Although full of consternation, this woman is printed in front of herself, and his mind has long been shrouded in the past, making sure it is not a trap, so he grabbed it.

When he printed this woman in his hand, he felt that there was a huge female pattern in his mind. This huge female with three heads and six arms was sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, and the whole world shook slightly.
With the help of this mother-in-law’s seal, the world resonates with the heavens. At this moment, he is like this mother-in-law’s fusion of heaven and earth.
This is a way to imagine that the limit of thinking in the realm is rising almost instantaneously-his mind vibrates with the help of this kind of seal, and he actually broke the bondage of the destroyer instantly. From this moment on, he is no longer a 30-level sacred destroyer, and his hierarchy is unknown.
So he succeeded in offering sacrifices.
In my mind, his first talent, strengthening care, has been limited by the completion of the final transformation of the state law of the destroyer. Now, with the state of the destroyer being broken, he has entered the sacrificial road from chopping. No, Shou Yuan has grown from 3,000 years to 4,000 years, and his first talent has finally completed the final transformation.
A message appeared in my mind.
"The first talent, the watcher understands that each promotion can passively trigger a watcher effect, and the watcher will get a visit and can be launched at a designated place."
Sensing the message in my mind, Su Li didn’t expect this first talent to get this care talent after it changed. It is also passively triggered, and every promotion can trigger a care opportunity. He doesn’t know what specific care will get.
At this moment, his entry into the sacrificial path from the chopping path will also trigger the visitor to get a chance to care for him.
"The inspiration of the gifted person can be selected from right arm, left arm, head, body, right leg and left leg."
"Six parts …" Su Li frowned and wanted to think, so he chose his right arm to try it. Since it is a metamorphosis talent, it also integrates thousands of talents to complete the integration. This visitor should have some very powerful abilities.
As he chose the Visitor to start Su Li, he felt some changes in his right arm, and then he suddenly became hot as fire, a mysterious force just like going beyond this and entering the middle.
This should be the blessing to gain strength, and then he was amazed to find that his immortal right arm was actually broken down
The immortal body was unbreakable after being hit by the King of Light, but now the whole right arm is decomposed and exploded into fly ash all over the sky.
What’s going on here?
Su Li’s surprise was followed by a message in his mind.
"Get the treasure to understand and master the immortal grain …"
Sensing this message, Su Li found that although his right arm exploded into flying ash all over the sky, he actually felt the explosion into millions of flying ash. In his sense, his right arm actually became immortal particles.
He can absolutely grasp the idea of hundreds of millions of immortal grains and suddenly restore his original right arm.
Holding each grain with the right hand contains immortal power, which can be decomposed or combined with his mind. Isn’t this immortal grain the product of a higher grain dimension world?
This right arm alone now contains immortal power, which has surpassed all the immortal power energy he held before.
This change is simply a qualitative leap.
Su Li was shocked by this first talent’s ability to care for others.
Once he succeeded in offering sacrifices, he got rid of the shackles of the destroyer. It was not the first talent to successfully complete the transformation and obtain the immortal granulation of this right arm. The biggest change was that after offering sacrifices, he could feel the surging energy of heaven and earth, which strengthened his mastery of various energies.
Although it can’t be as direct as Daoism, the Taoist priest can already rely on the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen himself and have a deeper grasp of his mastery of the ultra-dimensional power.
Before being limited by the destroyer, he mastered these abilities as if he had reached a certain limit. Now he has got rid of this bondage and gained growth again. Several super-dimensional powers, such as thinking about the domain and the ancient city, have all risen.
Feeling the earth-shaking changes in the body, this seal of the mother-in-law is just like the fact that even the button of the mother-in-law is brought with this seal of the mother-in-law, which makes it easier to cut and sacrifice three times.
So precious, the king of light actually said to give it to himself?
"This seal is equivalent to a powerful measuring tool. Now whoever masters this seal has the ability to communicate with God is equivalent to mastering the power of God …"
"In the future, your successor will appear … you also need to give him the seal of this woman … Only by mastering the seal of the woman is it truly the highest honour"
The king of light seems to know that Su Li doubts that the gentle voice rings from a distance to explain.
"For me … I don’t need the seal of the old woman …"
With this sound, a stalwart appeared from a distance and wandered in.
Su Li saw the king of light again.
But after an encounter, Su Li is not sure whether the King of Light is real or not.
This king of light is simply unfathomable. He can’t see through it.
"Remember what I said before … I don’t have much time?" The king of light smiled at Su Li and said, "I really don’t have much time … because my horse is going to leave the goddess …"
He paused for a moment and then said, "But I have one more thing to do before I leave … This matter needs your order, because now you … are in charge of the goddess, and you are the master of this goddess."
Su Li alpha males before looking at the king of light.
Suddenly a figure appeared. This is a seven-year-old boy with three eyes. It is Bai Cang, the king of the French god.

Why is everything different from what I imagined?

Even if I had some accidents when stabbing the sword just now, it’s true that I was injured.
"Temple" He Jiaolan turned around and shouted and followed two steps forward, but was stopped by the scabbard of the guards commanded by the king of Jin.
"The girl also please come with me to yiguang nearby to dress up and where are your girls? Can it be near here? "
The temple has said that. Can this bodyguard let He Jiaolan go with another bodyguard and take He Jiaolan to yiguang to see a doctor?
"There seems to be an accident in the street in front of the girl."
Tao Zhuo has arrived at Liren Pavilion, and he is sitting in the room on the second floor, waiting for Qiye shopkeeper to trot in. "I heard that it seems that the Golden King Hall was assassinated."
"What? !”
Tao Zhuo was so scared that the gold hairpin in his hand fell off the desktop and suddenly got up. "How?"
In broad daylight, someone actually assassinated the king of Jin in the street?
"Come on, let’s go and have a look." Tao Zhuo picked up his skirt and ran out. Suddenly, he stopped and said, "Cuizhu, you should go there first and see if you need help. Leave me alone!"
Assassination, that’s deadly. Tao’s burning palms are cold. Let the kung fu bamboo go to help, and I pray more in my heart
I hope he’s safe and sound, and he took the dark guards and guards out of the house today.
"Don’t worry, girl," Cui Zhu said, and quickly swept out from the second floor.
Tao Zhuo also ran to the floor outside the house.
Chapter 18 Chapter 18
"Girl, are you ok? Is my mouth came running to tell you … "
"It’s no big deal that I don’t care about you, but my foot may have been twisted and I’ve asked a doctor," Tao Zhuo looked at the frightened face of the old shopkeeper and smiled apologetically. "Feng Shu, don’t worry, you go to work, just let Cuizhu serve here."
"It’s a girl." The old shopkeeper wiped his forehead. It was really thrilling just now. He didn’t expect the girl to react so much. I really regret coming to tell her that the king of Jin was assassinated. Seeing that the king of Jin seemed to be fine, his girl was injured.
Tao Zhuo comforted him by saying, "Feng Shu is my own carelessness, so don’t think about it."
"Don’t think about it, then I’ll go and greet the guests." The shopkeeper found another man to come and wait on him before going upstairs.
Tao burning asked before, "Ye elder brother, how can someone assassinate you? Did you catch the killer? What’s going on? "
"Don’t worry, I’m busy, too," Qi Yexian comforted her before slowly telling what happened in Qianjie.
"He Jiaolan?" Tao Zhuo looked at Qi Ye unexpectedly. "What a coincidence?"
"I also feel too coincidental." Although things happen sometimes, Qi Ye feels strange. "I can see that the sword didn’t scratch He Jiaolan, but her shoulder was injured and bleeding, but it was weird."
Just finished, Jing Er swept in from the window, and Tao Zhuo didn’t respond quickly. He knelt down on one knee in front of Qi Ye and told him that "the temple was incompetent and let the assassination man run away."
Qi Ye motioned for him to get up. "Can you see clearly before that sword was struck by He Jiaolan when you shot it down?"
Scene 2 leng didn’t react. Which is He Jiaolan? But I soon guessed that it was the woman who stood in front of the king of Jin. "I didn’t see the girl when I went back to the temple, and the sword was struck before the girl jumped."
If Qiye saw that the sword didn’t scratch He Jiaolan, maybe he was wrong and even Jinger said so, especially if he wasn’t sure Jinger wouldn’t be so sure, Qiye doubted the assassination.
He told Jing Er, "You should send a letter to the palace to ask your brother to send a doctor to cure too much and Dali Temple Shaoqing to visit He Jiaolan in yiguang to examine her injuries carefully."
If He Jiaolan’s injury is false, it’s worth pondering that she happened to appear by her side and gave her life to block the sword.
Jing Er was still worried that there was no dark guard around the king of Jin to follow him, but he said, "I’m not worried that the king won’t go out and bamboo will be there."
"Yes" Jinger leaves quickly.
Before Tao Zhuo said anything, He Yue arrived with the card shark.
"It’s a slight sprain. Apply some ointment and you will be cured after a few days’ rest." The doctor found a bottle of sprain medicine from the medicine box.
The wound medicine is naturally prepared by him before he heard He Yue say that he fell from the stairs and left yiguang. The doctor also knew Tao Zhuo and knew that she was the owner of Yuhua County, a girl from Bofu, and the king of Jin next to her also knew it and said with a look, "It would be best if the county owner had a better sprain medicine."
Jin Wangfu naturally has a good ointment, but how painful it will be to get Tao Zhuo again at this moment. He will take the ointment and ask, "Is it feasible to apply this ointment once and then change it?"
"Just clean the original ointment before applying it again." The doctor is a very helpful person. "My ointment is mild."
Qiye nodded. "Leave this ointment for the lunar new year. Let people go back to Wangfu to get a bottle of sprain medicine."
Tao Zhuo felt that there was no need to be so busy to stop "Brother Ye is not so troublesome. The doctor said that this medicine is mild and good, just this bottle."
However, Qiye felt that her ankle was getting better quickly with good medicine, and she still asked the Lunar New Year to order someone to get it. By the way, she sent the card shark out and gave the consultation fee and the house call together.
It’s not that Tao Zhuo cares about these consultations, but he thinks it’s unnecessary to switch, but seeing that he insists on letting it go, he is also doing his own good.
Looking at the ointment in his hand, Tao Zhuo said to Cuizhu, "Cuizhu, please give me medicine."
She can also use her own medicine, but she has to wait on Cuizhu to wash her hands after applying ointment. It is better to let Cuizhu come.
Qiye glanced at her ankle and handed the ointment to Cuizhu.
This sprained position should be rubbed with some strength to prevent swelling, and it hurts a little. Tao Zhuo endured it and didn’t come out
Well, the ointment has to be less active. Two people plan to go out for dinner at noon, or they can cancel their plan to order food at noon.
And the palace Jinglong emperor heard that someone assassinated the king of Jin in this street, which was naturally furious and was scrutinized by people.
Soon He Jiaolan’s shoulder injury was also reported to the King of Jin. It was only when he cut his flesh that he bled. He came to report to the guards that "Dali Temple people suspected that He Jiaolan had a problem with his wound, which was scratched from left to right, but the direction in which the sword came at that time would not cause such a long mouth" because it was shot down, even if it was scratched, it would not be so long.
In addition, Jin Wang and Jing Er both saw that the sword did not touch He Jiaolan’s clothes, so how did this wound appear?
She happened to appear at the scene to save the king of Jin, which made the king of Jin wonder, "Is it because she directed and acted?" Let people check people around her. "
Tao Zhuo looked at Qi Ye in surprise. "Did she direct it herself?" This is ridiculous. "What does she want?" But after asking, I found that it was really profitable. "Do you want to attract his attention or save his life?"
Follow Qiye’s words and guess that’s it.
Although these were said by Tao Zhuo, Qi Yejue felt that something was wrong, but he did not deny that "if you have doubts, you will know."
But He Jiaolan never imagined that she would find her head covering her shoulders and crying to the bodyguard who interrogated her afterwards. "I want to save the temple, even if I have no credit, but I mean well. How can you misunderstand me like this? I want to see the temple. "
"This is the meaning of the temple" asked her guards unceremoniously tunnel
He Guerlain stare big tears "no, it’s impossible …"
Nothing is impossible. When the maids around her are brought to Dali Temple one by one, she will follow the past for questioning. He Jiaolan is completely dumbfounded.
Dali Temple people soon found that several people around He Jiaolan were all practitioners and their skills should be good, which surprised Dali Temple people.

