would be best not to have an accident. If something really happens … Su Jing also said that since the breakthrough, he hasn’t been able to find a combative fighter to try.
In a short time, the clouds flew into the celestial world, the main peak of the celestial being. After several years of operation, the center of one party’s great power was really extraordinary. Looking at it, the splendid temple stood tall from the foot of the mountain and climbed all the way to the top of the mountain. Even the most inconspicuous bell and drum tower pavilion has a thousand miles. Fiona Fang is comparable to the most towering mountain, which also shows that the celestial peak is magnificent.
The main peak of Tiansheng is a mountain, but its scale is different. It is a beautiful world.
Yamagata Gankun is splendid and prosperous.
The mountain is not alone, like a dragon’s column. Generally, there is a huge river and a winding mountain. The spiral Tianshui is intertwined with jade belts. Let alone how long the river is, and the narrowest channel is also three thousand miles away.
Panshan River has another flying bridge across the thick iron chain flying at both ends of the river bank. The dark alloy whip locks the dragon with a heavy spirit and is ferocious, showing the majesty of the demon family.
There are thousands of silver islands and reefs in the river. Su Jing doesn’t understand the astrology, but the brains and eyesight of immortal people are not ordinary and healthy. At first glance, this river and islands are a little familiar, and then after careful consideration, it suddenly dawns on the island in the river and the star in the Yuchuan Silver Road, the Milky Way and the stars.
When the demon officials around him saw Su Jing looking at the river thoughtfully, they brought some pride to Su Jing and said, "The Fourteen Kings didn’t know that the name of this river is Shadow Galaxy, which was cast by our hundreds of mountains for several years and the great sages of several demon families. It is really a true shadow of the Milky Way reflected in the method to make it a true water river and a fairy Saturn island."
Su scenic spots nodded and sincerely praised "not only majestic and magnificent, but also amazing."
Whether it’s the river, the scenery or the seal script, it’s a great way to protect the mountain array if you can really find out the "shadow of the Milky Way"
The accompanying demon officer was surprised that the strength of the "Shadow Galaxy" mountain array was extremely secret. I didn’t expect the fourteen kings to see it early. Not far away, a general who ruled the demon soldiers and guarded hundreds of mountains heard the words and laughed. "Fourteen kings have good eyes! This shadow galaxy can receive the real galactic force array, and once it is launched, nothing can live! "
Su Jing turned to look at the general, who was also a monkey with a large body and a double-headed purple ape.
When you practice in Su Jing, your eyes and ears will reach the sky. Ordinary immortals can tell clearly whether they say good things or strange things, mean things or mean things. When the two-headed purple ape speaks, he doesn’t bite the "ghosts" as an accent. Su Jing is just as white as he means something.
I’m not paranoid, but I’m clear-minded
There is a flat peach mark on the two-headed ape’s battle dress. Su Jing knows that this is the new heaven. The family will mark the identity. How unknown is it, but the status must be not low? Su Jing asked the two-headed purple ape, "The officials around the general Tiansheng should also know that there will be evil spirits invading heaven in the future, and we will have a life-and-death war."
It’s no secret that even the small court scattered immortals have heard about it. Kuang Tiansheng’s family put the purple apes at the same place.
Su Jing continued, "Loyal ministers should not only help the monarch to share his worries, but also help him to identify the general trend and fight against him … You can’t say that I will follow and beat and scold without looking? That’s not a minister, it’s a dog leg. "
Su Jingxiao patted the double-headed purple ape on the shoulder and stopped watching him sink to his face. Then he turned around and looked at the scenery of Tiansheng’s main peak.
If you don’t encounter this mountain, Su Jing still really likes it. He loves ostentation and extravagance, thinking that one day he will have a good scenery when he leaves the mountain altar …

"Eldest brother accidentally went out to play for a while!"

Fat boy left such a message to Zhang Xiaotian and then ran away.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and didn’t care. He knew that Fat Boy must have gone out hunting. This little guy was nice to those two cubs. Seeing that they didn’t have enough to eat, they ran out to catch the spirit beast for them. Fat Boy had done this several times before.
