Before Hu Jia, Chen Jia took refuge in Ling Tian first.

It’s no good for them to go against the water now.
Besides, the duke has been eyeing up the Chen family. Once the duke is turned over, the first unlucky thing is that they are the Chen family.
Master Chen wouldn’t be so stupid.
That’s the Song family and the Li family left.
The Song family hasn’t chosen a new owner yet.
The obvious fight is more serious
Do they have any energy left to do other things in this situation?
But then again, if you really want to climb the duke and wait for the dust to settle, isn’t it certain to take the main position of the Song family?
Song family suspicion cannot be ruled out.
The Li family has more minds than anyone else and should know the pros and cons.
But who can guarantee that he won’t reach any agreement with the duke?
On the surface, it is on their side, but secretly it helps the duke to seek something?
Suspicion of the Li family cannot be ruled out.
Who could it be?
See Hu not lost in thought. General Gu and Hu Lai didn’t bother him.
They don’t know how to deal with the monster beast, so let him worry.
The room fell into silence, but it became more noisy outside.
"We want to see the Lord and hand him over!"
"It’s been two days. Are you lying to us? You must have imprisoned the Lord! "
"Don’t blame us if you don’t hand over the Lord!"
Hulai can’t sit still, and he will go out with his fist clenched.
"I’ll go out and have a look."
"What can you do when you go out?"
The ancient general stopped him shake head a way
"This is your territory, and those fighters outside are mostly under your jurisdiction."
"You can appease them when you go out at ordinary times."
"But now someone is inciting you to go out and just fall into their trap."
"What will you do if they arrest you and blackmail Hu Jia?"
Hulai pursed her lips and stopped talking.
The ancient general sighed sadly, and things were really bad.
Do it. They’re not afraid.
Although they are at a disadvantage in numbers, they are crushed in strength.
But the consequences are very serious, and it is very likely to cause riots in Muwei.
It will be difficult to end it then.
Even the border town will be affected.
the other side

"Yin Tong tube you know what is the real reason why the emperor let me into the palace?" It’s always strange to announce the princess’s entry into the palace as soon as Jiyou is here.