A cup of tea and kung fu made the Buddha’s life immortal, and the golden wind dispersed … There were a few more eye-catching objects, such as towers, mountains and snakes.

On the west side of the battlefield, a black ash tower rises straight into the sky of the high star. The tower looks strange. There are ferocious ghosts embedded in layers. Several ghosts are surrounded by the ghost heads. After the golden wind dissipates, the tower also collapses. Several ghost kings fall off and half of them look pale. When the Buddha is silent, the evil spirits in the leakage pool are assembled, and the ghost tower is condensed by the ghost method. Finally, it has survived the killing and passed by.
On the south side of the battlefield, the mountains are magnificent. Every emperor dresses up and middle-aged people sit on the mountainside. There is no change in their complexion. What’s more, Su Jing guesses that the mountains are heavenly and the golden winds of Shenshan Town are safe in Du Jie.
Just across the mountain, a big pink snake is more powerful than the real dragon. The snake’s strange grain is actually a plum pattern. Compared with Jia Tian’s mountain plum blossom snake, the situation of the snake skin is in a mess. Many snake eyes are dim and obviously beaten by the great Buddha’s silence, but no matter how embarrassed it is, it protects Shi Xiaoxiao and survived the catastrophe.
In a moment, the serpent disappeared, and Shi Xiaoxiao really appeared as if he were drunk, shaking his body, his feet were vain, and his face was flushed with two signs of injury, which made him more charming.
The Ghost King of Leaking Deep, the Demon Monk of Kowloon and the Demon Monk of Living Color are all alive with strength, unique skills and unusual treasures, but most of the ordinary immortals in the battlefield do not have such a good blessing. A golden wind kills most of their lives.
Fortunately, before the death of the immortal Buddha, his deep hatred was concerned about the three forces, namely Leaky Deep, Jiatian and Shixiaoxiao. Most of Jin Feng’s forces were put in the direction of three groups, but even in this field, his immortal family could escape his life, but it was only eleven or two.
After the wind, people’s shock and fear temporarily suppressed greed, and then they were weak and hard to resist a murder from the Buddha’s silence, including the great destruction of Leaky Pond. Wang Xing almost lost his strength, and his only strength did not harm people’s magnificent people and Kowloon.
The celestial world of Shantiandao altar is an insignificant small altar, and Kowloon is a place that is even more worthless. But who would have thought that Shantiandao’s ancestor, the King of Kowloon, could be so powerful? The Buddha died in his silence, but the spring breeze was shallow
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow.
The tattered bag is a battlefield situation in the hands of Jia Tian, and no one is qualified to fight for Jia Tian again.
But Jia Tian’s face is not good-looking, and he never put away Tianshan Mountain. On the contrary, the mountain has increased a little, and Jia Tian has climbed the mountainside and looked up at the sky with his head held high.
Uneasy state array yan jump wonder "what is he doing? The treasure-snatcher is still there? "
"I can’t walk." The raccoon dog sat on the ground and licked his paw. "If the heaven and the earth leak through the trap, you will die. The big guy in the northwest is here."
Sure enough, the raccoon dog’s voice did not fall, and a huge face appeared quietly in the sky.
When the grimace of blue face, fangs and crimson eyes appeared, several ghost kings in the battlefield immediately bent down and knelt down, swearing at Lang Lang, and made a eulogy to see the ghost king!
Su Jing also looked at the ghost face. "Who is he?"
"The seven masters of the Leaky Deep Ghost House ranked fifth, and they were called the Achou Market." Even in secret words, the sound was kept very low. "He is not the only one who ignored a ghost master with five or six faces, and a ghost with a head and a body cavity lost things once to be considered a’ complete person’. When the five masters Achou Market arrived at the six masters, the skeleton will also arrive."
Leak deep two ghost Lord came to uneasy state!
Only two ghost lords, seven kings of great destruction, thirteen little ferocious kings, three hundred evil spirits will accompany them, and all these four sides have been laid out, and even the battlefields and restless States are all surrounded.
The great Buddha’s self-destruction and storm failed to kill Jia Tian, but it still held him back. When he failed to leave the battlefield, he wanted to walk again.
And the northwest celestial world is still the real meaning of the leaking deep forces, and the ghost family is the first to arrive!
The appearance of a ghost face at a height is not ferocious, but the eyes are so indifferent that they are so poor and helpless.
After Jia Tian looked at each other for three breaths, his face relaxed and he threw the tattered bag at Gao Zhen. Can you really beat it? Jia Tian thinks it’s not whether he can win or not, but even if he wins, he will always be held back, and there will be poor fairies to kill and fight hard … The time has passed, but when he lets go, he will not see the slightest distressed look.
A little smile in the high-suspended ghost face reveals the word "alive", and the ghost face directly swallows the flying rags into its mouth with its mouth open.
Some kind of struggle between the tiger and the dragon finally came to an end. Lingbao was born and fell into the hands of Northwest Leaky Deep! After the ghost face swallowed the tattered bag, air billow rolled over to blink and the face disappeared.
The two ghost lords didn’t stay in the same place, but they went back to the leaky abyss by directly activating the escape method. The ghost lords’ power is naturally afraid, but this treasure is too precious, and this delay is a little long. Maybe the Great Star King in the North or the Great Buddha in the West will also show up and fight, but it is not afraid, but it is better to return to the nest after all.
There is a fierce method in leaking the abyss, and there are several fierce ghosts guarding the large array. Even if the other four big forces join hands to attack, they can support a nest for a while, which is the most secure place to take Bao’ an.
Maybe it’s because I feel that Jia Tian is available, or it’s because I can see that this person’s strength doesn’t want him to really start work. After Jia Tian gives up the rags, the ghost Lord doesn’t have a hard time with him.
I don’t even look up at the sky when I get it back, but I don’t even look up at it. My figure flashed from the sky and fell into an uneasy state. I want to find out the origin of this treasure. Although Lingbao is no longer there, there may still be some "roots" left, which may not be useless.
As soon as people landed in Jiatian, they saw the little girl who was staying in an uneasy state. Everyone often made business acquaintances. "Why are you here?"
Before LieXiaoEr answered Jia Tian thoughtfully, he pointed to the big word "You wrote it?"
Fierce little two nodded. "A master can rest assured that we won’t worry about things in the state, but that word is true."
"Say earlier!" Jia Tian suddenly laughed, and as soon as he relaxed, his body flashed into the sky again, and he went away without asking for details or even checking the place. In an instant, he had disappeared.
Jia Tian left, but others didn’t leave, and they all fell into the restless state. However, with the treasure capsule being taken away by the leaking abyss, the mood of the lucky immortals has changed a lot, and it is more about exploring the source of the treasure. By the way, let’s see if there are any petty advantages to gain knowledge and profit, but it is impossible for them to fight like before.
All the immortals don’t become speechless when they see the fierce young couple. The second brother’s name is a dead token from head to toe, but the fierce young man is full of laughter. Seeing everyone nodding and devoting to say hello, he says that he is in a good time and hangs with him for everything. Don’t come to him …
Chapter one thousand one hundred and twenty-six A hundred years’ promises will be kept.
With Lie Xiao ‘er as a dead token, the fairy family really won’t provoke him. Some people ask him civilly about Lingbao’s business, and Lie Xiao ‘er says that he doesn’t know anything.
The ghost Lord is gone, but the king of Leaky Deep is still uneasy. The overall situation of the state is still dominated by Leaky Deep. Several ghost kings briefly discuss a few words, and a kind old ghost comes forward with euphemism and humility, asking him to leave the fairy house.
This "treasure land" Leaky Deep won’t let go to clear it. It’s because Lingbao has fallen into the hands of the ghost owner and then fought here. It’s ridiculous that the evil spirits of Leaky Deep have given a good attitude, and it’s also considered to be a ladder for the fairies. Let’s leave here. Everyone looks good.
Nowadays, the evil spirits and whispers of the Leaky Deep Power in Anzhou won’t listen, and they will only retreat when they are bright enough to kill people? No one will do such a stupid thing. Although the immortals in the field are reluctant, no one is strong enough to stay and fly to the sky.
Shixiaoxiao sighed and left with many fairy families.
In addition to the evil spirits of Leaky Deep, there is a fierce young man in Anzhou who is allowed to stay. First, he is half a "ghost" with a dead token of Leaky Deep. What’s more important is that Lie Xiaoer has been questioning him for a long time.
Leak the deep and occupy the restless state, you ghost kings don’t hurry to search. The guardian of the restless state knot array is 33 thousand Li. Anyone who trespasses is attacked by the ghost law!
The disposal depends on the formation of two array methods endowed by the Ghost Lord, and it has been completed before other fairies withdraw the leaky ghost array. However, the Ghost King did not deliberately make things difficult for the large array to let them retreat.
When they came outside, they found that the ghost array surrounded Lingzhou for 33,000 miles, and the light was hiding everywhere. Actually, many fairy families arrived, and the front array was fierce. They dared not trespass and temporarily stopped at the periphery.
See someone withdraw from the uneasy state outside the fairy, someone immediately meet before questioning them in the situation.
Immortals are mostly from mortals. They are aloof, indifferent, talkative and lively. They are withdrawn from the battlefield. They took part in a rare battle and saw a statue of a big Buddha with their own eyes. For example, this is a great insight. Some people who like to talk will talk about the World War I and then tell the Immortals …
The Ghost King of Anxious State searches for Lingzhou, but the founder of the corpse collector, Jin Buhei, has cultivated the "God’s marrow and heavenly roots" array, which is delicate and delicate. Even Su Jing’s overhaul of the yang fire pulse can’t find out the truth, and those fierce ghosts can only enter the array by the array planner. Where can they find clues at the moment?
After the battle, the kitten chatted again, tugged at the fluffy ball and sampled it slowly. It didn’t take long to stop lying on her.
Maomaoqiu saw that the raccoon stopped playing with himself and changed back to the appearance of the demon official. Instead of asking the cat to laugh and chat, he pulled out a small bench from his sleeve and put the raccoon head on the bench with the ball demon official. Looking up at the sky.
Su Jingzun didn’t accompany Xiao Guangding, but there was a projection of divine knowledge. Seeing the appearance of the ball demon official, he was a little curious. "What are you looking at?" Said Su Jing and the ball demon officer looked up together, and there was nothing in the sky every day.