Zhang Xiaotian was amused to think that Fat Boy was like a big brother taking care of two little brothers who were not sensible. After thinking for a while, he walked to the two cubs.
After getting along these days, the two little guys are also very familiar with Zhang Xiaotian. Although they can’t communicate with Zhang Xiaotian, they can understand Fat Boy’s words (this is what Fat Boy told Zhang Xiaotian). Fat Boy "educated" them to listen to Zhang Xiaotian’s words.
The cubs of the two flurry bears look very small. No, the big flurry bear is ten times as big as a raccoon. Zhang Xiaotian put a flurry bear neck in one hand and weighed them up.
By Zhang Xiaotian weigh in hand, two flurry bears’ four feet were boarded. Suddenly, the limbs swayed and stretched out two forelimbs to try to turn over and want to reach Zhang Xiaotian to weigh in hand. But how can they turn over with the help of the limbs method?
Zhang Xiaotian put them on the ground and played a palm game with them.
The silly appearance of the two bears made Zhang Xiaotian, who had been very depressed recently, laugh and his troubles drifted away with him.
"The eldest brother is back!"
After playing for a while, Zhang Xiaotian’s mind sounded fat.
"Oh?" Zhang Xiaotian turned away.
See fat boy running towards Zhang Xiaotian and jumping into Zhang Xiaotian’s arms.
"Fat boy, it’s a little late for you to come back this time!" Zhang Xiaotian said with a smile.
"I caught a big guy this time, but I was exhausted!" Fat boy jumped from Zhang Xiaotian’s arms to the ground and lifted up his little head and said
"oh? What kind of big guy makes you so tired? Take me to see! " Zhang Xiaotian mirth asked turned and walked to the door.
"hmm!" Fat boy nodded his little head and then yelled at the two bear cubs. When he saw the two bear cubs, they jumped excitedly behind Fat boy and ran to the door.
Zhang Xiaotian saw the spirit beast lying at the door and took a deep breath.
Lying on the ground is a ghost peak level rhinoceros blame Zhang Xiaotian inhaling not because of how high its level is, but it is too big to be bigger than the ordinary buffalo in the secular world. Zhang Xiao is naive and a little skeptical about how Fat Boy got it back with such a small head.
Just now, Zhang Xiaotian was wondering why the fat boy didn’t pull the hunted soul beast into the cave. It turned out that he was stuck here and couldn’t get in.
"Whoops-"Fat boy shouted at Zhang Xiaotian.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and his right hand stretched out his mind and moved the magic weapon Blackstone to flash in his hand.
Throw the black stone magic weapon at the rhinoceros monster, and the black stone will stick tightly to the rhinoceros monster, and the falling force will no longer absorb the soul force of the rhinoceros monster.
Two flurry bear cubs and three fat ones, six black eyes, kept a close eye on the piece of black stone stained with the rhinoceros monster.
In a short time, the rhinoceros monster’s body slowly became transparent, and even the green blood that had dripped on it slowly trickled back to it and then flowed down the body to Blackstone.
Finally, the rhino’s strange body and soul were absorbed by Blackstone, and the original green blood disappeared, leaving a white rhino horn and several fangs.
Zhang Xiaotian threw Blackstone into the hole and three little guys immediately ran there.
Rhinoceros horn and fangs are magic weapon materials. Before Zhang Xiaotian didn’t know these things and didn’t have anything to put them in, they threw them away. But now that Zhang Xiaotian has a lock, of course, it is impossible to let them go! You know, these are all money
Zhang Xiaotian was poor in the secular world. At that time, although he had seen a lot of good things in Fangshi shops, he and his brother were reluctant to buy them, which was one of the reasons why Zhang Xiaotian didn’t want to visit Fangshi at that time.