Yin Shaoshi said to Qin Lan’s heart, "Back to the county, the queen is ill. The emperor wants you to go to the palace to accompany her. He also said that the queen likes to eat that honey lotus root in the knowledge park, but the palace chef can’t always make that taste so that you can go to the palace to cook this dish for the queen."
Qin Lan remembered yesterday Zhong Yi’s face was worried and depressed, and asked Yin Shaoshi to wait a moment. She went back to the house and took something into her arms, and then followed him into the palace.
After arriving at the palace, Yin Shaoshi directly took her into Zhong Yufeng and the temple, and Mammy Xun had already got the will to wait in the temple and not to visit the patients, except for Zhong Yilian, who was rejected by Zhong Yu.
After Qin Lan’s heart went in, Zhong Yuzheng was lying on the couch in the bedroom, and her face could not hide her sadness and depression. Perhaps that’s why she tried to hide her exposed emotions and didn’t want to see others.
"Is it okay to see the Empress Phoenix body?" Qin Lan gave Zhong Yu a polite ceremony.
Zhong Yu got up from the couch and sat with a forced smile and said to her, "There is no stranger here, so you and I don’t have to get up like this!"
After Qin Lan got up, he sat down on the Longfeng couch next to the chair and served hot tea to the maid-in-waiting, and then he left the temple, leaving Zhong Yu and Qin Lan with two people.
"Thank you, Lan Xin, for teaching Shuo Er as well as I do!" Qin Lan sincerely thanked Zhong Yu as soon as she sat down.
This time, Qi Shuo returned to Gong Zhongyu and found that his character became more lang and he understood more truth.
"Thank you, Empress, for praising him as a little emperor. He is naturally intelligent, willing to learn and has a kind heart!" Qi Shuo was well protected before, and this time he did grow a lot in Fujiangkou. Qin Lanxin also believes that this child will be a good national emperor when he grows up.
Zhong Yu smiled at her with relief and said, "Yi Er told me about this birthday banquet hosted by Prince Gong’s house and she invited you!"
To He Fangqing, Zhong Yu’s face was a little lonely. In those days, He Fangqing asked her to leave the Zhong family alone and go to the ends of the earth, but she couldn’t be so selfish. Finally, she married into the palace, and the gap between mother and daughter who had not seen each other for years had not been eliminated.
Qin Lan nodded, and she could feel that Zhong Yu was talking to her now, which was naturally because Zhong Yi liked her. Zhong Yu, the elder sister, was willing to talk to her more, but she also came with ""today.
"Empress, you look a little pale. Why don’t you let me make you some side dishes and snacks later?" It seems that Zhong Yu likes to eat sweet things from the news revealed by Yin Shaoshi just now, and there must be enough ingredients in the imperial kitchen for her to play.
"Well, I want to eat your cooking, too, but don’t worry. Please talk to me first!" Zhong Yu also guessed Qin Lan’s intentions, but her heart could be solved if others wanted to.
"yes! Why don’t I tell the empress a short story first? This is what my former master told me! " Qin Lan heart said with a smile
As soon as I heard this story from a famous old man, Zhong Yu, who was also interested, nodded and asked Qin Lan to tell it to her.
"Once upon a time, there was a spider on the beam of a temple with high incense. Because she had been listening to Zen Buddhism in front of the Buddha for a long time and was smoked by incense every day, she gained spirituality. After a thousand years of practice, her spirituality increased a lot. Suddenly, when the Buddha visited the temple, she stopped and said,’ You and I met each other as Buddha’s fate. Let me ask you, after a thousand years of practice, when you saw all the people in this temple, can you realize what is the most precious thing in this world?’ "
"Is that spider answering?" Zhong Yu has been aroused more interest by Qin Lan’s heart.
"The spider thought about it and told the Buddha that the most precious things in this world are’ can’t get’ and’ lost’." Qin Lanxin told Zhong Yu the most famous Buddhist story in previous lives-"Spider Zhi Cao"
Then she went on to explain to Zhong Yu that it was another thousand years and the Buddha asked the spider the same question and the spider gave the same answer.
Another thousand years later, one day, a big wind blew a drop of nectar to the cobweb, and the spider loved it, but the wind blew it away again, and the spider became very lonely. At this time, the Buddha came again, and the answer remained the same this time.
So the Buddha touched the spider, and let the spider become a governess. She was named after the spider, and the spider loved the new champion Ganlu. And she knew that he was the drop in front of the temple that made her like manna, but the champion Lang didn’t like her, but Princess Changfeng got married, and she was also ordered to marry Taizhicao.
"Spider really pity her lover for marrying someone else and she wants to marry someone she doesn’t like!" I don’t know what Zhong Yu looks even more lonely.
Qin Lan didn’t encourage her, but continued to preach, "Spider was like a bolt from the blue when she heard the news. She felt that life could be loved at the moment when her soul was about to be out of body experience. Too Zhi Cao came to her side sadly and said that he fell in love with her at first sight and begged his father to marry him. He also said that if Spider died, he would never live alone in the world and took out his sword to prepare for double suicide. At this moment, the Buddha appeared and said to Spider,’ Have you ever thought that it was the wind that sent nectar to you and finally took it away? Princess Yu Changfeng, he is just a short episode in your life, and Taizhi grass was a grass at the crossbeam door of the temple in those days. He looked at you for 3 thousand years and loved you for 3 thousand years, but you never looked down at it. Let me ask you again, what is the most precious thing in this world?’ Empress, do you think Spider will answer this time? "
Zhong Yu has long been moved by the end of Qin Lanxin’s story. She has been in love for 3,000 years. How affectionate it should be!
"What did she say?" Zhong Yu is eager to know the answer.
"Spider finally realized that she told the Buddha that the most precious thing in this world is not’ can’t get’ and’ lost’ but to grasp the happiness in your hands. There is a saying in the Buddha’s mind that life is bitter, that is, life is born, old age, illness, death, parting, resentment and hatred, and life is too short. Unhappy things often happen. If you don’t give more to those beautiful things, don’t hold on to the happiness you have now. This is the right choice, isn’t it?
After Qin Lanxin’s remarks, Zhong Yu fell into silence for a long time, but Qi You and Zhong Yi outside the bedroom also didn’t speak. They were also shocked by Qin Lanxin’s story. Can you get love for once in this life?
Are they the spider who hasn’t understood for a long time or the grass who hasn’t changed her mind?
Now, after listening to this story, their hearts are no longer calm. Since the most precious thing is to grasp the happiness now, they will not wave again. How can they miss it when they have loved ones in their hearts?
Jiyou suddenly stepped in and Zhong Yi followed, pulling Qin Lan out of the bedroom. He thought Jiyou and Zhong Yu should have a lot to say.
For the sudden appearance of Jiyou and Zhong Yi, Zhong Yu and Qin Lan were all shocked, but Zhong Yi took Qin Lan away without saying anything. Jiyou was walking towards Zhong Yu step by step with deep affection.
I don’t know if I haven’t pulled away from the story of spider’s too cheese grass. At this moment, Zhong Yu’s eyes were flustered when he looked at you again.
She thinks she is too much like Spider. Spider hasn’t had an epiphany for 3,000 years. What about her? How many years has she passed?
If I didn’t meet Qin Lanxin and tell this story to myself in this life, would I think that "I can’t get it" and "I have lost it" are the most precious things in this life?
"Yu son, we have been torturing each other for so many years. Why should we always be spiders and grass? Don’t say 30,000 years, 300,000 years … I have to wait for you to look back and find that I have always loved you and guarded you! "
When I first saw Zhong Yu when I was a child, her figure never disappeared in Jiyou’s mind, just like the Taizhicao in Qin Lanxin’s story. He also loved him deeply. After so many years, he still didn’t choose to look at him.
"Emperor, maybe my root is not your spider, but that drop of dew!" Even though her heart has been passively shaken, Zhong Yu still stubbornly refuses to admit that once she says "love", she is afraid that she can’t keep her only "heart".
"No, you are my spider, no matter before, now or after, no matter how you treat me, I will always be with you and love you forever!" Jiyou firmly grasped Zhong Yu’s hand in the previous step and let her break free.
"The emperor’s’ forever’ is the strongest promise in this world. You always know what I want, but … you are the emperor … you can’t afford it!" She has never changed, but her heart is too small to put too many things. The position of queen of the Great Wei Dynasty is actually not suitable for her.
"Yu son, are you so afraid of loving me? Does loving me make you so miserable and disgusted? What, we can’t be honest together without misunderstanding like ordinary couples in this world? Just because I am an emperor? " If she shared this love, worked hard and had courage like him, then they would never do this.
"Just because you are the emperor, just because you put me in this cage, just because you want to have me! Qiyou, is this how you love me? If you really love me, why go to another woman! " Zhong Yu couldn’t help but shout as if he had cried out all the grievances in his heart.
And JiYou all stood there stupidly. Although former Zhong Yu also accused him of being "selfish", this time JiYou felt a deep sense of jealousy and jealousy. It turned out that she cared!
And Zhong Yu’s "grievance" which she endured for several years finally broke out in front of Jiyou because Qin Lanxin had just told that story.
That story made her realize that she had long been moved by Qi You’s love and protection, and her heart made her tear off the mask of "indifference", which gave her a little courage to hold on to "being happy".
Love has always been there, but today it is fiercely ignited. Zhong Yu doesn’t want to hide or avoid her, but she is jealous.
Zhong Yi and Qin Lan quarreled in the temple not far from the temple, but they also knew that they were not talking calmly, although there was no sound at all later.
"Little prince, you and the county magistrate go to the side hall and wait for a moment. The emperor and queen may have something to talk about!" Xun Mammy had a smile on her face and faced her with some "meaningful" smiles. Zhong Yi and Qin Lan took one look at the silent bedroom, which seemed to be a white thing, but they had to pretend that they didn’t know anything.
"Mammy asked me to cook something delicious for the queen. Please let me take me to the kitchen first!" The feelings of the emperor and queen are really "complicated". Qin Lan feels that it is more appropriate for her to go to the kitchen now. I wonder if she will feel a little embarrassed when she is alone with Zhong Yi again.
"Mammy, take the county magistrate!" Zhong Yi’s face was calm, thinking about Jiyou and Zhong Yu’s feelings. Even great progress has been made since Jishuo Zhong Yu, but never let Jiyou touch her again.
Qin Lan made several sweets for Zhong Yu in the small kitchen of Fenghe Temple, but when she cooked the meal, the door of Fenghe Temple was still sealed. Mammy Xun looked at her with a little regret and embarrassment. Fortunately, when Mammy Xun told her outside the temple, Jiyou asked her to go back to the knowledge park first.
Three days later, Qin Lanxin was declared into the palace again. This time, Zhong Yu personally summoned her, and when she saw Zhong Yu again, Qin Lanxin found that her whole person was completely new from the inside out, just like a different person. It seems that the power of love is really great.
"Thank you for your heart!" Zhong Yu seems to have suddenly realized that Qin Lan’s heart is the person sent by the Buddha to enlighten her. She has figured out a lot of things and she feels relaxed all over.
She doesn’t want to be a "silly spider" anymore. Now that she has loved Jiyou, try to have a look.
"Empress doesn’t have to thank Lan Xin for telling a short story. Everything is realized by the Empress herself. If a person has a cage, he will be trapped in its center. If he is free, he will be the whole world." In fact, in Qin Lan’s mind, it is not her queen status, the deep palace, Qi You’s deep love, her various responsibilities or excuses, but herself that really traps Zhong Yu.
"Lan heart I remember what you said! No wonder mother and grandpa three like you so much. I really want you to marry into the palace earlier, so my mother may be able to get out of the cage earlier. "It is said that" the authorities are blind to the beholder. "Zhong Yu always felt that she had seen through a lot of things until now, only to know that her life has always been a narrow road.
Now, after Qin Lan’s heart, it suddenly dawns that people are in a hurry. She dared to love and hate to marry before she got married dozens of years ago. Instead, she became timid. This is not her Zhong Yu. She wants to live more like herself again.
Qin Lan smiled shyly and said nothing.
She has always believed that Zhong Yu is a very special person. Not every woman in this world has the courage to escape marriage, especially if she wants to marry that person or the emperor. A woman who refuses to be a queen but dares to fight is admirable in this feudal and strict ancient times.
Qin Lanxin also believes that when Zhong Yu finds the woman who once had "courage", it will never be the same again.
"After Lan Xin, you should always come to the palace to accompany me. Although I am older than you, I always feel that many things are not thoroughly seen by you, and it makes me feel very relaxed to talk to you." Qin Lan Xin is like Zhong Yu meeting a close friend in confusion. Her words can always give her the most intimate comfort.
Although the present person is a queen, leaving aside Qin Lan’s identity, I also feel that Zhong Yu is a relative. If she lives in Kyoto after that, Zhong Yu will definitely take a step closer.
"Report to the empress Lanfei!" General eunuch suddenly shouted at the door.
Love really needs courage!