The shock wave is getting stronger and stronger, and the purple mansion suddenly gives birth to a terrible breath. The shock wave is getting stronger and stronger.

"Huh?" In the distance, vitreous and others look surprised and stare at Lin Yuan’s eyes. The central part is full of surprise. This guy is actually changing at this moment. Let him instantly immerse himself in the spirit of heavenly sword.
"It takes less than ten days and a half months to see through the quality just now, but I didn’t expect it to take a day to wipe the moment of youth." Tianyun smiled.
Generally speaking, it is easy to break the island owner after the disaster of demons. Generally, fighters can complete it, but the completion is not the same.
"The lack of beads of hope can appear in your body, so that your progress can be stronger and immortal." Tianyun secretly said in his heart that his hand flashed with a touch of purple and gold.
Far away, many people want to understand the shock wave when they see the forest edge rushing out, but they find that the root is unrealistic, and the shock wave of the sword is too strong, which affects them, so that they can observe and understand the forest edge from a distance.
"What happened to his body will have such a strong smell." Tianyun had no idea about the condition of the forest edge, even when he broke Daozhu, such a thing did not happen.
On the bank of the forest edge, his mind was silent, and the number of runes on the Taoist beads occurred. The sword mark on the surface of the Taoist beads rose to the sky and seemed to crack. It seemed that many patterns were alive, as if someone were dancing with a sword.
Plus the big sword in my mind, at this time, Lin Yuan’s body, heart and mind are all swords and shadows, as if they had become messy at the moment.
The trace surface exudes firm but gentle, and that ray of firm but gentle dominates the war. The sword is stronger than firm but gentle, like a raging sea of wild waves, slapping the coastal storm at random, and the whole piece seems to crack.
"before, before ….." method day firm but gentle is more and more powerful to destroy all heavenly sword meaning occupied all kinds of kendo dominant click a ring out that firm but gentle like a broken split-second fly away in it.
Firm but gentle, with the will of the day, even Dao Zhucheng dares to destroy it.
"Breakthrough" vitreous and others felt a quiver. What happened to this guy’s body? Kendo will break through again this time, and the strength will be even more terrible.
The whole piece of firm but gentle is twisted, and the body of the forest edge automatically floats in the middle of the body, and the sword shadow emerges, and a dry firm but gentle is scattered and the sky is to fall.
"My beads are extremely inflated, which is a sign of breaking." Lin Yuan’s mind always noticed the situation of the government at this time
"No, it’s not a breakthrough yet, Daozhu. Although it breeds powerful energy, it far exceeds that of ordinary fighters, but it hasn’t reached my limit." Lin Yuan is stable in his heart.
"Compress it". In the heart of the forest edge, all the energy departments of Zifu gather in it, and then expand the bead to compress instantaneously.
Chapter five hundred and twenty-one-crushing heaven and earth (subscription)
The sword marks of Daozhu are diffused, and the firm but gentle is reduced and compressed. On the other side, Daozhu is surrounded by a purple-gold mist outside the nebula vortex universe wonder.
This is the place where the forest edge has never been white. Even such a strong sword mark can’t get close to a point.
For the second time, I can peep at a little by the unity of heaven and man, and the secret has changed again at this time, which makes Lin Yuan puzzled.
At this time, the purple-gold runes bloom again in the forest edge bones, and the inexplicable breath is accompanied by the purple-gold runes.
This is precisely the function of runes in the Taiyuan Sutra, which was compiled by Lin Yuan, and there is no bottleneck until now.
Outside this mist, there is a purple and golden mist wrapped around it and twisted desperately as if to get into this purple mist.
Although Taiyuan sutra has a bag of energy, the mysterious atmosphere represented by this purple-gold fog is also irritating, so it is so tempting that the purple-gold atmosphere can’t be melted away for a while.
At this time, Lin Yuan had his own prediction in his heart, and the purple and gold runes flashed in his heart. Suddenly, the blessing of the mind was transported to Taiyuan Sutra, which was to double the size of the world.
If the body and the world can shrink their control again, it will naturally be stronger, and it will be easier to refine several purple and golden spiritual forces.
At this time, the forest edge is another world, that is, the purple mansion. After all, the creation of the purple mansion coincided with the geography of the sky. At this time, it gave off a horrible smell.
"Terrible momentum" several fighters marveled that they were watching the forest edge budo. At this time, it has gone through many days, and no fighters left because they were deeply shocked by it.
The edge of the forest is divided into two sides, compressing the small world and refining the purple and golden spiritual power.
Haotian Tower reveals several spiritual forces, which make the forest edge have to be distracted. Secondly, the forest edge body is undergoing inexplicable changes when it is absorbed into the expansion part of Daozhu.
Fortunately, his compression method was very successful, but it didn’t take long to compress the small world to a third size.
In this way, the body of heaven and earth is more concise and compact, and the purple-gold spiritual force turns out to be unable to rush into it, and it is gradually refined after it has broken its soul and dispersed.
Taiyuan Jing Miao is really amazing.
After the compressed body of heaven and earth, several purple and golden spiritual forces actually matched the pattern of the Milky Way on the bead surface, which turned out to be the shape of the Milky Way. The edge of the forest felt that suddenly the mind was clear and the whole body was under pressure.
Heaven and earth are me, and I am heaven and earth.
This feeling of harmony between man and nature has never been so clear.
"Is it because of compressing the world?"
The edge of the forest flashed a flash of light when it didn’t happen. Starting from the Taiyuan Sutra, the body is compressed again.
With the compression of other beads, they also compress and expand here, and at this time, the beads on the edge of the forest almost reach the headwind, and every place contains the power of conan the destroyer.
Sure enough, he was slightly dint that little world was compressed by his Huo Ran by half.
"what kind of situation will it be if it is compressed again?"
Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly felt that he had caught a glimpse of it.
The small world was originally filled in the forest edge of human body, which was once a kind of harmony between man and nature.
But now that I think about it, it seems to be a little general
Wait until this Xiaotian has shrunk by half, and the forest edge is suddenly a little white, and after this little world has shrunk by half, the forest edge is even more open-minded.
Compressing heaven and earth can rise stronger and more pure power, just as it is powerful. Another heart is beating vigorously, and it is already so powerful just by compressing three quarters of the world.
"So that’s it, so is Daozhu. At this time, my purple mansion was compressed because of the purple-gold spiritual power, which changed my conceit. The Heaven Tower of Science suppressed it here, and my strength was strong enough to compete." Lin Yuan’s heart was white
"It turns out that it can reach the limit."
"Half-step Tao Soul Realm has successfully formed a body heaven and earth, that is, Tao Zhu Heaven and Earth once broken can become a broken virtual realm, and then broken Tao Zhu can truly reach dzogchen in conan the destroyer."
"-but if the body of heaven and earth is more solid and broken, the greater the power will be …"
"If you can put the body into mustard, if it breaks up in the future …"
Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly turned white with a sense of remembering Sumeru.
It turns out that this is not a metaphor except Sumina mustard stone.
What’s more, this is an extremely important practice.
Broken beads must be absorbed in mustard
It’s like a pool of water. Once it’s full of other things, it’s accumulated for a while and several forces surge and erupt, so this force is enough for conan the destroyer.
Not only will the spirit of heaven and earth be pure and pure, but even the speed of absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth will be much faster.
More importantly, when it’s like a mustard world once it’s broken, it’s not just as simple as crushing it and returning it to me.
Lin Yuan entered the Milky Way when heaven and man were in harmony, and realized the mystery of heaven and earth, and even more insights were born in it.
The birth and death of the universe is exactly from one point.
If you are content with a little bit of heaven and earth breaking, you can release great power and create a new world.
This new world is not comparable to the old one.
This is simply its own creation. A glimpse of the forest edge seems to have turned out to be an understanding of the realm after the soul.
It’s a pity that this kind of state can be left for later now.
But even now, the feeling is enough to make him thoroughly remould himself
Although it is easy to understand that Mr. Soul died after death, they will never call life death in vain.
With the help of Taiyuan, when his small world was finally compressed to a little size, the forest edge suddenly became clear.
The realm of true Tao and soul