In this way, when Zhang Xiaotian was free, he worked hard to practice and strive for an early breakthrough to the ghost-shaped period. When he was bored, he went out to hunt. The three little guys in Doby had a very moist life
Chapter seventy Revenge
Half a year later
Sitting in the hole, Zhang Xiaotian opened his eyes and closed his eyes. Nai sighed, and the impact on the ghost stage failed again.
Realm breakthrough was not so easy to think of here. Zhang Xiaotian couldn’t help feeling a little that when his ghost peak hit the ghost period, Hou Gen had no obstacles and rushed in. But now it has been almost a year since he reached the ghost peak, but there is still no breakthrough.
It seems that this breakthrough can’t be achieved by closing the door. Well, it’s time to go out for a walk, Zhang Xiaotian thought
Suddenly Zhang Xiaotian’s eyes flashed a malicious Du Hai!
It’s not that Zhang Xiaotian’s fat mother was kicked to death by Du Hai, and she was chased by them. Now she is hiding in this restricted area and living a fearful life. This hatred is big, but she is not absolutely sure that Zhang Xiaotian will not take the initiative.
According to Zhang Xiaotian’s idea, it is going to break through the ghost stage and then bother them. Zhang Xiaotian will be quick, but it’s been half a year now, but his ghost peak repair or ghost peak repair always looks almost the same every time, but it can’t be achieved.
We can’t wait any longer to break through the ghost stage, and we don’t know when we want revenge or when we can report it.
Although it’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years, Zhang Xiaotian is a little worried that his limit is the ghost peak. Although he has a high qualification, who knows if there are any other restrictions? This is an idea that he has been unable to get rid of his bad feelings in his heart. It is also an idea in the secular world. When he rose from the initial stage of ghost to the peak stage of ghost, this idea had already disappeared. However, in the past six months, he has been unable to break through to the ghost stage, so this idea has disappeared again from Zhang Tianxin.
Revenge now is Zhang Xiaotian’s only idea.
"Boss, are you awake?" Fat surprise sounds in Zhang Xiaotian’s mind.
Zhang Xiaotian twist a head to see "sou" a white shadow shot to his arms, followed by two small flurry bears.
In the past six months, Zhang Xiaotian just played with them, but later, because he couldn’t break through to the ghost period for a long time, Zhang Xiaotian became more and more depressed, and the number of times of impacting the ghost period became longer and longer. It has been half a month since he closed the ghost period.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and patted the fat boy’s little head and said, "How about this time? Did you bully the big bear or the little bear? " Big Bear and Little Bear were named by Zhang Xiaotian.
"No, I take them out to play every day and give them food. Ask them if you don’t believe me!" Fat boy waved his little head like a drum, and then he yelled at the two high-flying bears.
Zhang Xiaotian twist a head to look at the two little flurry bears. When the two flurry bears heard the fat boy roar, they looked at Zhang Xiaotian. They couldn’t help two big heads burning hard at Zhang Xiaotian.
Zhang Xiaotian looked funny for a while. He knew that these three little guys were very good. Fat people naturally could not bully them.
The juvenile period of flurry bear is five years, and it will take five years before it can grow to adulthood. However, flurry bear has the initial level of ghost form just as it has grown up. This is a spirit beast talent, and it takes much less time than ordinary ghost practice to reach the ghost form. However, this has advantages and disadvantages. They can reach the limit of their life, that is, the ghost form can reach the late stage, even if it is the elite among flurry bears, it will reach the peak level of ghost form.
It’s like Zhang Xiaotian’s encounter with the group of Thunderhawks and Tiger Beasts. Their limit is also a ghost-shaped period, but I don’t know that they even reached the level of ghost king. I think they also had an adventure. When Zhang Xiaotian thought of this, he couldn’t help but think of the "king" in the mouth of the two king-level Thunderhawks and Tiger Beasts. Listening to their tone, they obviously respected them. Maybe they were able to reach the level of ghost king because of their "king".
Bear cubs are still in their infancy, and they haven’t grown much, but their strength is not as good as that of ordinary bear cubs. How can they be ordinary when they absorb black liquor?