The old boom has also been exiled for most of his life. He smiled and said, "The owner of the volcano factory is old boom."

(Migu) Kuang was tongue-tied.
Mom, this is not a big deal. That Sunllian is still a factory owner?
This position is inherently poor (Mi Gu). Kuang wants to resist, but he is a little guilty and can point to two ships at will. "You go and help!"
Can’t I stay away by myself?
Kuang quickly took the boat away.
But there are also idle people here.
Indigo strolled with measured steps, left and right, and walked to the front of the (ancient) cruel and violent, and nodded, "It was a giant nut ship that built a wooden manor, but it was a little small …"
"Bold!" Seeing him coming (Mi Gu), Kuang stared at him a little warily. When he heard him say this, he suddenly became uncomfortable. "We are the biggest ship in the era of exile. Who saw it? Don’t praise it? How dare you say that our giant nut boat is too small? "
How dare anyone spit out our giant nut garden!
Indigo smiled and shook her head. "At that time, my friend gave me a ship ten times bigger than this one! But I’m glad you like it. "
"brag about it!" (Mi Gu) Kuang didn’t believe it.
The owner of their giant nut orchard is the most cruel owner in the era of exile!
Their giant nut orchard nut boat is also the most famous in the exile era.
Now the most brutal name has been taken away by Zhuang not far away. Is it necessary to take away even the cruel name?
No, absolutely not!
Indigo shook her head. "Knowing children …"
"hey!" Hearing that Indigo despised him so much, Kuang was angry and patted his chest and made a provocation. "Come and have the courage to say something to my fist!"
Indigo came to cherish the memory and sigh with emotion. I pretended to be a B and planned to leave after a few words. I didn’t expect to be provoked.
Although Indigo’s temperament is much calmer after the resurrection, is the dignity of the manor owner a challenge?
His eyes suddenly glared. "Are you really going to challenge me?"
Speaking, his figure grew rapidly.
"Of course, I (Mi Gu) Kuang is not afraid of … who … except the manor owner."
At the end, the sound is getting lower and lower.
Mom, this is another manor owner!
"My Lord, help!" (Mi Gu) Kuang turned and ran away in fright.
"Boom boom boom …" There was a fighting sound across the street.
"Be quiet and work!" The old roar roars.
I’ve delayed the good deeds of Master Zhuang, and I’ll take care of you!
Chapter 1149 Door live broadcast
People come and go on the streets of the earth state, and an employee of a high-grade office building is being thrown out of the station in a mess.
Most people don’t know the origin of the conflict between the two sides, but this doesn’t prevent many people from sticking their heads out to watch the excitement.
Two security guards pushed the driven workers and cried bitterly, "Don’t be too proud. Sooner or later, the emperor will punish you!"
"Emperor Ma is coming, and you rich and heartless people will be punished by the emperor!"
"I’ll put my words here. I want to see you die a natural death!"
"When the time comes, everything will be gone, and your broken company will fail sooner or later …"