It is extremely difficult for Zhou Yi to host such a large array, and it is very difficult to lay the foundation for the long-term leader of the heart, and it is not really laid.

Is to make the law open.
It’s not impossible to give up some array changes, but it will be rejected. When the large array is formed, it depends on everyone’s position.
A few months later
Stuart’s family came with two Godsworn Doggie and more than a hundred accompanying staff.
Dying heart source Taoist priest was also pushed out.
"Shout …"
Zhou Yi’s law reproduced the process in the middle of his mind and then waved his hand.
"Get up!"
"Hum …"
A flash of light rushed straight into the sky from the peak of the sun, and the core of the moon island surged in all directions.
Thousands of miles of water seem to be stagnant for a moment.
Complex changes have occurred quietly.
The third-order strange gate array is officially opened!
Watching platform
Heart source long quivering propping up the body, two younger generations to help overlook a moment of tears eyes unspeakable.
Chapter 11 again
The funeral of Taoist Xinyuan was very grand. Not only did the people from Yuedao attend, but even an elder from Stuart’s family came all the way.
The tomb stands halfway up the mountain in Rifeng, where the strange gate array can be seen.
The Taoist lay surnamed Wang, and the two young players around him were called Wang Gu and Wang Tian, both of whom were monks in the later stage of refining gas.
Perhaps they are worried about indulging in array law and delaying their practice. They have not inherited array law.
In order to thank the director of Xinyuan, the elder of Stuart’s family has specially prepared a Zhuji Dan for them over the years.
Their age and talent have a great chance to prove Daoji.
Zhou Daoyou
After the funeral, Situxuan came with a man.
"This is a family. Although Situnan has been a child, be adept at Law can’t compare with Xinyuan Taoist and Zhou Xiong, but it’s not bad."
"After that, she will replace the Taoist priest to help lay out the array."
Zhou Yi looks at people all the time.
Compared with the gorgeous eyes, Situ Xuan and Situ Nan are relatively plain in appearance, and there is still a turbidity in their eyes.
"Zhou Daoyou" SiTuNan hand stuffy way
"I hope you will give me more advice later."
"Dare not" Zhou Yi hurriedly waved his hand.
"To tell you the truth, Zhou has some understanding of the principle of array method, but he is not a strong point. He has been troubled by the progress."
"I’m relieved that Miss Nan can come."
Situnan raises eyebrows
She doesn’t like Zhou Yi very much, not only because she is eccentric, but also because experts explain that Zhou Yi is a frame.
Qimen array can be in the hands of the family!
The reason why Taoist Xinyuan can get a letter from home is that the Wangs have long been attached to Stuart’s family after getting along with each other for nearly two hundred years.
Can’t leave
How long did it take for Zhou Yi to join? Naturally, it is impossible to get the letter.
For their’ opponents’ SiTuNan also wary.
But I didn’t expect the other party to take the initiative to show weakness, which made her feel relieved.
I also have a slight affection for Zhou Yi.
See two people have a tacit understanding with each other SiTuXuan can’t help patting his hands face lit up at the same time mouth way
"Nanmei, don’t underestimate Zhou Xiong. Zhou Xiong’s understanding of law is extremely good. Even the Taoist priests of Lianxinyuan are ashamed."
Situnan eyebrows complexion also with a positive.
Although the Taoist priest Xinyuan died, he already had the name of the third-order array mage before his death, which can make him admire people.
When I seriously looked at Monday again,

"Eldest brother accidentally went out to play for a while!"