Generally, the strength of the cubs of flurry bears is at most the peak of ghosts, but they can only become ghost-shaped beasts after metamorphosis in their adulthood. But now, there are only two or three-year-old (looking at the head) bears and cubs who have the initial level of ghosts. Plus, their natural grace can drive Zhang Xiaotian to display half of his lightness skill, and Zhang Xiaotian can’t do it without displaying his lightness skill roots.
The degree of ghost cultivation in the ghost period is almost the same unless you have a special skill, just like Zhang Xiaotian has the "lightness skill" in the secular world. When you reach the ghost period, you can control the surrounding energy, and the degree of ghost cultivation will rise sharply. The higher the realm, the more energy you control, and the faster your proficiency.
Zhang Xiaotian’s depressed mood will be better every time he sees these three little guys. What would Zhang Xiaotian be depressed without these three little guys?
"Fat boy, shall we go out hunting together later?" Zhang Xiaotian patted fat little head and said with a smile.
"Good good! Let’s go together, "said Fat Boy, shaking his tail behind him excitedly.
"Bear and bear go together?" Zhang Xiaotian frowned. Fat boy’s strength was not low after several transformations. Now, after half a year’s growth, Fat boy’s claws become sharper and faster. You can help yourself by taking him, but it’s nothing to take Bear Bear Bear to meet the ghost period, but if you meet the ghost period, it will be a little troublesome.
Fat boy yelled at two small flurry bears. After a while, after listening to Fat Boy’s call, the two little guys looked at Zhang Xiaotian excitedly.
"All right, all right, wait a minute. You can stay close to me, but don’t run first." Zhang Xiaotian saw that the three little guys were all excited and smiled and agreed, and finally told them.

Once successful, he will be able to directly control every cell in the body!

The ascension brought about by this change will be quite horrible. If it is said that he can drive his physical strength by 10% now, then he can activate the power contained in his body by 120% after the completion of the Dragon Mystery.
Plus the dragon’s secret realm and physical enhancement, then his physical combat power will be sublimated to a new level
After the fiend fit, the demon-devil war body will also raise my hand further. It is idle to collapse the sky and refer to the mountains and fill the sea.
There is an ancient enlightened tea tree in Peacock Holy Mountain, which is said to have been transplanted from a foreign country in Shi Hao. It is sitting in the shade with a faint golden color, flickering with the Taoist law, shining with dreamy brilliance, and at the same time, there is a trickle of Taoist sounds …
Qin Changfeng sat in the shade of the tree with the help of the sacred disk of Yan Dao, and promoted the skill of transforming the dragon into a secret realm and practiced it directly.
At this time, the dark turmoil has temporarily calmed Shi Hao’s worries and Liu Shen’s protection of the Tao is the best. If you don’t come to practice, it will be too violent.
Qin Changfeng, the secret realm of Hualong, has a grand plan, so it is long and difficult to practice.
Is it easy to let the main nerve touch every cell?
Compared with ordinary people, his present state is unattainable and called immortal, but most of his practice is only macro-strength, and now it is suspected that it is micro-strength at the cellular level, so this is a big challenge for him.
Just like carving, only meditation, perseverance and careful preparation can succeed.
This is obviously a female strength, and males have always been inferior in this respect.
At the same time, Shi Hao led the army of Fairyland to cross the boundary sea all the way to flatten the strongholds of dark creatures.
What you’ve done is either turn over a new leaf or go up in smoke.
Until his triumphant return, all the major cities in Fairyland celebrated for nine days and ten places, and the sad atmosphere was swept away.
"Desperate Emperor!"
The monks of all ethnic groups recite his name, and this time they are more pious than sincere. If there is no wild fairy land, it will be over.
Or some people recite the ancestor sacrifice spirit of the Imperial Master. They have not forgotten the contributions of Qin Changfeng and Yagyu.
But in comparison, it’s only the most chanting of the Emperor of Heaven.