Chapter 27 Face jealous woman (2)

Chapter 27
Su Wan actually went to see Sang Feifei when she was idle chatting.
Now that I know that Sang Feifei is having a hard time, Su Wan also feels relieved.
In the other two, a white ripple and a screenwriter Su Wan will certainly not let them go so easily.
Some people never give up until they reach the Yellow River.
If they are blindly followed, then they will intensify.
Su Wan went straight to sy Company when she got out of rehab.
Gu Shu got several martial arts dramas over there, all of which are very good types. I want Su Wan to have a look. Su Wan is interested in martial arts, so I went there directly.
Su Wan didn’t know until Gu Shu’s office that the previous film "Fun Chains" was awarded the best actress, the best screenwriter and the best soundtrack. Although it is a small award, it is also a kind of affirmation for Su Wan.
However, this is not a particularly well-known award, and the average artist will not be directly present to let the agent lead many.
Gu Shu also heard that this matter would be played to Su Wan and said, "You won’t attend that occasion."
Su Wan shrugged. "This is the first time I have won this award."
"It’s not very important," Gu Shu said. "Wait until you get an international prize."
Su Wan nodded. "All right, then."
To tell the truth, Su Wan felt a little sorry when she heard this sentence.

If you say it’s good, it’s a natural turn. If it’s not good, it’s called "leakage of essence"