Fat boy left such a message to Zhang Xiaotian and then ran away.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and didn’t care. He knew that Fat Boy must have gone out hunting. This little guy was nice to those two cubs. Seeing that they didn’t have enough to eat, they ran out to catch the spirit beast for them. Fat Boy had done this several times before.
Zhang Xiaotian was amused to think that Fat Boy was like a big brother taking care of two little brothers who were not sensible. After thinking for a while, he walked to the two cubs.
After getting along these days, the two little guys are also very familiar with Zhang Xiaotian. Although they can’t communicate with Zhang Xiaotian, they can understand Fat Boy’s words (this is what Fat Boy told Zhang Xiaotian). Fat Boy "educated" them to listen to Zhang Xiaotian’s words.
The cubs of the two flurry bears look very small. No, the big flurry bear is ten times as big as a raccoon. Zhang Xiaotian put a flurry bear neck in one hand and weighed them up.
By Zhang Xiaotian weigh in hand, two flurry bears’ four feet were boarded. Suddenly, the limbs swayed and stretched out two forelimbs to try to turn over and want to reach Zhang Xiaotian to weigh in hand. But how can they turn over with the help of the limbs method?
Zhang Xiaotian put them on the ground and played a palm game with them.
The silly appearance of the two bears made Zhang Xiaotian, who had been very depressed recently, laugh and his troubles drifted away with him.
"The eldest brother is back!"
After playing for a while, Zhang Xiaotian’s mind sounded fat.
"Oh?" Zhang Xiaotian turned away.
See fat boy running towards Zhang Xiaotian and jumping into Zhang Xiaotian’s arms.
"Fat boy, it’s a little late for you to come back this time!" Zhang Xiaotian said with a smile.
"I caught a big guy this time, but I was exhausted!" Fat boy jumped from Zhang Xiaotian’s arms to the ground and lifted up his little head and said
"oh? What kind of big guy makes you so tired? Take me to see! " Zhang Xiaotian mirth asked turned and walked to the door.
"hmm!" Fat boy nodded his little head and then yelled at the two bear cubs. When he saw the two bear cubs, they jumped excitedly behind Fat boy and ran to the door.
Zhang Xiaotian saw the spirit beast lying at the door and took a deep breath.
Lying on the ground is a ghost peak level rhinoceros blame Zhang Xiaotian inhaling not because of how high its level is, but it is too big to be bigger than the ordinary buffalo in the secular world. Zhang Xiao is naive and a little skeptical about how Fat Boy got it back with such a small head.
Just now, Zhang Xiaotian was wondering why the fat boy didn’t pull the hunted soul beast into the cave. It turned out that he was stuck here and couldn’t get in.
"Whoops-"Fat boy shouted at Zhang Xiaotian.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and his right hand stretched out his mind and moved the magic weapon Blackstone to flash in his hand.
Throw the black stone magic weapon at the rhinoceros monster, and the black stone will stick tightly to the rhinoceros monster, and the falling force will no longer absorb the soul force of the rhinoceros monster.
Two flurry bear cubs and three fat ones, six black eyes, kept a close eye on the piece of black stone stained with the rhinoceros monster.
In a short time, the rhinoceros monster’s body slowly became transparent, and even the green blood that had dripped on it slowly trickled back to it and then flowed down the body to Blackstone.
Finally, the rhino’s strange body and soul were absorbed by Blackstone, and the original green blood disappeared, leaving a white rhino horn and several fangs.
Zhang Xiaotian threw Blackstone into the hole and three little guys immediately ran there.
Rhinoceros horn and fangs are magic weapon materials. Before Zhang Xiaotian didn’t know these things and didn’t have anything to put them in, they threw them away. But now that Zhang Xiaotian has a lock, of course, it is impossible to let them go! You know, these are all money
Zhang Xiaotian was poor in the secular world. At that time, although he had seen a lot of good things in Fangshi shops, he and his brother were reluctant to buy them, which was one of the reasons why Zhang Xiaotian didn’t want to visit Fangshi at that time.
In this way, when Zhang Xiaotian was free, he worked hard to practice and strive for an early breakthrough to the ghost-shaped period. When he was bored, he went out to hunt. The three little guys in Doby had a very moist life
Chapter seventy Revenge
Half a year later
Sitting in the hole, Zhang Xiaotian opened his eyes and closed his eyes. Nai sighed, and the impact on the ghost stage failed again.
Realm breakthrough was not so easy to think of here. Zhang Xiaotian couldn’t help feeling a little that when his ghost peak hit the ghost period, Hou Gen had no obstacles and rushed in. But now it has been almost a year since he reached the ghost peak, but there is still no breakthrough.
It seems that this breakthrough can’t be achieved by closing the door. Well, it’s time to go out for a walk, Zhang Xiaotian thought
Suddenly Zhang Xiaotian’s eyes flashed a malicious Du Hai!
It’s not that Zhang Xiaotian’s fat mother was kicked to death by Du Hai, and she was chased by them. Now she is hiding in this restricted area and living a fearful life. This hatred is big, but she is not absolutely sure that Zhang Xiaotian will not take the initiative.
According to Zhang Xiaotian’s idea, it is going to break through the ghost stage and then bother them. Zhang Xiaotian will be quick, but it’s been half a year now, but his ghost peak repair or ghost peak repair always looks almost the same every time, but it can’t be achieved.
We can’t wait any longer to break through the ghost stage, and we don’t know when we want revenge or when we can report it.
Although it’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years, Zhang Xiaotian is a little worried that his limit is the ghost peak. Although he has a high qualification, who knows if there are any other restrictions? This is an idea that he has been unable to get rid of his bad feelings in his heart. It is also an idea in the secular world. When he rose from the initial stage of ghost to the peak stage of ghost, this idea had already disappeared. However, in the past six months, he has been unable to break through to the ghost stage, so this idea has disappeared again from Zhang Tianxin.
Revenge now is Zhang Xiaotian’s only idea.
"Boss, are you awake?" Fat surprise sounds in Zhang Xiaotian’s mind.
Zhang Xiaotian twist a head to see "sou" a white shadow shot to his arms, followed by two small flurry bears.
In the past six months, Zhang Xiaotian just played with them, but later, because he couldn’t break through to the ghost period for a long time, Zhang Xiaotian became more and more depressed, and the number of times of impacting the ghost period became longer and longer. It has been half a month since he closed the ghost period.
Zhang Xiaotian smiled and patted the fat boy’s little head and said, "How about this time? Did you bully the big bear or the little bear? " Big Bear and Little Bear were named by Zhang Xiaotian.
"No, I take them out to play every day and give them food. Ask them if you don’t believe me!" Fat boy waved his little head like a drum, and then he yelled at the two high-flying bears.
Zhang Xiaotian twist a head to look at the two little flurry bears. When the two flurry bears heard the fat boy roar, they looked at Zhang Xiaotian. They couldn’t help two big heads burning hard at Zhang Xiaotian.
Zhang Xiaotian looked funny for a while. He knew that these three little guys were very good. Fat people naturally could not bully them.
The juvenile period of flurry bear is five years, and it will take five years before it can grow to adulthood. However, flurry bear has the initial level of ghost form just as it has grown up. This is a spirit beast talent, and it takes much less time than ordinary ghost practice to reach the ghost form. However, this has advantages and disadvantages. They can reach the limit of their life, that is, the ghost form can reach the late stage, even if it is the elite among flurry bears, it will reach the peak level of ghost form.
It’s like Zhang Xiaotian’s encounter with the group of Thunderhawks and Tiger Beasts. Their limit is also a ghost-shaped period, but I don’t know that they even reached the level of ghost king. I think they also had an adventure. When Zhang Xiaotian thought of this, he couldn’t help but think of the "king" in the mouth of the two king-level Thunderhawks and Tiger Beasts. Listening to their tone, they obviously respected them. Maybe they were able to reach the level of ghost king because of their "king".
Bear cubs are still in their infancy, and they haven’t grown much, but their strength is not as good as that of ordinary bear cubs. How can they be ordinary when they absorb black liquor?
Generally, the strength of the cubs of flurry bears is at most the peak of ghosts, but they can only become ghost-shaped beasts after metamorphosis in their adulthood. But now, there are only two or three-year-old (looking at the head) bears and cubs who have the initial level of ghosts. Plus, their natural grace can drive Zhang Xiaotian to display half of his lightness skill, and Zhang Xiaotian can’t do it without displaying his lightness skill roots.
The degree of ghost cultivation in the ghost period is almost the same unless you have a special skill, just like Zhang Xiaotian has the "lightness skill" in the secular world. When you reach the ghost period, you can control the surrounding energy, and the degree of ghost cultivation will rise sharply. The higher the realm, the more energy you control, and the faster your proficiency.
Zhang Xiaotian’s depressed mood will be better every time he sees these three little guys. What would Zhang Xiaotian be depressed without these three little guys?
"Fat boy, shall we go out hunting together later?" Zhang Xiaotian patted fat little head and said with a smile.
"Good good! Let’s go together, "said Fat Boy, shaking his tail behind him excitedly.
"Bear and bear go together?" Zhang Xiaotian frowned. Fat boy’s strength was not low after several transformations. Now, after half a year’s growth, Fat boy’s claws become sharper and faster. You can help yourself by taking him, but it’s nothing to take Bear Bear Bear to meet the ghost period, but if you meet the ghost period, it will be a little troublesome.
Fat boy yelled at two small flurry bears. After a while, after listening to Fat Boy’s call, the two little guys looked at Zhang Xiaotian excitedly.
"All right, all right, wait a minute. You can stay close to me, but don’t run first." Zhang Xiaotian saw that the three little guys were all excited and smiled and agreed, and finally told them.

Once successful, he will be able to directly control every cell in the body!