After all, this belongs to his time, and he is in chaos …
Shi Hao himself has both comfort and sadness here.
Thankfully, he won after all, and he reunited with Master and Liu Shen. Sadly, before and after this war, many of his old friends and relatives were killed or cut off by years.
Moreover, he knows that the victory of the real source has not really come, and there is still a more difficult and terrible war waiting for him.
However, it is the best result after all.
He returned to heaven and looked at two figures of Peacock, Holy Mountain, Enlightenment and Ancient Tea, smiling.
Is it lucky that there are still such two masters guarding all the way in the world?
It’s really hard to treat him badly.
"Is the Emperor of Heaven going to wake up the emperors?"
Shi Hao stood behind him with more than a dozen celestial warriors. Although they were covered in traces after a bloody battle, they were full of spirit. The disaster has been completely calm. Now, with the celestial emperor, the imperial teacher and the ancestral sacrifice spirit, the celestial kingdom will surely become an eternal immortal!
Chapter seven hundred and fifty Qin Changfeng new name Shi Haoxian emperor opportunity
"wake up?"
Shi Hao was silent for a moment and asked, "What did my master say?"
Kong Qiuji replied, "The holy father said that the two grandmothers, Yuechan and Qingyi, will continue to seal the peacock clan’s veins until … it’s up to you to decide on the first pulse."
He looks confused because he is not white. Will there be another era in this situation?
At this time, it is not only the Godsworn in Heaven, but almost everyone in the world recognizes that the epoch of Heaven will be immortal into an eternal era!
"I don’t understand. Just follow the master’s instructions … and continue to seal it." Shi Hao whispered with a vicissitudes of expression and tone.
He knew that his master was still afraid of what real peace and tranquility had not come to this world … There were still great disasters!
He never forgot that tens of thousands of years ago, Master said that he was destined to be arbitrary in this life.
He didn’t want to accept the result of such a lonely fate, but he also knew that Master never targeted … If he was left alone to bear this, all his loved ones would find a ray of eternal hope, then he would be happy.
Thought of here, Shi Hao’s thoughts can’t help drifting away. A long time ago, he was a little guy who loved animal milk. Although weak, he was very happy. Now he is expensive, but he misses the past more and more …
"My master is a little urchin who eats meat and drinks milk. It’s not my intention to worry about being arrogant on the Avenue of Nature …"
A faint sadness lingers in my heart, and the Emperor can’t help but sigh with emotion. Although it’s not big, it still thunders like thunder since it comes from the mouth of the Emperor.
Heaven and earth are a piece of words
Many people think that the realm of Heaven Emperor has reached a level that they can’t see, otherwise … What makes them feel bad?
But who dares to beat the Emperor of Heaven? !
The problem must not be that they are born in heaven, but that they really don’t understand it.
Well, it must be so
Everyone is relieved. After all, the Emperor of Heaven does not blaspheme, even if he thinks about it in his heart.
"Little Mo Lingzun!"
Then Shi Haoyi mused. At this moment, Xiao Mo appeared in heaven with his left hand holding his chest and holding the prayer beads of King Kong Pu, and hurriedly saluted.
Xiao Mo gently nodded to Shi Hao and said, "You don’t have much time for 500 years, or your master will be in trouble."
The woman who knows all the nasty thoughts in Qin Changfeng’s heart naturally knows how long Qin Changfeng can stay in this world this time. If Shi Hao can’t really step into the immortal emperor’s territory Qin Changfeng for hundreds of years, it will be difficult to punish the failure this time. Even Qin Changfeng can resist easily.
Besides, the heavenly king’s war, that is, he must not affect his combat power for this reason.
"Five hundred years to become an immortal emperor?"
When Shi Hao heard this, his eyes flashed. "Does Master have any advice?"
Although he is now the peak of the quasi-immortal emperor, everyone thinks that it is impossible to further become an immortal emperor in hundreds of years, because this step is more difficult than all the practices from a mortal to a quasi-immortal emperor!