It’s almost impossible for Su Jing to repair the essence and leak it, which shows the influence of the foreign spirit on him.
In my heart, Su Jing temporarily stopped the former governor of Lingzhou from sitting in the fire and quietly realized that he was getting angry … After sitting for three days, Su Jing reopened his eyes, Xiaoguang turned around and flew to the oblique side!
For seventy-three days, the light at the end of the line of sight showed a brilliant sun hanging in the distance
Just looking at the hot sun ahead carefully, suddenly a little flower cat jumped out of nowhere and grabbed it. When the fluffy ball ran past the small ceiling, it temporarily spit the ball to the ground. The cat shouted "Hello Su Jing, the sun makes me feel uncomfortable. Don’t get too close. Goodbye Su Jing" and then picked up the ball and continued to run before the trip.
Extremely wonderful, dignified and holy.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ten Scarlet heaven and earth
Su Jing was startled by her, and before she could answer anything, the cat had already run away.
Is it passing by?
I haven’t seen it come back for a long time
It’s passing by
Su Jing withdrew his mind and sent him far away to explore the distant sun.
Seventy-three days in a hurry, the sadness and depression became more and more clear, and now I finally got to the place, which is to vent my anger in the hot sun ahead.
During the trip, Su Jing asked seventeen villains, Yan Zi and Lie Xiao Er, and they didn’t notice anything, but Su Jing, the small god of the Sun, felt the same and was often infected by that inexplicable meaning, and his eyes unconsciously showed sadness.
Although it is not completely guaranteed, Su Jing can probably understand that the spirit can be received by the Sun and the Yanghuo people.
The scale of the scorching sun ahead is far from Su Jing’s hundred-mile golden wheel, even hundreds of thousands of miles more than Fiona Fang’s, which is enough to nourish several real suns in the world!
Su Jing is a temple of "walking" and going straight into the depths of the sun.
The temple is magnificent, but it is also the golden sun.
Su Jing has been wandering around for six times, and has seen some suns several times, but the real sun has never been seen. After all, the universe is vast, and the number of sacred objects in the sun is not too much. You can meet many fairy swords if you want to touch them, and you can’t see a feather in the sun for ten thousand years.
The golden wheel ahead is the same as Su Jing’s. The crow casting the sun god has long since left the main sun, but what about Jin Wudi’s feeling of sadness?
When Yang Huo Fa Yuan’s life was really repaired, that sad spirit really made Su Jing feel sad, and he didn’t hesitate too much to turn his mind and put the small light into his sleeve and then spread his wings to fly to the hot sun.
Two hundred and fifty years ago, when I first met another stack, Su Jing was able to turn the small light into a ball of light. Now, after four armor sacrifices, I have put the small light in my sleeve and put it in my arms with Su Jing’s heart. Su Jing estimated that if I had another armor sacrifice, I would be able to swallow the small light directly into my stomach.
There seems to be no difference between hiding sleeves and swallowing belly. In fact, there is a difference between the two. The former, a large piece of Lingzhou has become a small group, and the shape has changed. The scale is small and it is convenient to carry, but the quality remains the same and the weight remains unchanged. When you can swallow it, it will be a qualitative change. You can change the small light ceiling at will, and you can also shuttle back and forth. This qualitative change is also called virtual change.
After refining this "virtual change", the pursuit of refining means that the "meaning" has changed. Is the real sun a fire and the world a fire? Is the virtual world a real fire world and should it be as real as the universe? You have to hide the truth in this fire, and you have to get the spiritual deficiency in this world. When the two things are combined, the refining day is completed.
The so-called hidden truth falls into Su Jing’s state of mind is "the unity of heaven and man"; Spiritual deficiency is the only one in his mind. It is not difficult to understand whether man is the world or the world is a man. There is a real world hidden among people, and there is also a person in the world who talks about who is hiding and who is hiding.
When I am alone, my mind turns away from heaven and earth, heaven and earth, and everyone can go to heaven and earth. Where did people go? What is the world for people? All, also not spirit deficiency.
In the fusion of "hiding the truth" and "spiritual deficiency", I am determined to hold on to the realm and ruin the bag for a hundred years.
In fact, Su Jing’s state of mind is all ready as far as refining day is concerned, and it’s too late. In those days, every breakthrough in Su Jing’s practice will attract Yang Saburo’s admiration, not Yang Saburo’s deliberate curry favor …
The golden wheel is full of flames, and it is blown to pieces, and it is hot and dry, and the gangfeng sweeps thousands of miles with great force. But neither the flame nor the gangfeng will hurt the real Yang Huodi, who was burned by this fire and was warmed by this wind.
When the fire flashed, the little Sun Yuan God jumped out and jumped Su Jing’s shoulders, enjoying the warmth and comfort together, and then moving forward into the depths of the sun, the spirit fire seemed to be able to tell that the arrival was the same clan, the same clan, the same road, the huge flames, the left and right sides, and the rushing sea. Su Jing gave way to the initiative.
Su Jing went straight to the Sun Temple in the center of the scorching sun without stopping, but when he was halfway, his expression became weird, and he really knew what he saw in front of the scenery, right?
Don’t say that immortals, even practitioners, have spiritual knowledge, and their true knowledge is shallow. In other words, they are the integration of qi and heart with body feeling-exploring all around at any time, reaching mountains, lakes, heaven and earth as small as a grass and trees are all mapped to knowing the sea, which is not clearer than looking directly at it, but the coverage is much wider.
Besides, in the process of casting the sun in the sun, a temple of sun fire will be built. The temple of sun fire will be built magnificently, regardless of whether the sun is cast like sun fire. The scale can be considered as a small door. When Xiao Sujing is not in the hot sun, he really explores this temple. It is as tall and magnificent as he has ever seen before. Wan Li is vast
True knowledge is reflected and transformed into a big palace that knows the sea rolling in flames; True knowledge should have guided Su Jing into the main hall gate by now … But in the eyes, there is no temple, and there is no golden gate with fire, which is enchanting and swaying wildly.
It’s a pity that Yozaburo can’t be disturbed now, otherwise Su Jingzhen would like to ask her what the situation is.
What the true knowledge explores is a heavy "illusion". It is quite strange that Su Jing can’t help but slow down his steps. Ninety-nine Geng Jin Jian feathers were scattered by him and quietly merged into the fire around him.
Walk, walk, walk Su Jing through the tall towers, spacious squares, and layers of halls in the real knowledge, which is actually through the poor flames … So he walked seven thousand miles until he came to the main hall of the Sun Fire Palace in the real knowledge, and finally the eyes showed a house that was not a flame.
Adobe walls and tiled roofs seem to collapse at any moment. A small room is only available in the poorest and most barren villages in middle earth.
Su Jing can’t help but be indecisive. I have always been able to distinguish the true knowledge around me. It’s still a magnificent hall here. I simply said, "I will learn from Su Jing, a younger generation, after the fire is repaired, and I will come by nearby to find out the pulse. I hope I can help you. Please tell the younger generation not to dare."
Su Jing, who was so sad before, thought that if the sun needed help here, he would not refuse.
Such as a dilapidated hut people should Su Jing repeat singing Mennuo again, and still people will ignore Su Jing’s confession and carefully push the door before taking a step.
Getting up and practicing, Su Jing’s alert situation is too wrong. He dare not have the slightest carelessness, but no matter how careful he is, there is nothing wrong with his door suddenly exploding in front of his eyes, causing a sensation in his ears, and blowing a vast wind around him!
In an instant, Su Jinggen’s method was so strong that he resisted the dizzy feeling, and the five senses were blinded and confused. The body is even more uncontrolled and falls heavily!
Falling, but by no means falling to the cliff, feels more like a dream. Everything is limited to expansion, enlargement, towering, but oneself are shrinking and sinking. Fear suddenly cuts out your heart and mind, and it seems that there is no longer only fear, fear and fear.
Fortunately, this terrible feeling lasted for a moment, and after three to five breaths, Su Jing suddenly felt that the body was stabilized by strong light, and the strange wind with loud noise dispersed … The body was still full of vitality, and the five senses were clear. The little Sun Yuan God also had his shoulders in front of him … What place is it!
Scarlet red scorched earth scarlet boundless sky This red is not as shocking as blood, nor as vigorous as the glow of the sun, or it hangs over the world. There is sun in the glow of the sun, and some blood remains. The color is sharp and ferocious, but it is more dead than I have ever seen, and I can’t make an accurate shape with words, but it makes my heart stop trembling and my body cold and lifeless.
Dead red world destroyed the day before yesterday, the last touch of Xiaguang red blood was about to solidify and turn black, and finally insisted on dying red before purple.
There is more than one sun in the sky. Looking round after round, Su Jing is a fairy fighting with two nests of ants. He can see at a glance that the number will not be more than one, and now he can’t count how many suns are hung in this sky!
Are those still the sun? The moon is cloudy and sunny, and the sun is missing. The sun will always be round and bright unless the dog eats the sun. In this day, the sun is all incomplete, cracked and ferocious, and it is striking. Climbing all over the sky, the sun is more like hooking and breaking the sun.
What’s more, it’s "residual". Those suns are not thriving, blazing and bright, and they have no vitality at all. It’s as if they have put out the remaining warm coals and ashes, and they are dead … and the sun is dead.
Yang is dead, and there is only the last remnant of the Red House. The sky here is also a remnant of the Red House.
Suddenly, half a lamp of the setting sun couldn’t hold on any longer. After shaking for a few days, it fell from the sky and fell in the distance. Su Jing first felt a slight earthquake on the ground and saw the dust rushing up at the place where the setting sun fell …
For those who practice Yang fire and are determined to practice Japanese, the scene of dying in the sky is not too shocking. Su Jing is absent-minded. It takes a moment before he finds himself in a scarlet, warm mud and soft mud that has unconsciously passed his knees.
Behind the fire, Su Jing flew up, pulled himself out of the scarlet swamp and followed his mind to fly straight to the sky, so that he could have a bird’s eye view of songkhla …
Chapter one thousand one hundred and eleven Will stall fetal Yang
Behind the fire, Su Jing flew up, pulled himself out of the scarlet swamp and followed his mind to fly straight to the sky, so that he could have a bird’s eye view of songkhla …
Whenever there is a lake in the southwest of Dahongzhi, it is famous. That lake is called "Shenyu Lake"
Shenyu Lake Fiona Fang occupies three "rare" miles. First, the lake is dependent on mountains and mountains, and the lake inclines to the top of the mountain, so you can have a bird’s eye view of the great lake. Needless to say, the scenery is magnificent.
The second "rare" is that the lake is clear and the abnormal water quality is far clearer than other rivers, lakes and rivers, and the lake light is bright in the clarity;
The third "rare" is really "rare". The bottom of the lake is uneven and scattered, and there are hundreds of deep pits, large and small. The bottom of the lake is dozens of Fiona Fang, and the size of the lake is tens of miles. The lake is clear and abnormal. From the top of the mountain, the lake is flat, and the color at the bottom of the lake is deep and blue. It seems that large and small jasper sinks into a lake at the bottom of the lake with several spots and several heavy colors.