The ascension brought about by this change will be quite horrible. If it is said that he can drive his physical strength by 10% now, then he can activate the power contained in his body by 120% after the completion of the Dragon Mystery.
Plus the dragon’s secret realm and physical enhancement, then his physical combat power will be sublimated to a new level
After the fiend fit, the demon-devil war body will also raise my hand further. It is idle to collapse the sky and refer to the mountains and fill the sea.
There is an ancient enlightened tea tree in Peacock Holy Mountain, which is said to have been transplanted from a foreign country in Shi Hao. It is sitting in the shade with a faint golden color, flickering with the Taoist law, shining with dreamy brilliance, and at the same time, there is a trickle of Taoist sounds …
Qin Changfeng sat in the shade of the tree with the help of the sacred disk of Yan Dao, and promoted the skill of transforming the dragon into a secret realm and practiced it directly.
At this time, the dark turmoil has temporarily calmed Shi Hao’s worries and Liu Shen’s protection of the Tao is the best. If you don’t come to practice, it will be too violent.
Qin Changfeng, the secret realm of Hualong, has a grand plan, so it is long and difficult to practice.
Is it easy to let the main nerve touch every cell?
Compared with ordinary people, his present state is unattainable and called immortal, but most of his practice is only macro-strength, and now it is suspected that it is micro-strength at the cellular level, so this is a big challenge for him.
Just like carving, only meditation, perseverance and careful preparation can succeed.
This is obviously a female strength, and males have always been inferior in this respect.
At the same time, Shi Hao led the army of Fairyland to cross the boundary sea all the way to flatten the strongholds of dark creatures.
What you’ve done is either turn over a new leaf or go up in smoke.
Until his triumphant return, all the major cities in Fairyland celebrated for nine days and ten places, and the sad atmosphere was swept away.
"Desperate Emperor!"
The monks of all ethnic groups recite his name, and this time they are more pious than sincere. If there is no wild fairy land, it will be over.
Or some people recite the ancestor sacrifice spirit of the Imperial Master. They have not forgotten the contributions of Qin Changfeng and Yagyu.
But in comparison, it’s only the most chanting of the Emperor of Heaven.
After all, this belongs to his time, and he is in chaos …
Shi Hao himself has both comfort and sadness here.
Thankfully, he won after all, and he reunited with Master and Liu Shen. Sadly, before and after this war, many of his old friends and relatives were killed or cut off by years.
Moreover, he knows that the victory of the real source has not really come, and there is still a more difficult and terrible war waiting for him.
However, it is the best result after all.
He returned to heaven and looked at two figures of Peacock, Holy Mountain, Enlightenment and Ancient Tea, smiling.
Is it lucky that there are still such two masters guarding all the way in the world?
It’s really hard to treat him badly.
"Is the Emperor of Heaven going to wake up the emperors?"
Shi Hao stood behind him with more than a dozen celestial warriors. Although they were covered in traces after a bloody battle, they were full of spirit. The disaster has been completely calm. Now, with the celestial emperor, the imperial teacher and the ancestral sacrifice spirit, the celestial kingdom will surely become an eternal immortal!
Chapter seven hundred and fifty Qin Changfeng new name Shi Haoxian emperor opportunity
"wake up?"
Shi Hao was silent for a moment and asked, "What did my master say?"
Kong Qiuji replied, "The holy father said that the two grandmothers, Yuechan and Qingyi, will continue to seal the peacock clan’s veins until … it’s up to you to decide on the first pulse."
He looks confused because he is not white. Will there be another era in this situation?
At this time, it is not only the Godsworn in Heaven, but almost everyone in the world recognizes that the epoch of Heaven will be immortal into an eternal era!
"I don’t understand. Just follow the master’s instructions … and continue to seal it." Shi Hao whispered with a vicissitudes of expression and tone.
He knew that his master was still afraid of what real peace and tranquility had not come to this world … There were still great disasters!
He never forgot that tens of thousands of years ago, Master said that he was destined to be arbitrary in this life.
He didn’t want to accept the result of such a lonely fate, but he also knew that Master never targeted … If he was left alone to bear this, all his loved ones would find a ray of eternal hope, then he would be happy.
Thought of here, Shi Hao’s thoughts can’t help drifting away. A long time ago, he was a little guy who loved animal milk. Although weak, he was very happy. Now he is expensive, but he misses the past more and more …
"My master is a little urchin who eats meat and drinks milk. It’s not my intention to worry about being arrogant on the Avenue of Nature …"
A faint sadness lingers in my heart, and the Emperor can’t help but sigh with emotion. Although it’s not big, it still thunders like thunder since it comes from the mouth of the Emperor.
Heaven and earth are a piece of words
Many people think that the realm of Heaven Emperor has reached a level that they can’t see, otherwise … What makes them feel bad?
But who dares to beat the Emperor of Heaven? !
The problem must not be that they are born in heaven, but that they really don’t understand it.
Well, it must be so
Everyone is relieved. After all, the Emperor of Heaven does not blaspheme, even if he thinks about it in his heart.
"Little Mo Lingzun!"
Then Shi Haoyi mused. At this moment, Xiao Mo appeared in heaven with his left hand holding his chest and holding the prayer beads of King Kong Pu, and hurriedly saluted.
Xiao Mo gently nodded to Shi Hao and said, "You don’t have much time for 500 years, or your master will be in trouble."
The woman who knows all the nasty thoughts in Qin Changfeng’s heart naturally knows how long Qin Changfeng can stay in this world this time. If Shi Hao can’t really step into the immortal emperor’s territory Qin Changfeng for hundreds of years, it will be difficult to punish the failure this time. Even Qin Changfeng can resist easily.
Besides, the heavenly king’s war, that is, he must not affect his combat power for this reason.
"Five hundred years to become an immortal emperor?"
When Shi Hao heard this, his eyes flashed. "Does Master have any advice?"
Although he is now the peak of the quasi-immortal emperor, everyone thinks that it is impossible to further become an immortal emperor in hundreds of years, because this step is more difficult than all the practices from a mortal to a quasi-immortal emperor!

Henaan listened to Huangfu Zhantian and nodded, "I have no problem. Don’t worry, after your success, the second one is me and I won’t fall behind you."

"It’s better to hit the sun today than another day. When I enter the Leigu of purgatory, I won’t go too far. Just watch it outside the valley." Huangfu Zhantian took a deep breath and said that although he was very confident in his heart, he was still a little nervous. After all, when the snow eagle was promoted, he watched it as a routine. Of course, the danger here was white. Although his cultivation method was different from theirs, the difficulties he must have encountered were definitely not theirs.
Then everyone watched Huangfu Zhantian slowly step into the Leigu of purgatory, but A Dai didn’t go in with Huangfu Zhantian and left the valley with Henaan and them.
After entering Leigu in purgatory, Huangfu Zhantian did not rush to refine the broken elixir early, but ran the body Raytheon Qi. After running for several times, Huangfu Zhantian adjusted his state to the best, then took a deep breath and picked up the jade box in front of him with one hand, and squeezed out the golden circular elixir inside and threw it directly into his mouth.
After the golden broken Dan entered the mouth, it directly turned into a warm current that flowed into the stomach along his mouth. After the golden warm current entered the body, it was directly wrapped by the body’s Raytheon qi, and then his abdomen and meridians circulated back and forth.
As the golden yellow warm current circulates around the body, the true qi of the celestial body Raytheon seems to be boiling, but the original white skin of Huangfu Zhantian also presents a golden yellow sample, while the influence of the golden yellow warm current at Huangfu Zhantian Dantian rotates wildly and gradually forms a small whirlpool.
And with this small vortex, a strong suction force broke out from the suspection.i war celestial body, and the original very violent ray attribute energy in Leigu was like a very obedient child at this time, rushing in towards the suspection.i war celestial body.
One is the peripheral energy. As the small vortex in the abdomen of Huangfu Zhantian gradually becomes larger, the suction force also becomes larger. The ray attribute energy in Leigu in purgatory is also absorbed by Huangfu Zhantian. At this time, Huangfu Zhantian is like a very big magnet, which emits strong magnetism and absorbs all the energy close to him into section 933: the fourth one.
Looking at those more and more energy poured into the hands of all the people outside the valley of Huangfu War Celestial Bodies, they all squeezed a cold sweat for Huangfu War Day.
Henaan turned a little pale and asked the snow eagle, "Brother Snow Eagle, with so much energy entering Xiaotian, what will happen? Did this happen when you broke through?" At this time, Henaan can ask the snow vulture, because the snow vulture is the sword god.
The snow vulture heard Henaan’s words and suddenly burst into a wry smile. "I don’t know that when I first broke through, it was different from him. I was quiet when I broke through, but later in Du Jie, the movement was a little big, and it was really very human. Even when I broke through, the movement was stronger than others."
"Hey, hey, eldest sister-in-law can rest assured that the boss will be absolutely fine. I have a hunch that the boss will definitely break through and succeed, so you can rest assured." Fang Jinyu said with a smile that he is very confident in Huangfu Zhantian. The boss is a miracle worker, and anything impossible will become possible in his hands.
Henaan although know what they talk and can’t change, but the in the mind feel better some eyes or a turn all don’t turn to looking at any suspection.i Zhantian [
At this time, Huangfu Zhantian is a fan at all, so his body is like a bottom hole, the small vortex. Oh, it should be called a whirlpool instead of a small vortex. The whirlpool is like a bottom hole, absorbing so much foreign energy, but still not saturating it. I really don’t know if this is good or bad.
But to the delight of Huangfu Zhantian, it seems that violent energy in these days is transformed into very pure energy after it enters the whirlpool. This pure energy does not contain any impurities, which has to make Huangfu Zhantian doubt whether this whirlpool is pure. If so, it will be twice the result with half the effort for self-cultivation.
As for Huangfu Zhantian’s thought, when it turns, the energy of the original thunder-free property at the periphery of Leigu in purgatory disappears in this crazy absorption of Huangfu Zhantian at this time, and at this time, the energy comes directly from the depths of Leigu in purgatory at the need of Huangfu Zhantian celestial bodies.
With the increase of the celestial vortex of Huangfu War, the original speed of the vortex is very fast, but the speed of the vortex is slowly slowing down, but the absorption capacity is not reduced. After the vortex speed is slow to a point, the vortex is slowly getting smaller and smaller, but the vortex is getting smaller, but the energy absorption speed is increasing instead of decreasing, and the golden vortex is slowly getting a little solidified from light golden yellow and the color is getting deeper.
The vortex volume decreases, which speeds up the rotation speed again, and then the vortex becomes larger again, and then it becomes smaller after reaching a point, and so on and so on. I don’t know how many times, finally, the vortex volume remains about the size of an egg, and it stops shrinking and increasing, and the rotation speed also maintains a relatively stable speed.
Looking at himself in the small whirlpool in the abdomen, Huangfu Zhantian felt a personal disappointment. It seemed that the impact was unsuccessful. What went wrong? When the physical condition stabilized, Huangfu Zhantian thought about it.
Is it not enough to break the efficacy of Shen Dan? Yes, it must be so. What is it that the snow vulture won a promotion without a mature golden fruit, but he is more advanced than the golden fruit, but he has not succeeded?
He doesn’t want to think about people’s snow vultures, but how many years have they accumulated? The poor snow vultures are just an opportunity for promotion, and he himself has just been promoted to the peak of blade master, which is of course much more expensive than snow vultures.
Thought of here, suspection.i Zhantian once again took out a broken God Dan from the small world. This time, a total of seven broken God Dan were refined, which was just sent at this time.
Without the slightest hesitation, suspection.i Zhantian directly threw the broken God Dan into his mouth, and then this cycle once again proved to be ineffective. I don’t know if this second one can promote myself to the sword god.
After swallowing the broken God Dan, Huangfu Zhantian’s look changed again and again.
"Xiaotian’s breakthrough took so long. It’s been three days and nothing has happened. I have eaten three broken gods. I really don’t know what it will be like after Xiaotian broke through this time." Henaan was worried and happy.
"Don’t worry, this is a good thing. You know, when I was brewing before the breakthrough, the length of brewing for two days determined the success rate of the breakthrough." The snow vulture words lifted Henaan’s concerns, but Henaan didn’t relax because she knew that there was the most difficult disaster after the breakthrough. This is the real breakthrough to the sword god’s territory.
At this time, Huangfu Zhantian’s body vortex has turned into a brilliant golden ball, which seems to be stationary but rotates at a very fast speed because the ball is round, but Huangfu Zhantian is very clear that the rotation speed of this golden ball drives the energy outside to flood in. It takes a process to be pure, but when the ball becomes more solid, this process is shortened to an extreme, almost violent energy, and when it enters, it brings out more pure energy from the ball.
However, after the third broken God Dan is consumed, the afterbody will return to normal operation again. The weather wants to curse women. Three broken God Dan can also create a sword god, but now three can’t let themselves break through to the sword god’s point of view. You still need another one, because if you don’t want to give up this fourth one now, the first three effects will be blind.
When Huangfu Zhantian no longer hesitated to reach out and take out a broken Dan from the small world again, he swallowed it in his mouth, and then Huangfu Zhantian thought that if this one could not break through, he would scold God.
People outside the valley are worried when they see that Huangfu Zhantian has eaten another broken God Dan. It’s not that they are reluctant to break the God Dan. They are afraid that Huangfu Zhantian will fail. If so, it will be a great blow to them and will also affect them to break through Section 934: Du Jie.
With the fourth broken God Dan entering the Huangfu Zhantian celestial body, the original has been restored to a calm state and immediately broken again. At this time, the original very regular spinning ball has changed, and thick pure energy has come out of the ball. These golden light-emitting energies swim along the major acupoints of Huangfu Zhantian meridians to set off Huangfu Zhantian. The whole person is like a golden god of war.
"Well, it finally worked!"