White bowl heart nodded, "Grandma, your brain is still so good."

This time, Weah was in a trance. "She … got married?"
"I don’t know about this. I know she is my goddess mother."
Bai Weah suddenly turned his head and walked towards the gate. White Pearl followed him.
He bought a car, White Pearl bought a car, and White Weah went to the gate to contain White Pearl and called the trees. She still found it from Bai Song’s mobile phone, thinking that one day it would be unexpected and true.
She thought that Chu Yiqing would definitely see her before she and Bai Weah.
When the trees were picked up, it was the sound of white pearl cutting fruit. I didn’t expect that the white bowl was very fast, and white pearl came to the door so soon.
"What’s up?"
"I want to see Chu Yiqing"
Section 463
"Oh, well, I’ll ask her if she wants to see you."
"She will meet me."
"How can you be sure?" The trees laughed. "Why are you afraid?"
"Cut the crap. Where is she?"
"I’ll send you the address. Come here."
Chu Yiqing took the fruit from the forest. "Is she coming?"
"Of course she’s coming to see if you really have someone pretending."
"I just want to meet her, too. Do you think we should call Weijiang back?"
"What, Mommy, are you afraid of her?"
"I’m afraid she’s crazy. You can’t beat her. You see, I can’t help you."
"Don’t worry, she can’t beat me." The tree put the baton next to the sofa. It’s her killer skill.
Daughter has a plan, and she can’t be ambitious and destroy herself.
According to the address of the forest tree, White Pearl found that the root here is a resort, and there are several villas. It is said that the villas here are not for sale, but are owned by our own people.
Chu Yiqing actually lives here? You’re here for a holiday, right? Even if you’re not here for a holiday, you’re buying it for her. What’s the big deal about having such a rich son-in-law
Yu Weiran is her son? It’s just a play, and she didn’t care
The forest gave her the remote control door, and she brought the car in and deliberately crushed the flowers and plants in the yard. Zhengyan was so crushed that she fell down.
There was an evil smile on the corner of the mouth of White Pearl, and it was a relief to find a breakthrough all the way.
The trees were monitored from the living room to see all this clearly. She called the nanny and gave her orders.
White Pearl entered the living room, and Chu Yiqing sat on the sofa with her back to her. She saw that her back seemed quite thin.
Wearing a piece of red clothes, the corners of his mouth laughed at "How old are you to return to act young? Are you still ten? Who are you going to seduce in that gorgeous dress?"
When she was young, she wore such an eye-catching color when she went to the White House for the first time, which seemed to inject a little vitality into the whole ancient decorated living room.
Naturally attracted the attention of the White House Master and Bai Weah. Although Bai Weah didn’t show anything, she saw the amazing look in his eyes.
From then on, she was jealous of her as a woman who was driven out of the house without a mother. Why should she take her rightful place?
She always thought that it was Chu Yiqing who seduced Bai Weah and made his mind slowly move from her to Chu Yiqing. She never thought that Bai Weah and Chu Yiqing were legal couples and she was the third party.
The forest is sitting opposite Chu Yiqing, facing the white pearl. Her sharp eyes sweep past. "This is my home. Please speak with respect or don’t blame me."
White Pearl dismissed "Hum, don’t you just rely on your family’s power? Do you dare to say such arrogant things yourself? "
"You can try to see what kind of result it is to touch my bottom line."
The eyes of the trees are so sharp that the white pearl moves her eyes.
Walk across from Chu Yiqing, she came to see Chu Yiqing to see if she was really Chu Yiqing. I really didn’t die then, but now this is really not easy
That face is still so delicate, moist and delicate that you can vaguely see that it was beautiful when you were young.
Chu Yiqing looked at her eyes without hatred, joys and sorrows, like a pool of stagnant water, but in her opinion, she seemed to be watching her jokes.
She can forget that face, but she can’t forget the mocking eyes and Gherardini corners of her mouth.
"You are really a clear? You’re not dead? " Pupil contraction of white pearl
"How can I die if you are such a hateful person who is not dead? I’ll see the day when you get what you deserve. "
White Pearl sat down on the sofa and tried to calm herself down as much as possible. What she had learned to calm down was "What are you doing back?"
"I came back to you for justice. I can’t forget what you did to me, so I have to come."
"I did that to you. You deserve it. The White House is me. Who let you break in? Occupy my position. "
"White pearl, do you know what you’re talking about? I took your place? Where are you? I am the daughter-in-law married by the White House, and you are the adopted daughter of the White House. You actually Xiang Xiao’s own brother regards his own brother as his private property, seduces his own brother and designs to conceive his child? I tell you, if I knew you had such a nasty and disgusting idea, I would rather starve to death than walk into the White House door. "
"Don’t pretend to be lofty for me." White Pearl’s face was distorted. Chu Yiqing made her taboo. She actually revealed that she had seduced Bai Weah and designed a white Weah child. Bai Weah didn’t know it until now.
At the beginning, when she wanted to kill Chu Yiqing, she was proud and told it to Chu Yiqing. The secret that had been suppressed for so long was finally spit out, and she was also relieved.
Who knows that Chu Yiqing didn’t die, then the secret became a handle in Chu Yiqing’s hand, which made her nervous
If Chu Yiqing tells Bai Weah, then Bai Weah will definitely divorce him.
So she wants to see Chu Yiqing in front of Bai Weah to persuade her.
"Even if he knows that I seduce him and design him? He and I have been husband and wife for 30 years, and after all, we have never had a problem with me because of this little thing. "
"You mean he already knows these facts?"
"Yes, I know." White Pearl crustily skin of head said.
"Oh, how can I see palpitation in your eyes?"
"flustered? Me? How come? " The white pearl is very deep, but no one can calm down such a thing, or Chu Yiqing saw a clue.
"Chu Yiqing, how have you been these years? Married again? Married to who? Is such a good villa stained with the son-in-law? " White Pearl changed the subject. She came to laugh at Chu Yiqing for not being blown up by her.
Section 464
"I’m fine."

During this period, they have made a lot of progress in fighting for everyone, especially since he has broken the limit twice.

But even he dare not be too far away from young people.
Which means this one-horned white horse …
Better than someone in the place!
"What does she want?"
"Ida, don’t go there!"
There was a sudden whisper in the crowd, with tension in it.
Two people turn head to see a blonde foreign women has walked out of the jungle and is carefully walking towards the one-horned white horse.
"She’s crazy!"
The young man was about to frown when he was stopped by Han Fat.
"Take a look first"
Everyone watched the blonde slowly come to the one-horned white horse, and nothing unusual happened on the way, and the white horse did not show malice.
There was a silence in the field, and everyone held their breath as if waiting for something
Blonde eyes show infatuation, reaching out to touch the white horse on tiptoe, like excitement, like fear stuttering.
"Is this true … true?"
The white horse winked and his eyes seemed puzzled and then grinned.
right after
A scene of terror appeared in front of everyone.
The white horse full of sacred breath slowly opened its mouth, but it was full of jagged teeth, and there was a black smoke full of horror rolling around its throat.
Four hoofs lightly tread black gas, which is born from the hoof and entangles the sole of the foot.
Before the white horse’s big mouth, he opened his mouth and bit the blonde’s head in full view and swallowed it.
Good eyes can see the whole process of the head bulging and falling through the neck.
"Poof yi yi …"
Without his head, the body was rickety and blood was gushing from his neck.
"Ah …"
This terrible scene made the crowd steep and restless.
Rao is Han Pang and others who have been through many battles during this period and can’t help but turn pale.
"Law …"


A month later, the IVF program went smoothly, and the embryo had successfully moved into Chuchu Palace.
Taking good care of little durian in Blue Song is also well controlled.
Xi Yunzheng had an engineering accident in a French company and had to rush there immediately. Before he left, he handed the little durian to Lan Ge.
"Try not to take the children out. If the children are not used to living here, they will go to the Xi Zhai together and I will come back when the things in France are finished."
It happened that something unexpected happened, and after this day, many things changed.
Chuangshiyuan community building
Gemstone black Maserati just got out of a van and three people in gray overalls got into the car with repair tools.
The three men exchanged glances and the doorbell rang.
When Blue Song heard the doorbell ring, she was in the kitchen shooting at Grandma’s bottle at the back of her hand. After feeling the temperature was just right, she took the bottle and wanted to go to the door to dry the clothes. Tian Cheng came over from the balcony and said to Blue Song, "I’ll go to the door and you can feed durian."
Blue song didn’t care and walked to the bedroom.
Through the cat’s eye, I saw three repairmen wearing masks and caps. Without thinking much about Tian Cheng, I knocked on the door, but the door was connected with a security door chain. "Which unit are you?"
"We got word that the natural gas pipeline leaked here and came to repair it."
"We haven’t spoken?" Tian Cheng wondered and turned to look at the bedroom and asked, "Is it you who is here to repair the natural gas pipeline?"
Hear the blue song answer Tian Cheng is confused.
"My friend hasn’t spoken either. Are you in the wrong place?"
It seems that these two women are quite good, and one of them said, "Yes, this is the beautiful woman No.21. Look, we’re here, so let’s check it for you."
Tian Cheng thought it would be good to hit the security door chain.
When three people saw the corridor and the stairs, no one rushed in. Tian Cheng shouted "Ah" in horror and was covered by a man.
☆, Chapter 397 Fanwai Tricks
Blue song heard the noise outside and hurried out to have a look, but Tian Cheng was under control with a sharp knife rest around her neck.
Blue Song was frightened but forced to calm down. "I can give you money if you want it."
I heard that there were many thieves and robbers during the summer vacation. These robbers really boldly pretended to be plumbers and robbed houses.
Little durian jumped out of bed barefoot and sang blue songs. She was so anxious that she put her hand behind her back and waved her hand to signal her not to come out.
Durian was clever and immediately understood her mother’s meaning and got into the closet.
"We don’t want money. We want you-Blue Song."
A woman said that she walked slowly towards the blue song.
That woman has a blue voice, as if she had heard it somewhere.
Suddenly she suddenly remembered.
It was the thrilling night that the woman who once said that she would kill Xi Yunzheng. She forgot that their car was hit by a cliff and her eyes lost for a while.
Blue Song turned to flee into the house in fear, but as soon as she turned around, the woman said angrily, "If you dare to take one more step, your friend will be spattered with blood on the spot."
Blue Song suddenly tried to escape into the house, and the mobile phone was in the room. She could join Yun Zheng to save them, but now, the only plan has also failed.
Tian Cheng is her best friend except Mei Wu. How can she ignore her?
The woman behind her stopped her before she smiled coldly. "What about your daughter?"