Qin Shuangbo covered his mouth with a smile. "Are we going over the wall?"

Luo Tingyu said, "I have less scruples about going to the door first."
When he saw that Qin Shuangbo had no objection, he immediately jumped over the fence and hit the mountain gate. Qin Shuangbo gently moved into the temple. They walked through the slightly deserted courtyard and stepped into the Buddhist temple, but they saw a glass lamp hanging high on the roof and making it dark. ? light
There are a few incense sticks in the bronze stove in front of the Buddha’s table, and there are four or five new futons in front of the table. In the past, each of them took one and prepared to pad their knees. Suddenly Qin Shuangbo fell down on the futon without prostrating himself. It seemed that Luo Tingyu suddenly fell asleep. She smiled as if she had already known that it would be like this. He stood still and turned his head and glanced at it, but he saw some cobwebs and dirt in the corner of the temple.
After a while, Luo Tingyu tiger’s body shook slightly, and his sharp eyes suddenly dimmed. He snorted and walked to Qin Shuangbo’s side. He was about to bend down and hug her at the door. Suddenly he gave a sneer. He immediately stopped moving his eyes and looked at the sneer route. He saw three white men with shiny long knives blocking the door. All three were very young, about thirty.
Luo Tingyu knows at a glance that these three people are all good players in the team of Frost Clothes, and they should all rank "No". As expected, the one on the left said, "Zhao is not afraid that this one is not good for Li and that one is uncertain."
Luo Tingyu coldly said, "I know that you have plans. If you want to capture people with great achievements, come in and start work."
Zhao is not afraid to say, "The old benefactor once told us that Lord Luo Shaocheng, if you meet the three armies, you can outsmart the enemy."
Luo Tingyu sneer at a "so you spread everywhere their tricks is not? But these fans are not easy to make me fall! "
Zhao is not afraid. "It is said that the Lord Shaocheng is actually a sword king. I am very willing to ask if it is true or not before making a move."
Luo Tingyu mused, "Who did you listen to?"
Zhao is not afraid to say, "That’s what our village says."
Luo Tingyu said, "It’s hard to comment on this matter because I don’t even know if I can answer it at home." All right! When will your reinforcements arrive? "
Zhao is not afraid of his face changing slightly, but Li and Zhang are eager to try. This is called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Although they know that Luo Tingyu is very powerful, they are also very confident that they have to try their martial arts before they are willing to fight hard. If the older cream team is afraid of even showing up, they will not dare to fight hard.
Luo Tingyu added, "When Zhao is not afraid of you and wants to delay, you’d better see me fall down and tie you up, right?"
Luo Tingyu added, "Zhao is not afraid that on the one hand, you send a signal to urgently call for backup, and on the other hand, when you want to delay, you’d better see me fall down and tie you up, right?"
Zhao is not afraid to hum a "so what?"
Luo Tingyu said, "That would be a big mistake. You know, when I first crossed the wall and entered the Qishan Gate, I found that the courtyard was deserted, not like people living in it. It was more proof that I suspected it, so I held my breath as soon as I saw the incense in the furnace."
Zhao is not afraid to say, "Little Lord, this statement may not be credible, or you are not afraid of the fragrance only if you have the poison-fighting method."
He should naturally say more when he wants to delay.
Luo Tingyu said, "I’ll give you some more evidence. For example, these incense sticks have just been lit and burned a little. How can anyone answer the door and seal the dust net of this Buddhist temple for cleaning, but these futons are new and reasonable?"
Zhao unafraid said, "Sure enough, there are a lot of flaws, but if the Lord didn’t inform Qin Xian, he got fascinated and fainted, but once he started, he dragged you down?"
Luo Tingyu said, "I have naturally thought about this question. I have two thoughts. One is that her wisdom should not fall into intrigue. The other is that even if she is careless for a while, her skill will soon wake up. When you are looking for the same thing and want to delay."
Zhao is not afraid to change color. "So that’s it."
In the first place, Li and Zhang followed each other side by side, ready to make a move with knives. Zhao was not afraid of not immediately attacking, and added, "But if you want to come out early, it will be more beneficial. Why didn’t the Lord make a move?"
Luo Tingyu said, "That’s a good question, but I’ve seen archers and firearms experts in your village. There must be three or five of you. If you rush out together, you’re afraid that you accidentally hurt Miss Qin."
He doesn’t have to ask each other if this guess is right, because from their facial expressions, he has got a positive answer. In fact, Luo Tingyu doesn’t have the effect of ignoring the enemy’s fragrance in his heart. As we all know, if Qin Shuangbo’s skill is very powerful, but he can’t wake up for a while, on the one hand, she is in a coma, and on the other hand, the enemy comes to help. So he suddenly considers this method of rushing out at once.
Although it is not easy to rush out safely, there is always a considerable degree of certainty, which is better than staying here and letting the enemy catch the net. However, when Zhao, Li and Zhang suddenly dispersed, they were all forced to step by step about three feet apart, and they all pointed their swords at each other to form a sharp momentum.
Luo Tingyu dares to underestimate himself and is ready to go. Although his "bloody sword" has not been drawn, his skill is extremely strong. Therefore, although it is sheathed, there has been a wave of knife gas rushing out of the front. Zhao is not afraid to suddenly stop before touching it. He can’t help shaking-he has been awed by knife gas, and more than 40% of his martial arts have been destroyed. Then Li and Zhang were invaded by Sen’s cold knife gas. Naturally, they stopped, but they were far from suffering as Zhao was not afraid.
Luo Tingyu smiled a long way. "Zhao is not afraid to see that you seem to be the leader of the three. If you can’t take your life with one knife, you will be spared today and never hurt you."
This long laugh and words were forceful and heroic, forcing Zhao not to feel cold and his hair stood on end.
This is a big surprise, thinking that the enemy has not yet made a move, so how can he resist when he attacks with a sword? He unconsciously stepped back, which made himself confused, making it impossible for Li on the left and right flanks, and it was too late for Zhang to rescue by two-person method. However, when Luo Tingyu was drawn out of the Buddhist temple, the fine mans flashed, which meant that Zhao was not afraid to stand still, and Luo Tingyu was also in his original place.
Zhang and Li were stunned and looked at Zhao unafraid, but the sudden appearance of blood on his chest soon dyed a large piece of red. Then Zhao unafraid, with a low hum and a fall, turned out that this light Shi Huo moment Luo Tingyu had attacked a knife, but the advance and retreat was so fast that people could not see clearly that Li could not, and Zhang could not be determined. Even after seeing such a situation, people with fierce temperament could not but tremble with fear.
Because Zhao is not afraid of the three of them, it turned out to be a leader, and both martial arts and intelligence are better than them. Since even he lost his life in one stroke, Li and Zhang thought to themselves that they could not be afraid of Zhao, but they were greatly frightened, but they were very eager to escape when they retreated at the same time.
Luo Tingyu bent down and picked up Qin Shuangbo and forced him to go to the other side. The two men still kept a distance of about seven feet, so that when they left the Buddhist temple gate, he was sure to increase the speed and they rushed out at the same time.
Then the firearms outside will be cast with hard arrows. Even if these people are ruthless and disregard their own lives, they will still cast attacks, but with Li and Zhang blocking the array, he is confident that there will be a gap to escape from the encirclement.
Zhang and Li have retreated to the door, and suddenly someone sinks and drinks, "There is nothing left for me to live in."
The words were very strong and deafening, and Li Erren woke up suddenly in a nightmare and spread to the two sides, but two figures appeared in the doorway, one tall and one short.
Luo Tingyu’s eyes have recognized the bearer everywhere, and it’s Yan Wei’s personal bodyguard "Two Commanders of Yin and Yang". Suddenly, he was on the alert and quickly stepped back. Zhang Xu was ready to release Qin Shuangbo, and Xuanbijun’s beautiful face was still in a high bun. She coldly stared at Luo Tingyu and sneered, "Luo Gong, be careful not to drop your lover in your arms."
Her favorite tone is full of jealousy, but this Luo Tingyu suddenly feels warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, especially Qin Shuangbo. She is waiting for her identity. No one in this generation can have a chance to cuddle her, but her eyes are soft and her arms are soft. A strange feeling hits my heart.
So he didn’t put her in a still powerful ape arm and hugged her right hand, holding a treasure knife in his chest. generate Lang smiled. "You two have come here so fast that you have already caught a lot of nets around here."
Xu Gang said, "It’s true that Duke Luo had better abandon his sword and give up his hand when he knows it."
Xuan Bijun hated, "Ah Gang, it’s unnecessary for you to say this to him. You can see that he will never give up his knife and give up."
Xu Gang nodded and said, "Well, it really is."
Luo Tingyu listened to what they said, and his left arm tightened unconsciously. Xuan Bijun was full of jealousy. "He and Qin Shuangbo both joined hands to burn incense in front of the Buddha in the middle of the night. It sounds really beautiful, but Ah Gang doesn’t think so?"
Xu Gang said, "Yes!"
In fact, he is not at all white. Xuanbijun’s words are deliberately careless and perfunctory. Xuanbijun’s figure is slightly swaying and he has entered the Buddhist temple. Xu Gang also stands side by side with her tightly. Luo Tingyu knows that the two generals of Yin and Yang are not only good at martial arts, but also dare not act rashly. Besides, Xuanbijun once let him go once, although he has agreed to let Yan Wei pay back once in the future, but he has received her kindness. Therefore, Xuanbijun never satirizes and laughs at him. The two sides confronted each other for a while and clapped three times outside.
Xuanbijun laughed coldly. "There are two doors in and out of this Buddhist temple, and now I have sent someone to seal it off. If you don’t believe me, you might as well have a try."
Luo Tingyu said, "This is an inevitable trend."
Xuan Bijun said, "Since Luo Gong knew it already, he didn’t rush out at an uncertain speed when my hand was deployed. Do you still have negative resistance?"
Luo Tingyu said, "Negative fighting is also inevitable. You can’t throw a knife and tie it, can you?"
Xuan Bijun said, "Of course you won’t throw a knife and tie it, but we want to know if you are waiting for reinforcements because you haven’t made your move yet."
Luo Tingyu smiled slightly. "I called for reinforcements to announce the girl. Don’t be ridiculous."
Xuan Bijun said, "So what is the reason?"
Luo Tingyu said, "If the girl must tell me, it’s good to tell me frankly, but I hope someone else on your side will arrive to take the place of the girl." Although he didn’t say that he gave birth to this idea, Xuanbijun didn’t understand that her face suddenly softened.
Xu Gang suddenly said, "Luo Gong, let’s let Miss Qin go and fight."
Luo Tingyu nodded and said, "Xu Xiong’s heroism makes people admire me and obey them."
Looking back, I approached the table and was about to put Qin Shuangbo on the ground, but suddenly I drank a treasure knife and cut it to the table like a lightning bolt. There was a sudden sound. The long table was divided into two parts and the bottom was lifted around. At this moment, there was a white man crawling behind the ground, and blood was dripping.
It turned out that this person was hiding at the bottom of the table. Luo Tingyu wanted to release Qin Shuang. There was a thought in his heart that the enemy would take advantage of the gap to plot against her. From this, he naturally noticed whether the cloth curtain hung down on the bottom of the table and there was a possibility that the enemy might hide.
It is reasonable to say that he and Qin Shuangbo visited their accomplishments before the Buddha earlier. If someone hides at the bottom, they will be able to detect that he is coming. But when he noticed the bottom of the table, he immediately told him that it seemed that someone was hiding.
Luo Tingyu decided whether there was a misjudgment or not, and he killed an enemy with a knife. He turned around and smiled at the sky. "It turns out that there is an ambush here, and my evaluation of Xu Xiong has to be re-evaluated from now on."
Xuanbijun said coldly, "if you are a wise man, I advise you to abandon your knife and surrender at once, or we will do something bad."
Luo Tingyu said, "Thank you for your repeated persuasion, but I am a stubborn person. Even if I turn to fly ash, I still insist on my own will."
Xuanbijun gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I’ll let you see our village’s Vulcan Arrow Array."
With a wave of her hand, Li can’t, Zhang can’t jump out first, and Xu and Xuan will slowly retreat. At this moment, if Luo Tingyu quickly pounces on the attack, it will come naturally. But the problem is that both of them are first-class masters, but Luo Tingyu still holds Qin Shuangbo. How can they succeed?