Zhu Qin seems to be able to swallow this tone even if he can find the crown home.
Pure physical force shreds a fifth-order silver. Looking at many seventh-order strong people, only people with profound knowledge can do it.
Will those people be afraid of revenge from the crown family?
"That’s it!"
Guan Heng sighs lightly.
"Zunwen, go back first."
The crown and the face are unwilling, but I still bow down and leave with my personal servants.
Return to one’s residence
Everyone has been waiting, especially a few Carl, and Baiyinfeng is pacing back and forth waiting for news.
"Go and check!"
When the crown and tattoo fell, they just fell to the ground and commanded.
"Check that Carl has offended those people in the last ten … five years?"
The murderer used cruel means. If Carl really offended him, it would never grow up. It should be recently.
Five years is the time when the life of silver is calculated.
They should be dispersed in succession.
"young master"
When the crowd dispersed in the field, the servant couldn’t help it.
"If the hand is really the seventh order to pursue whether there is something wrong? Otherwise, I’ll ask Sixth Master? "
"What do you know?"
Crown statue of Wen face big change turn first anger stare at each other bitten to grind just low way
"That stone-eyed Carl!"
"Stone eye …" Four nine first one leng and then face pan panic body couldn’t help shivering.
"But the master asked you to keep that thing temporarily. How did the master … give it to him?"
Young master’s personal servant, he knows very well what his young master’s mouth represents and the importance of that thing is whiter.
I can’t help shivering at the thought of the consequences of loss.
"Carl said that there is a place that can’t be banned and cracked, so I can lend it to him. I think it’s close at hand and it will be taken back in three or five days." Guan Zunwen’s body trembled and gnashed his teeth angrily.
"Who ever thought that he would encounter such a thing!"
"I left a mark on my stone eye, but now I can’t feel it, even if it has fallen into the hands of the murderer."
"Master!" 49 like thought of what suddenly way
"Is it possible that the target is not Carl?"
"Huh?" Guan Zun Wen is one leng.
"You mean … his goal is to be a stone eye from the beginning?"
"So what!"
Halfway through the words, he suddenly left.
"No matter what, we must find out who it is!"
Forty-nine should be blue eyes flashing back and forth
Carl’s death seems to be a natural event, but the crown family seems to be just a death.
Although the repair is not bad, it is also very important.
Looking at the Yunping Mountain Range, a dead silver is more like a stone lost in the lake, causing ripples and being smoothed away in an instant.
Only a few people are persistent in pursuing the real murderer.
A touch of light falls in the middle of the courtyard.

"Right now," Yan Shaoqing said coldly, "shouldn’t your parents see that they have raised a troubled daughter?"

Jiang Jiang noticed that he suppressed his anger and stopped talking.
Heart Warm
It seems that it’s the first time something has happened, and she doesn’t need to make her own plans.
She didn’t do anything, even without saying a word, and someone took over to help her handle it properly.
Still in this aboveboard way.
Everyone has to look at his face. His opinion comes first.
And he she first
I’ve never felt this way before
Jiang Jiang looked out of the window and breathed a sigh of relief and didn’t speak.
In this way, even if her face is still hurt, she feels more secure than before.
Section 146
Late autumn nights are quiet.
The city is still neon-lit, but there are few people on the road.
There are also few cars.
Two people arrived at Jiang’s house at two o’clock in the morning.
Yan Shaoqing called Jiang Yu directly when he stopped, waking him and Chu Yuying.
When he and Jiang Shao go in, Jiang Yu and Chu Yuying have already gone upstairs.
The hall looks spacious.
The lights are dazzling
Looking up, I saw Yan Shaoqing coming in with Jiang Jiang, and Chu Yuying’s eyes were straight.
Look happy about surprise.
Where is there any drowsiness?
I don’t think about what it means for these two people to come back in the middle of the night. I smiled and made tea.
Jiang Yu was as usual, and there was no displeasure in his heart. He invited Yan Shaoqing to sit on the sofa.
Look up and take a look at Jiang Jiang’s face. "How did you hurt your face?"
"She was bullied at school," Yan Shaoqing said lightly. "Three social gangsters tried to round J, and she was unfortunately discovered by two students."
"what!" Jiang Yu was shocked.
Chuyuying didn’t spill his hand when he brought tea.
Yan Shaoqing lifted her eyes and took a look at the two men’s lips. With a sneer, she slowly said, "Uncle Jiang’s upbringing of his daughter is really eye-opening."
"…" Jiang Yu’s face sank. "What do you mean, Shao Qing?"
"Where is Jiang Qing?" Yan Shaoqing (turn)
"Sunny is sleeping upstairs" ChuYuYing consciousness mouth.
"Oh?" Yan Shaoqing crossed his legs and looked at Jiang Yu. In his doubts, he swallowed his eyes and laughed and sneered, "How can she sleep peacefully by looking for someone to humiliate her sister? It’s really forgiving. "
Chapter 9 Rebellion from relatives and friends
His voice export Jiang Yu mercilessly leng one.
For a long time, I still felt unbelievable and hesitated. "… What do you mean? The thing is …"
Chuyuying also silly reluctantly end good cup "pa" a pour on the tea table hot tea poured a piece directly, but she didn’t have time to tidy up lift eyes looked at YanShaoQing equally shocked in the past.
"Yes" YanShaoQing look cold nods.
"How is that possible?" ChuYuYing rubbed hands and laughed "sunny sunny didn’t go to school at home today? We agreed to buy a plane ticket for a trip to country H on a good day. "
YanShaoQing look at her too lazy to talk.
Eyes rested on Jiang Yu.
Jiang Yu knows others well, and he has believed for seven points.
Be furious
Take a deep breath and confirm again, "Are you sure it’s her?"
"The three men who bought it have admitted that they have been temporarily taken into custody at the police station, and the students in the school have also been taken. There are witnesses and fingerprint evidence. Do you think it is uncertain that I will come to Jiang’s house in the middle of the night?" Yan Shaoqing said coldly, "The school has promised to call Jiang Qing in addition to the student status punishment. Since I called the police, I will make decision for Jiang Jia if she doesn’t want this family."
Jiang Yu’s face could not be darker.
A long time flustered got up and took two steps back and forth toward the nanny room and said, "Somebody! Come! "
As early as he and ChuYuYing came, someone woke up in the nanny’s room.
At this moment-
The older Wu Ma hurried out and replied, "Say it, sir."
"Go upstairs," Jiang Yu ordered with trembling fingers and two fingers. "Go upstairs and bring me Jiang Qing."
Wu Ma rushed upstairs.
In the hall—
Suddenly no one spoke again.
Yan Shaoqing glanced at the side of his head, and Jiang Yan came out later. Xiaoli said, "Do you have an ice pack?"
"This ….." Small li sip lip "no"
"Cold drinks?"
"This one has"