"bang! !”

"bang! ! !”
Three punches in a row are as fast as one punch, and one punch is stronger than the other. The left cheek of Jin Chong is completely trapped, and his teeth are completely vomited.
After three punches, Jin Chong was already half dead, and Xiao Wen casually threw it out like garbage.
Everyone except the old man looked silly. In their eyes, the strength, strength, gold and heavy predecessors turned out to be beaten by Wang Quan!
Partial at this time, Xiao asked again to the roaring out of the golden heavy way "I say for the last time that I need you to hurry up with everything except shorts and socks!" Always robbing you is changing! "
When it comes to the end, Xiao Wen also raised the bottle of medicine in Yang’s hand.
The old man had long wanted to save Jin Chong, but when he wanted to move, Jin Chong had already fallen into Xiao Wen’s hands, and then he was afraid that Xiao Wen’s killer would simply not move.
At this time, the old man who saw Jin Chong had escaped from danger finally breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and chuckled, then laughed more and more.
"Ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha …"
"What are you laughing at, old man?" Xiao asked you’re welcome to smile and asked.
"unbridled! How dare you talk to Mr. Niu like that! Hum, you this guy is very close to death, the cow elder root is not … "Someone has replaced the old man to scold.
Xiao asked immediately face dew "panic se" show is panic nu way "I didn’t expect you to hide so deep are you a fairy? !”
"How can I bring you back if I don’t hide it?" The old man proudly listened to his tone, which was just the same as hiding the realm by bringing Xiao Wen back.
"predecessors! The younger generation is ignorant of Mount Tai, and I hope the older generation will forgive me! "
"pardon? Ha ha … "
"Cow elder don’t let him go …" Gold heavy barely stopped in the distance, spraying blood foam and pointing to Xiao asked.
The old man surnamed Niu shook his head and looked at Xiao Wen. He asked with regret that he hated iron and did not produce samples. "You probably never thought of going to eversleeping here …"
"The predecessors forgive me!" Xiao asked urgent way
"Ha ha ha ha ….."
Laughing and laughing, the old man surnamed Niu suddenly stopped to live fiercely, and people have disappeared from the original place!
Appear again has reached the front of shaw asked single palm toward xiao asked to a face of folded se "show has a dead hand!
Then Xiao Wen disappeared …
Xiao Wen’s place is ten feet above his head. The old man can’t see it naturally, but others can see it clearly!
That wine bottle gourd will also teleport!
Before this was over, Xiao Wendan’s red light in Tanaka suddenly rushed out of the seemingly energy but angular, and no one could see what it was for a while.
When the old man surnamed Niu wanted to run, the angular red light covered him and suddenly became solid!
Seven treasures dazzle the fire tower!
The fire suddenly started!
Then, through the crystal wall of Qibao Xuanhuo Tower, everyone saw that the cow elder was turned to ashes in an instant!
"Hurry up! I have a tuba kung fu. How many times do you want me to say it? "
Chapter three hundred Tawei
The wet and soft beach sent itself to try to drive away the black ants with feet and torches. Welcome to reading. It is still fierce and not afraid of death. It rushed to the surface from different directions and was covered by dense similar bodies. Huge words-"Xiang Yu died quickly"!
Surprised soldiers finally saw that still sitting on horseback, sir, suddenly and violently with a splash of blood like a fountain in the neck. This blood rainbow is like a fire setting sun. This blood rainbow constantly shows the soldiers around. Just now, it was despised by the heroes from the front. Xiang Yu is so horrible!
"shoot!" The sword, which weighs dozens of pounds, trembled with anger along Xiang Yu’s hand and sank into the handle in the wet and soft sand! "What? ! What’s this? !” Xiang Yu clenched his fists in grief and indignation, and his murderous red eyes stared at the sky.
There are over 100 provocative troops in this team, and no one can stop the outmanned overlord Xiang Yu! A flicker of prancing Xiang Yu as easily as into the environment around the crowd rushed towards the flag officer in the team.
With the forced eviction of the dreamland that made him feel uneasy again and again, Xiang Yu’s original strong willpower gradually faded, bowed his head and rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and the irresistible weakness from the depths of his heart came again.
One will be successful and ten thousand bones will dry up! Didn’t you see what God did to yourself? Don’t say it’s a dead blow, but I didn’t even let overlord Xiang Yu see it! "Thief overlord xiang yu never unwilling! Never be reconciled! "
"overlord! Absolutely not! " Before Xiang Yu horizontal sword commit suicide with him for many years, many guards all fell on their knees. At that time, Xiang Yu, a strong man, finally fell into two heroic tears.